NPS High Power Rocket - Level 3 (0 00:04:01)This video is about NPS High Power Rocket - Level 3 Certification and post-certification test flight. [View]
EZI-65 AT K270 2019-05-18 (0 00:04:01)For best results, tap the gear and set the video resolution to the highest your system can handle. EZI-65 Flight 32 Spaceport Rocketry Association Palm Bay, FL ... [View]
6" Black Brant II Rocket Launch on an N1000 (0 00:04:01)Launched my 6" Black Brant II on an N1000 at GRITS near Tifton, GA. GPS data acquired from an Altus Metrum TeleGPS. Onboard video recorded from a Mobius ActionCam. Spectacular launch! Unfortunately, ... [View]
(0 00:04:01)Scratch built rocket for Jolly Logic's Chute Release product. Aerotech G80-10T motor for maiden flight. 60 fps Mobius Actioncam/Additive Aerospace shroud and 60fps keychain camcorder onboard. ... [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry Jayhawk AQM-37 target drone RC foggy day rocket glider flights (0 00:04:02)Dynasoar Rocketry Jayhawk AQM-37 target drone RC foggy day rocket glider flights [View]
Model rocket launches - lots of them!!! (0 00:04:02)First time out with the kids at the Ottawa Rocketry Club launch. Had a great time! [View]
Perseus X4 "Eagle" liftoff on F-24 @ TORC Fest 11/6/2010 (0 00:04:02)Perseus X4 booster "Eagle" on Aerotech F-24 @ Springfiled Ohio TORC Fest 11/7/2010. Altitude, approx: 1380 feet [View]
MHS rocket club launches rocket (0 00:04:03)RT Reporter Natalie Fox finds out more about the MHS rocket launch and competition. [View]
West Virginia Rocketry Association - March 31, 2018 / Grant Town, WV Launch Site (0 00:04:03)Lots of TARC Rockets and one high power. [View]
Estes Rocket Launches: Hi-Flier, Citation Patriot and Goblin (0 00:04:03)Estes Rocket Launches: Hi-Flier, Citation Patriot and Goblin [View]
Model Rocketry in the Classroom (0 00:04:04)Teaching model rocketry in a classroom is a lot of fun because the students are locked on and are very attentive. They can't but help learn, because rocketry is so much fun. Here you'll see how to ... [View]
Madcow Level2 High Power Rocket Launch, Aerotech K550W (0 00:04:04)LUNAR Chapter of the National Rocketry Association Snow Ranch Launch, near Farmington CA November 5th, 2016 Rocket: Madcow Level-2, 4-inch All Fiberglass Airframe Loaded Weight: ~12.8 lbs Motor: ... [View]
Cineroc 808 first flight unedited (0 00:04:05)The maiden voyage of the Cineroc 808 was exciting but not in the way I had hoped. The D12-7 upper stage CATOed shortly after igniting. [View]
Steve Eve 1:10 scale Saturn V (0 00:04:05)This is raw video of the successful launch of Steve Eve's 1:10 scale model Saturn V rocket setting a world record for the largest flying scale model rocket. --- Stop complaining that the video did ... [View]
Model Rocket Competition Strategies: B Superroc Altitude Event (0 00:04:06)Here are some tips on building and flying in model rocket competitions. The event is B-engine Superroc Altitude. [View]
Upscale rocket's The Goblin drag racing Der Red Max (0 00:04:06)Drag race between two Estes classic's upscaled to 4" diameter. Der Red Max flying on a Aerotech I-285 Redline against the Goblin with a CTI J-250 Skidmark. The Redline was slow to light but both ... [View]
2015-09-12 NEFAR (0 00:04:06)Video of the September 12, 2015, rocket launch hosted by NEFAR in Bunnell, Florida. [View]
2020 July 4th Rocket Launches (0 00:04:06)Model rocket launches with the Southern Colorado Rocketeers (SCORE) on July 4th, 2020. Some small Estes rockets and two mid- and high-power launches. [View]
High Powered Rocket EZI-65 / K261-P / 08-12-17 (0 00:04:08)EZI-65 Clegg Sod Farm, FL Motor: CTI K261 Long Burn Max Speed: 582 MPH Altitude: 8927 Feet AGL Max Gs: 6.5 Revolutions to Apogee: 7 Seconds to Apogee: 24.9 Main: 700 Feet AGL Backup Main: 500 Feet ... [View]
Red Glare 18 flights. Frenzy XL L395, Punisher K740 (0 00:04:08)Two of my flights from Red Glare 18 in Maryland. Thank you to MDRA for hosting such a wonderful event. 1st clip: Frenzy XL on a CTI L395 Mellow 2nd clip: slowmo of above 3rd clip: onboard video 4th ... [View]
Model Rocket Series 2 Episode 1! (Estes Leviathan Rocket High Power) (0 00:04:08)Welcome to Series 2! In this episode I set out what I want to achieve from the series, and what changes I've made to my rocket in order to be able to do it. Enjoy! :) [View]
Launching "Little Bertha" (0 00:04:09)Dave, Karen, and I discover the perfect flying field for the maiden launching of Dave's first model rocket in decades. All three of us contributed towards the building of Little Bertha, and ... [View]
Estes Eagle CATO (0 00:04:10)An Estes motor CATO is captured at 1200 fps in this high-speed video. [View]
Super DX3 at NSL 2019 with 4k Action Camera (0 00:04:10)Flying on an Aerotech J425R to an estimated altitude of 4000 feet. Ejection delay drilled to 10 seconds. Great panoramic views of a scene that is like no other. NSL 2019 was a grand success. Thanks ... [View]
Level 2 Certification Flight (0 00:04:11)Level 2 Certification flight on a Madcow (Apogee) Level-2 Rocket - Named "RumbleBee". Has both ground view on onboard camera view in the video. Couldn't help the transformers theme. [View]
CATO Rocketry Club Launch Highlights #138 June 14, 2008 (0 00:04:11)The triumph and the tragedy of launching model rockets! Here are some highlights from CATO Rocketry Club Launch #138 on June 14, 2008. Filmed at Whites Farm Field in Durham CT. Music is the Overture ... [View]
Shop sweet shop (0 00:04:12)Walk around the shop. [View]
High Powered Rocketry NAR Level One Certification launch (0 00:04:12)This was the first launch of my Giant Leap Liberty 4 rocket. 4" diameter, 58" tall. This qualified as a Level One certification flight (out of 3 levels) for the National Association of Rocketry or ... [View]
Estes SR-71 Blackbird Model Rocket Project Rear Deployment (0 00:04:12)This video covers a project I did some time ago. The Estes SR-71 Blackbird Model Rocket well jet is a single engine kit. I converted it to launch on 2 engines. I made a way for them to both fire and ... [View]
Progress 54 Minimum Diameter - CTI L935 (0 00:04:13)Progress 54mm minimum diameter launch vehicle on a L935. 27k ft apogee at Mach 2.34. Pulled 36 G's out of the tower. Launched in Argonia, KS. [View]
AeroTech Rocket Motor Assembly (0 00:04:13)In this video, I assemble an AeroTech rocket motor and compare single use vs reloadable motors. [View]
HIGH POWER ROCKET - ESTES BIG DADDY - CESARONI K2045 (0 00:04:13)Tripoli Minnesota. Flown August 2018. SMALL ROCKET D12-3 Big Daddy Estes Rockets from 1998 3” diameter, 21” tall ½ pound Motor: Estes D12-3 Altitude is projected 475 ft Speed 117 ... [View]
How to reload an aerotech 24mm RC rocket motor (0 00:04:13)How to reload an aerotech 24mm RC rocket motor. is one of the only us dealers who always stock the reloads and RC casings and have them in quantity. These are the recommended ... [View]
Madcow 2.6'' High Power Rocket Certification Flight (0 00:04:13)Tripoli Rocket Association Level 1 Certification flight. Kloudbusters. Rocket Details: Madcow 2.6'' thin wall fiberglass Loki Research 38/480 motor I-210 Red Maximum Altitude: 2,948 feet. Missile ... [View]
2009-03-21 Big Daddy Akavish at TTRA Launch (0 00:04:14)Roger and Bracha's Big Daddy Akavish is launched on J327 and K327 motors at the TTRA launch in March, 2009. Includes high-speed and onboard footage. [View]
DX3 XL High Power Rocket Test Flight 12-8-18 (0 00:04:14)Phil & Will Hodges flight-test a Level 3 build of a Madcow DX3-XL high power rocket on an Aerotech L1000 motor. Launched December 8, 2018 at Snow Ranch near Farmington, CA with the Livermore ... [View]
Rocket Gliders & Freestyle (0 00:04:14)Clips from my local FPV Club; Drone Circle on the 09/08/20. People brought rocket powered gliders. I crashed, other people crashed, we all had fun! [View]
Mean Machine Shred (0 00:04:14)We tried to push my dad's 21 ft Mean Machine upscale past mach and 12000 ft on an N2220 Dark Matter motor. The result was an epic shred and some amazing video. We were also trying out our new tower ... [View]
Quasar032710 (0 00:04:15)Flight of Mike Borman's PML Quasar with CPR on an Aerotech I211W motor at Launch Crue's March 2010 regional contest and sport launch in Holland, Indiana. The onboard altimeter reported 2307 feet as ... [View]
Tripoli Wisconsin Association's June 2020 High Power Rocket Launch (0 00:04:15)Tripoli Wisconsin Association's June high power rocket launch held June 6th and 7th at Richard Bong State Recreation Area. [View]
Two Stage High Power Rocket Launch- "Airstart 1", September 18, 2010 (0 00:04:16)Launched at the monthly TTRA launch in the Varn ranch in Plant City FL. "Airstart 1" is a scratch-built two stage rocket that has a 2.5" dia. upper stage and 3" dia. booster stage. The upper stage's ... [View]
Mariah-38 from Giant Leap Rocketry, Inc. (0 00:04:16)A brief description of the Mariah-38 ---- a high power rocket from Giant Leap Rocketry. The Mariah-38 features the all new SHOTGUN RECOVERY SYSTEM and the BREAD-BOX AVIONICS BAY. It is a challenging ... [View]
LDRS 38 - Three Ns and Three Ms Fired in Four Minutes! (0 00:04:16)On Sunday, September 1, 2019, at LDRS 38 on the rocket pasture in Argonia, KS, the inimitable LCO Terry Smemo had SO MANY M and N motors on the away pads that he'd start reading the next rocket's ... [View]
20111020_Daedalus_Rockets - Computer.m4v (0 00:04:16)After a successful Mach2 launch at the LDRS XXX competition in Argonia, Kansas last September, ASU's Daedalus Astronautics student group has set a new goal for the organization—build a rocket ... [View]
Madcow AGM 33 PIKE 5 5 (0 00:04:16)Maiden flight to 7704ft. on an Aerotech M1297 White Lightning At URRG Potter Field Aug 29 2015. Marsa 54L & Stratologger Altimeters. Fruity Chutes Iris 72' main chute. One Bad Hawk recovery ... [View]
Rocket Scientists in Texas (0 00:04:17)Sunday, December 7, 2008. The Heart of Texas Rocket Club (Waco, TX) holds the second day of an event near Asa, Texas. Two launches are shown. [View]
High Speed Launch Videos at EARS 3rd April 2011 (0 00:04:17)Collection of launch videos filmed at 300fps at EARS Rocket Club on 3rd April 2011 [View]
Fin can / motor mount assembly outside of the airframe. (0 00:04:17)Accessing the fins inside of an airframe to add fillets for strength can be challenging. I explore a simple way to build the fin can / motor mount outside of the air frame. I also look at a solution ... [View]
Estes Solar Warrior F44-8 Complete Onboard Video 7/8/2019 (0 00:04:17)My modified Estes Solar Warrior with onboard MateCam 808 camera...flying on a Aerotech Economax F44-8 White Lightning. Launched by my sweetheart Crystal...thank you baby! [View]
Model Rocket Launches, one with an on-board camera (0 00:04:18)We launch 8 different Estes model rockets. Six (6) of them use B and C engines, one (1) uses a 1/2A engine and one (1) uses an F engine. Rockets launched this time are all Estes kits including: Der ... [View]
High Power Rocket Launch w/ Panoramic Onboard Video- May 20, 2011 (0 00:04:19)Launched at the monthly TTRA launch at Varn Ranch, Plant City FL. CINEMA 3.5 used a Aerotech I200 White Lightning motor and flew an Aiptek Hi Speed HD camcorder. The camcorder was positioned so that ... [View]
Rocket launch and assembly - Big Bertha (0 00:04:19)I show you the launch and assembly of the Estes Big Bertha rocket. This is a good introduction to the hobby of model rocketry. It is a very big rocket (Biggest skill level 1 that estes makes. It is ... [View]
Tripoli Level 3 certification flight Wildman Interceptor AAD 98 (0 00:04:19)Nicknamed "Weathercock", this was my Level 3 certification flight on a Wildman Interceptor A.A.D. 98 with a 75mm 3.9" aeropack tailcone. The motor used for the L3 launch was an Aerotech M1780. ... [View]
Picking Igniters for composite motors (0 00:04:20) - We get a lot of questions from customers on how to pick an igniter for a composite motor. Note that an igniter does come with a motor, but occasionally fails to start ... [View]
Apollo Little Joe II Cardstock Model Test Flight (0 00:04:20)My second cardstock model rocket converted to flight. The classic Apollo Little Joe II in 1:48 Scale on an Estes C11-5 motor. Regretfully, I couldn't keep the model in the frame throughout the ... [View]
Terrier-Sandhawk 2 Stage High Power Rocket (0 00:04:20)12/14/14, Culpeper Va, Apogee 11,500' max accel 20gs, flight time 3 minutes. [View]
Additive Aerospace Rail Guide Testing (0 00:04:20)Flyaway rail guides are a viable alternative to the installation of rail buttons, lugs, etc… and my personal preference especially on smaller diameter high power rockets (even some low ... [View]
Ryerson Rocketry Club March 2010 (0 00:04:21)Launching for L1 rockets in March. Armen Meras, Cindy Hok, Clayton Wozney, Gira Asadinik, Jared Nicholson, Jenna Wilkinson, Martin Marciniak, Paul Marji [View]
Pack 1346 Rocket Derby 2010 with rocket cam video and mega launcher (0 00:04:21)Some short clips and on-board model rocket video from the July 17th Pack 1346 model rocket derby. Over a hundred rockets were launched! [View]
V2 (0 00:04:21)A large model rocket of a V2 flying as part of the joint launch between the Jackson, MI. and Muskegon, Mi. clubs. It flew on a central Loki M2550 and two L630s. [View]
Vidroc 6 flight tests at XPRS 2012 (0 00:04:22)Testing the concept of a camera out on a boom made of Graphite and Brass. Mostly worked - going to develop a more aerodynamic boom for the next tests [View]
April 20 El Dude (0 00:04:22)April 20, 2019. 2-stage test flight of El Dude. 75mm L1720 to an EX 38mm I250. Nominal flight and recovery. Next up is LDRS on bigger motors. [View]
Cadets Big Blue Rocket (0 00:04:23)St. Joseph Christian Reformed Church Cadets boys club rocket project. Thank you Dave Brunsting for helping us build this 6 foot tall rocket. Dave's estimate of the height of the first flight was ... [View]
Rocket Launches w/ MDRA (0 00:04:23)Trip to Maryland to see amateur rocket launches! MDRA meets about once a month to host rocket launches. Free to spectate, but membership and fees required for sending up a rocket. Maryland Rocketry ... [View]
Project Liftoff - Estes V2 Model Rocket Launch (0 00:04:24)Project Liftoff is finally here! Music by: Danny Olson - If I lose Myself Tonight Soundcloud: Facebook: twitter: ... [View]
Estes 1:100 Saturn V Maiden Flight (12/21/2019) (UNEDITED) (0 00:04:24)(UNEDITED VIDEO) First flight of the Bruce Family Estes Saturn V! (kit #1969) Five-motor cluster of Estes D12-3(x2), D12-0(x2) and D12-5(x1). Estimated altitude 400ft. Onboard video captured with ... [View]
Rocket Challenge - Wild and Weird Rockets (5/5) (0 00:04:25)The first episode of Rocket Challenge, originally aired in 2003. It was filmed at LDRS 22 in Argonia, KS. Part five of five. [View]
Rocket launch Green River Utah (0 00:04:25)This is the launch of the "Trout", a 20-foot long hybrid rocket built by Utah State University students. It was launched during the first Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition in January ... [View]
PARC rocket launching 24th August 08 (0 00:04:25)The team at PARC doing their thing, launching rockets and having fun. [View]
Upscale Spy vs Spy rocket on-board video at BALLS 17 (0 00:04:25)This is the on-board video of my upscale Spy vs Spy rocket flying at BALLS 17 on two NASSA red L665 experimental motors. [View]
(0 00:04:25)Visited the great guys at Northern Nevada NAR section 728 for the monthly Club Launch on Misfit Flats near Stagecoach Nevada. Not been there since 2013... easy to reach playa off the highway.... ... [View]
Madcow Level2 Rocket, Aerotech K1103X (0 00:04:26)The Aerotech K1103X packs quite a punch with more than 1800 N-sec total impulse. Snow Ranch, CA December 3rd, 2016 [View]
Amazing On-Board Camera GoPro Hero HD Estes Model Cluster Rocket Launch Cape Cod (0 00:04:26)Amazing On-Board Camera GoPro Hero HD Estes Maxi Alpha 3 Model E Motor Cluster Rocket Launch on Cape Cod over the old Sea View Playland in Dennisport Ma and a miraculous safe landing. Rocket is ... [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry Stratodart X RC rocket boosted glider 4+ minute flight (0 00:04:27)Dynasoar Rocketry Stratodart X RC rocket boosted glider flight using Aerotech E-6RC 24mm rocket motor, 11.25 oz rtf, 38" long, 23" wingspan. [View]
MMMSC 11/12/11 Launch (0 00:04:27)A couple videos of my Nuke Pro and a few guest up in Maine. [View]
RCR 2018 Qualification - NASA Student Launch (0 00:04:27)Despite a tumultuous season, River City Rocketry has persevered and is going to Huntsville to launch one last time. [View]
(0 00:04:28) Bernardo unboxes, builds and launches the Quest Astra III model rocket with the help of some young family members. The items used in this video were from a Quest ... [View]
AltimeterOne Altimeter for Model Rockets, Air Planes, and Kites (0 00:04:28)The AltimeterOne is a small barometric altimeter that will tell you how high your rocket, airplane, or kit has flown (works on water rockets too!). This video tells you how to turn it on, zero it ... [View]
Life of a Binder Raptor Rocket (0 00:04:29)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club - various launches of the Binder Raptor. [View]
2019 Student Rocket Launch (0 00:04:29)On July 20, 2019, ULA, Ball Aerospace and K-12 teams from around the country celebrated the 50th anniversary of the first moon landing with a rocket launch from Fort Carson Army Post, outside of ... [View]'s Rockets Gone Wild (0 00:04:30)A collection of video of things going a bit wrong at local rocket launches in Central Florida. Includes footage from NEFAR, ROCK, and TTRA launches. Thanks to our safety codes, no one was hurt ... [View]
CMASS Fliskits Anniversary Rocket Launch 2018 (0 00:04:30)Aerial footage from the CMASS launch on September 15, 2018. This was the 16th and "final" Fliskits anniversary launch in Amesbury, MA. Video taken with a DJI Mavic Air. Music from the YouTube audio ... [View]
Mid Power Rocket Collection (0 00:04:30)video and pics of some great rocket launches. some rockets include 3 and 4 "D" endine cluster, a two and three stage, but most of the footage is of the aerotech mirage, flown on g40, g80, g64, and ... [View]
1080p Mini Fleet Rocket (0 00:04:30)Great chance to try out these new 1080p Mini Fleet Rockets from my 'Rocketry Update' video. You may want to watch that one as well if you missed it. I covered 3D printing topics, estimating ... [View]
90% Harpoon MDRA (0 00:04:30)90% Harpoon 3 M6000 sparkies, one comes up late, 3200ft altitude 1mile + downrange [View]
MSU Space Cowboys 2010-2011 (0 00:04:31)Space Cowboys attended the University Student Launch Initiative (USLI) Level 2 Challenge at NASA Wallops, VA this past May (2011). This video shows an overview of the entire year's design, build, ... [View]
Big Yeller - 180 lb. Model Rocket - May 2009 (0 00:04:31)Tripoli MN Model Rocket Club Launches Big Yeller. A 180 lb, 17.5 foot model rocket. [View]
Balls 28 - 2019: David Fliger's "The Rocket Junkies" Level 3 Certification Flight (0 00:04:32)Level 3 Certification flight at Balls 28 in the Black Rock Desert, 4" Diameter rocket about 9 feet long to about 14,000 feet at Mach 1.2. Powered by a CTI 75mm 4 Grain - M 1830 C-star motor. ... [View]
High Power Rocket w/ Onboard Video- Fantastic Vidcaps- March 19, 2011 (0 00:04:32)Launched at the monthly TTRA launch at the Varn ranch, Plant City FL. CINEMA 3.5 used an Aerotech I200 White Lightning motor and an Aiptek Hi Speed HD 60 fps camcorder. Altimeter fired the main ... [View]
LOC Saturn V at NSL 2019 on AT K700 W and 2x AT J90W Cluster (0 00:04:32)LOC Precision Saturn V flies to 3,508' at the NAR National Sport Launch hosted by the Rocketry Organization of California (ROC) on June 8, 2019. [View]
Avionics Integration - Build Signal R2 (0 00:04:33)Watch as a playlist: Signal R2 Kit: Build Signal R2: https://bps ... [View]
McAllen ISD Rocket Launch (0 00:04:33)First RGV and RGVCG Rocket Club assisted McAllen Independent School District in a demo launch of a model rocket to kickoff a rocketry program in McAllen ISD. They plan to bring the program to every ... [View]
TWO STAGE HIGH POWER ROCKET "DOUBLE TROUBLE" (0 00:04:34)Successful second attempt at launching my first high power two stage rocket on a J760 to an I125. Launched at MDRA at Higgs Farm in Maryland on 2/18/18. [View]
Level 3 Model Rocket. (0 00:04:34)Dan Harrison's model rocket named 'Level 3' flying on a Loki M1882 Loki White motor. This was his level 3 certification flight which was part of the Crapshoot V joint launch held at the Muskegon ... [View]
Flying with ABQ Rocket Club (0 00:04:34)July 2020 Albuquerque Rocket Society. Most of the launches recorded. We had a fantastic time. [View]
"The Bomb Pop" A Fiberglass Rocket Build. Part 1 (0 00:04:36)Instructional Video On How I Build A Fiberglass Rocket Kit Part 1 "Building The Motor Mount" [View]
Rocketry How-to Part 5: Assembling the Rocket (0 00:04:36)How to build and fly a model rocket [View]
2014-06-14 NEFAR Launch (0 00:04:37)Aerial footage of the June, 2014, NEFAR rocket launch in Bunnell, Florida. [View] (0 00:04:38)How to pick which 38mm motor casing would work in your high power rocket. This video shows you how the PRO38 motors from Cesaroni work. You'll see how to put the engine together, and how you can use ... [View]
Nike Smoke Rocket Launch #1 at OROC Summer Skies 2010 (0 00:04:39)A video, taken with a mounted key chain camera, of my first flight of a Cosmodrome Nike Smoke Rocket that I built this past Spring. The engine used was a CTI H133 Blue Streak with a 7 second delay. ... [View]
Dual Deployment for Model Rockets - Part 5 of 5 (0 00:04:39)Dual deployment in model rocketry is where you eject two parachutes out of the rocket. A small one at apogee (the peak of the trajectory) so that the rocket comes down quickly. But to keep it from ... [View]
CMASS (0 00:04:40)CMASS Central Massachusetts Spacemodeling Society launch at Amesbury MA, July 8 2006 [View]
Phil and Will Hodges Firestorm 54 Rocket Flight 04 14 18 (0 00:04:40)2nd flight of the Firestorm 54 on an Aerotech K828 Black Max rocket motor. Max altitude 10,268 ft, max speed 898 mph (Mach 1.17). Filmed at the LUNAR launch event at Snow Ranch on April 14, 2018. [View]
Rocket Experimental 9V goes in ballistic after chute failure! (0 00:04:40)Experimental Rocket goes in ballistic after both primary and backup ejection systems fail. It was later discovered that under high G loading, the 3V batteries were moving aft sometimes....causing ... [View]
NSWRA 140310 (0 00:04:40)NSWRA launch day at Doonside. [View]
High Power Rocket - CTI K260 - Moreno Cartel Rocket (0 00:04:41)Madcow 4" Black Brant launch at Tripoli's Eagle Eye Rocket Launch in Aguila, Arizona. Motor: CTI K260 Longburn | Apogee: 7493 feet | Top Speed: Mach 0.70 | Electronics: Missile Works RRC2+ Altimeter ... [View]
My Estes Mammoth Disaster (0 00:04:41)I flew my Estes Mammoth at for the first time at Bridgeton Area Rocket Club on 3/17/18. She flew on an F42 Blue Thunder to 1157 feet before taking a nosedive and embedding itself 3 inches in the ... [View]
snow-ranch-2010-04-03.wmv (0 00:04:42)Compilation of 210 frames-per-second videos from LUNAR Snow Ranch launch, April 3, 2010. From Chili-Eatin' Charlie to a whole bunch of HPR, check out the TARC fwd closure issue at the end. [View]
Cub Scouts Pack 162, West Hartford CT - Rocket Launching - drone footage (0 00:04:43)Launching rockets on a warm spring evening in West Hartford, CT. [View]
Doug Gerrard BDCR Big Dumb Camera Rocket M2400 (0 00:04:43)Cool Flight of Doug Gerrard BDCR (Big Dumb Camera Rocket) on an M-2400 From LDRS 29 DVD [View]
Three Dynasoar Rocketry RC rocket boosted glider flights (0 00:04:44)Three Dynasoar Rocketry RC rocket boosted glider flights using Aerotech 24mm E-6RC motors, Stratodart, F-105 thunderchief styled glider, and F-16 thunderbird at fly-a-ways 2017 club picnic [View]
KARSNH July 2007 Launch (2 of 2) (0 00:04:45)A great summer launch with lots of rockets and kids. Part 1 of 2 (due to file size limitations) [View]
International Rocketry Challenge Final 2018 - Official film (0 00:04:45)The official film for the Rocketry Challenge International Finals 2018, that took place at Farnborough International Airshow on Friday 20 July 2018. [View]
Estes Saturn V Flight (0 00:04:46)July 19, 2019. As part of the 50th Anniversary of Apollo 11's launch, I built a 1/100 Saturn V model rocket using the new Estes #1969 Saturn V rocket kit. It took many hours to build and every ... [View] (0 00:04:46)NAR Level 2 Certification flight with a Polecat Aerospace 5.5" Goblin on an Aerotech 54mm/1280 J401FJ-L motor with two Keychain video cameras NSL 2011 / ROCstock XXXIII - June 2011 [View]
"The Bomb Pop" A Fiberglass Rocket Build. Part 2 (0 00:04:46)Instructional Video On How I Build A Fiberglass Rocket Kit Part 2 "Installing Motor mount and Fins" [View]
Northview Rocket Launch #3 (0 00:04:48)WARNING: Loud Noises & Spinning Terrain (Yes, the date is wrong) This rocket was launched by the Sylvania Northview Engineering S4 Team as part of the S4 Competition in Black Rock Desert, ... [View]
On Board LV2.3 with Roll Stabilization (0 00:04:48)PSAS successfully launched "Launch Vehicle No. 2.3" (LV2's third airframe) with a roll control module and "spin can" on Sunday October 17th, 2010 at Oregon Rocketry's (OROC) Brothers' launch site. ... [View]
Rocket up, rocket down. Launch video from Blade 350 Drone and spectacular night launch. (0 00:04:48)*I have launched this Estes rocket about 30 times but never shot a video of it from my Camera Drone nor did I use the bigger E-9 Motor in the rocket till tonight! See the FPV Rocket Cam video of the ... [View]
PSAS rocket launch - onboard camera - Brothers, OR June 2010 (0 00:04:50)This is our footage from our rocket mounted camera during the launch of LV2c June 27th, 2010. We went to an altitude of 15,600 feet. The control system (the fins you see moving) were attempting to ... [View]
"Rocket Fuel" Launch at Midwest Power X (0 00:04:51)My "Rocket Fuel" rocket flying on an AMW M1480 Red Rhino to 3,769 feet at Midwest Power X in Princeton, IL. The rocket is actually a converted recycling container. [View]
Little Joe-1 and Mercury Redstone Build (0 00:04:52)Aspen and me building these classic Estes scale rockets! [View]
2 Rockets 40 motors - CMASS FlisKits launch 2017 (0 00:04:52)Spinning Saucer of the Apocalypse on 10 motors TOGinator firing 29 of 30 motors in a column of fire and smoke [View]
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC 12th July 2009 (0 00:04:52)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. July 2009 Rocket Launching [View]
Tripli Vegas - December 2019 Launch (0 00:04:53)0:05 - Madcow Formula 38 - Aerotech G53FJ 0:18 - Aerotech - G75 Metalstorm 0:32 - Scratch Built - Aerotech H100 - L1 Cert Flight 0:48 - Tomahawk - Aerotech F52 Blue Thunder 0:57 - LOC Viper III - 3 ... [View]
Rocket Launch Filmed by Drone (0 00:04:53)This video is about launching rockets. The DJI Phantom 3 Standard films the Estes Red Max launch while in POI mode. [View]
First all-student rocket to reach space | Traveler IV Launch (0 00:04:55)On April 21, 2019, we, the USC Rocket Propulsion Lab, launched our latest space-shot rocket, Traveler IV, out of Spaceport America. Traveler IV reached an apogee of 339,800 ft with a confidence of ... [View]
launch of the Marsden Rocket [Taupiri 02-2018] (0 00:04:55)Taupiri , Waikatao, New Zealand 5th launch of the Marsden Rocket. powered by CTI N1560 (PRO98-6GXL) National launch day New Zealand Rocketry Quote of the day "now that was amazing !" [View]
Prototype Rocket Flight Computer // Project Summit Update #2 (0 00:04:56)I planned on making a time-lapse of me making the computer although I had some camera problems, so I lost heaps of the footage. Instead here is a video of me explaining what I’ve done and how ... [View]
Lumpy the rocket (0 00:04:58)Cluster R rocket called Lumpy [View]
Using 29 to 38mm motor adapters in High Power model rockets (0 00:04:59)29mm motor mount adapters for 38mm kits are deceptively simple looking. "How do you use them?" is a common question people ask. This video will show you a few simple techniques. [View]
Get Boosted @ Serpentine - Rocket Launches from TRAAU 2012 to 2014 (0 00:05:00)Serpentine Victoria is home to some of the biggest rocket launches in Australia. Tripoli Rocketry Association Australia hosts monthly rocket launches at its range near Serpentine central Victoria. ... [View]
MDRA Red Glare 20 (0 00:05:00)My personal highlight reel. Didn't realize my cell phone was only set for 640x480 video -- oh, well! The Yellow Submarine (1,200 lbs on a P17500 motor) was TRULY impressive! Glad we went! [View]
Launching Estes model rockets plus slow motion lift off (0 00:05:01)Today we are launching model rockets! The kids and I set up our own launch pad in the field behind our home and attempted our own blast off days after SpaceX launched their first manned Dragon ... [View]
Saturn V Cardstock Test Launch (0 00:05:02)The furry rocketeer provides the rocket's red glare by the twilight's last gleaming. Epic test launch of 1:96 scale cardstock Saturn V model rocket. A static display model converted to flight. ... [View]
High Power Rocketry - Tripoli Wisconsin Association June 1, 2019 (0 00:05:03)Tripoli Wisconsin Association's June 2019 high power rocket launch and a tribute the our nation's veterans with a special Honest John scale project Flying on a Aerotech M1939. [View]
(0 00:05:03)David and John Robb's Rocket Launches , 2013 January TCC Rocket Launch. Near Helms,CA. Lauching all Rocketry Warehouse fiberglasss kits this week... Foumual 98, Color Edition of G3, and Sub-LIME. ... [View]
Aerial Video Of A Model Rocket Launch From a Quadcopter (0 00:05:04)Aerial video of a model rocket launch taken with a GoPro Hero 3+ from a Blade 350 QX Quadcopter. Flight took place on August 10, 2014 at Launch Crue's (NAR Section 519) August meeting, banquet, and ... [View]
2 Stage with camera (0 00:05:04)This is the second flight of my custom designed 2 stage model rocket. The main stage rocket has an onboard ignition system that is powered by a 3.8v-160mA lipo battery and is triggered by a ... [View]
Madcow 54mm Little John Rocket Launch, NAR L2 Certification (0 00:05:05)After travelling to California for my Level 1 Cert in May, I went back in November for Rocstock and a Level 2 attempt. Aerotech DMS J250W. Projected altitude 5057'. Jolly Logic Chute Release at ... [View]
Vern and Gleda Estes at NARAM 53 (0 00:05:06)Vern and Gleda Estes built Super Alphas from Estes Rockets on Sunday 7/24/11, and here they are flying them on Monday 7/25/11, at NARAM 53 near Cincinnati, OH. Vern and Gleda founded the company ... [View]
Model Rocket Launch with On-board Camera (0 00:05:06)This was the second launch of VENOUS Rocket which approaches the altitude of 1200ft with a 'D' engine. The engine ejection charge melted part of the parachute and that's the reason the camera could ... [View]
Electronics / Altimeter Bay 3", Review and Build. (0 00:05:06)I am reviewing and building a 3" altimeter bay by LOC Precision. I show how to custom mount the switch on the sled using aluminum tubing. [View]
NAR High-Power Rocketry Level 1 Certification Flight 2018-03-10 (0 00:05:07)This is my National Association of Rocketry (NAR) High-Power Rocketry (HPR) Level 1 Junior certification flight, at the Rocketry Organization of California (ROC) March 2018 launch at the Lucerne Dry ... [View]
Balls 2018 On Board Video - 175,000 Feet! (0 00:05:07)This three-stage flight was performed by Jim Jarvis (with lots of help) at Balls 27 on September 21, 2018. The launch was help at the Black Rock Desert in Nevada. The flight reached about 175,000 ... [View]
Balls 2012 Rocket On-board Video (0 00:05:07)On-board video of my successful rocket flight to 24,000 feet on September 21, 2012 at BALLS rocket launch, Black Rock Desert, Nevada. Rocket flown on a 3 inch O.D. 9000 Nsec total impulse, case ... [View]
Darkstar Extreme CTI L2375 (0 00:05:08)Onboard rocket footage of my Wildman Darkstar Extreme launching on a 75mm Cesaroni L2375 motor. The rocket reached an altitude of 13741 ft AGL and a max velocity of 918 mph (approx. Mach 1.234). [View]
Model rocket with GoPro Hero3 Black onboard camera (0 00:05:09)It was a nice and sunny day at Redmond 60 acres park. Camera was set to 1080p \ 60fps for first launch (attached to the rocket) and 720p \ 120fps for the second launch (not attached) with Protune ... [View]
Estes Shuttle - Assembly and Launch (Explorer 1 - A Beautiful Failure) (0 00:05:09)A custom 3 camera, telemetry system Estes #7246 Shuttle is shown in photo slide show with the launch video shown at the end. Failure apparently is an option. Why didn't someone remind me that the ... [View]
Taping a Smartphone To A 10 Ft Rocket (0 00:05:09)Apparently, this is what happens if you strap your phone to a supersonic rocket, and flip the switch? Check out Moto_USA's new Moto Z Force: and #MotoMods Endcard Lin ... [View]
Spring 2019 MSP Tripoli Launch Day (0 00:05:09)A compilation of footage taken from the University of Missouri Space Program's spring 2019 Tripoli Launch. Enjoy! If you have questions about our organization please contact us at: Email: ... [View]
ART Fatboy at Plaster Blaster 2006 (0 00:05:09)The Arizona Rocketry Team's Giant FATBOY rocket at Plaster Blaster 2006 [View]
2016 July TCC Club Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (0 00:05:10)Hot fun at TCC's July Club Launch, reach 102 by end of the launch. Nice summer crowd. Nice plowed field at Maddox Dairy was like walk on soft crushed concrete. The three flights this time... ... [View]
Space Camp Barbie Unveiled at the US Space & Rocket Center (0 00:05:11)Announcing the release of 2008 Space Camp® Barbie® available now at the U.S. Space & Rocket Center. Space Camp uses space to excite and educate children in the fields of math science and ... [View]
HPR PVC Launch Pad (0 00:05:11)I designed and built this launch pad over 10-years ago, and it is still a good launch platform [View]
Madcow Trinity Airstarted Clustered High Power Rocket! 7-18-2020 at BARC (0 00:05:11)Madcow Trinity on a central CTI J430 White Thunder motor surrounded by (3) air started CTI H133 Blue Streak motors (1 second into flight), on 7-18-2020 at BARC. This was the first flight for this ... [View]
Estes Astrocam with Gumcam fitted (0 00:05:11)My first Youtube upload.Fired near Cardington uk.Pause at the right spot and you will see the famous CardingtonAirship Hangars where the R101 was built. [View]
A successful launch of the Estes Hi-Flier that was never recovered (0 00:05:13)following yesterday's launch failure of my new Estes Hi-Flier on its maiden flight due to the failure of the CA Gel glue adhesion between the laser cut balsa fins and the rocket body, I've ... [View]
First Time at a Rocketry Launch - ElementalMaker (0 00:05:13)First time attending a proper rocketry launch. Not quite the usual video quality, recording on the move and filming supersonic rockets isn't as easy as I originally thought. Thanks to MDRA for ... [View]
Saturn 1B Assembly Part 43 - Attaching Fin Unit to the Tubes (0 00:05:13)In this step in the assembly sequence of the Apogee Components 1/70th scale model of the Saturn 1B rocket, is where you'll be attaching the fin unit to the fuel tank sub-assembly. This step needs to ... [View]
KARSNH July 2007 Launch (1 of 2) (0 00:05:14)A great summer launch with lots of rockets and kids. Part 1 of 2 (due to file size limitations) [View]
Model Rocket Goes Supersonic Under M3000 Power (0 00:05:14)Motor - AMW M3000ST (super tiger propellant for 75-7600 casing) Mach 1.35 900’ in the air. Melted the additive aerospace camera shroud Burn out at 1000 feet, coasted to 17700 feet, 300 feet ... [View]
BGEXRS2009Y (0 00:05:14)BGEXRS flights '2009 [View]
Estes Astrocam with Gumcam (Raw) (0 00:05:14)Estes Astrocam fitted with Gumcam raw footage in Bedford U.K Pause at the right spot and you can see the famous Cardington Airship hangars where the R101 was built. [View]
Predator 10 K W stratologger Altimeter lvl2 cert (0 00:05:14)Level 2 certification flight with Always Ready Rockets Predator 10K blue tube kit, Aerotech J 350 W motor, PerfectFlite Stratologger Dual Deploy altimeter, and Trackimo GPS locator. Flight went well ... [View]
Competitor 4 Rocket, CTI K600 White, 24Jun2017 (0 00:05:16)This was the 3rd flight of my Competitor 4 rocket, from Performance Hobbies, although it was the first flight since I painted it recently. Here is my blog write up for this flight: http://a ... [View]
Argonia Cup 2022, Illinois Tech Rocketry (0 00:05:16)Argonia Cup submission video for Illinois Tech Rocketry. We're excited to be part of the collegiate rocketry world! [View]
triptechbskyfindertest.m4v (0 00:05:16)skyfinder is my 25# 1/3 scale Nike Smoke from Polecat Aerospace. this flight was a test to see if it could handle impulse similar to an M. the motor was a cesaroni 4grain 75mm L-1395 blue time to ... [View]
Estes Partizon at the 2017 National Sports Launch (0 00:05:18)It's Throwback Thursday, so here is a blast from the past. This is the Estes Partizon at the National Association of Rocketry's National Sport Launch hosted by FLARE and SMRA in Almagordo NM. I'm ... [View]
Impulse Buys (0 00:05:18)A scratch-built model rocket called 'Impulse Buys' attempting to air start multiple motor combinations. Flying on a central Aerotech M-1550 Redline, air-starting two Aerotech H-170 Metalstorms, two ... [View]
Angled wood joint for model rockets (0 00:05:18)When creating spin tabs on the bottom of the fins on your model rocket, you should bevel the edges so that you maximize the strength of the joint. It also makes it much more attractive. In this ... [View]
Using the Aerotech Universal Delay Drilling Tool (0 00:05:19)So I noticed a problem this past weekend with the Aerotech Universal Delay Drilling Tool that a customer showed to me at a rocket launch. The one he had wasn't cutting into the delay grain of his ... [View]
Super DX3 Rocket at the 2012 SARA Desert Heat (0 00:05:19)How can you burn through $100 dollars in less than two seconds? Here is a perfectly legal and fun way to do it with high powered model rocketry. Madcow Super DX3; J350W Aerotech RMS motor; ... [View]
Level 1 NAR Certification Launch | LOC Legacy HPR Rocket | H135W Motor (0 00:05:20)I built this rocket nearly a decade ago and it has never flown. I wanted to take my son out to see some others fly their rockets and decided to go for a level 1 certification at the same time. We ... [View]
El Mirage Rocket Launches (0 00:05:22)Recently we went out to El Mirage Dry Lake Bed, about 2 1/2 hours from LA, and we launched 5 homemade Estes model rockets. My thanks to Licia, Millie, John, Preston, Bryan, Mattia and Filippo for ... [View]
RockSim Software Tutorial - 21 - Motor Install (0 00:05:23)How to install new rocket motors in RockSim [View]
2008-11-08 NEFAR Mega Cereal Bowl (0 00:05:24)Marc Slabbinck's "Mega Cereal Bowl" is launched several times (and captured from multiple angles and in slow-motion) at the 2008 NEFAR "Bunnell Blast" launch. [View]
Rage at the Gage 2017 | High Power Rocket Launch Event (0 00:05:24)Rage at the Gage is NB Rocketry's largest rocket launch of the year. 2017 saw lots of great flights Including a Canadian M altitude record to over 27k'! [View]
NWIC Space Center HPR Launch 11-06-2010 (0 00:05:25)NAR Level 1 and Level 2 Certification Flights [View]
Tripoli Wisconsin Association 7 7 2018 High Power Rocketry (0 00:05:25)Tripoli Wisconsin Association's July 2018 high power rocketry launch held at Richard Bong State Park. [View]
Model Rocket Field Zipper Repair (0 00:05:26)If you're out on the rocket range and your rocket suffers a tear (called a zipper) in the tube, what can you do to get the rocket back into the sky quickly? This video shows how to glue a piece of ... [View]
Estes Rocket Review Tips Launch Recovery Riptide Solid Rocket B6-4 Engines Parachute Wadding (0 00:05:26)Truly awesome with the successful launch and recovery. The Riptide rocker is a great value for money and highly recommended. [View]
Series Intro - Landing Model Rockets (0 00:05:27)Episode 1 - Flight Simulation: Landing Model Rockets Series Playlist: ... [View]
Wildman Punisher L1100 EX White Trash QCRS 4-20 (0 00:05:28)Despite some ignitor drama, set a new personal record for altitude. [View]
Estes High Flyer XL (0 00:05:30)Estes High Flyer XL with an onboard camera flying on a E12-6 We had a youngster working the launch controls. Watch to the end for some local wildlife checking out the rocket on the ground! [View]
Tripoli - Charlotte Rocket Launch 10/10/1992 (0 00:05:30)Way back in 1992 we were in High Power Rocketry. This video was taken from analog video tapes back in about 1999. The horrific video quality is an example of all we had to work with on old analog ... [View]
Stratus Gale 06 - Sand the tail fins (0 00:05:31)Where the wing of the Stratus Gale rocket glider requires a cambered airfoil, the two tail pieces need a symmetrical airfoils. This video shows how to sand the parts for a great flight. This model ... [View]
"Pointless" High Power Rocket Launch- April 22, 2018 (0 00:05:32)Launched at Midwest Blast 3 in Three Oaks MI. Golf ball for a nosecone. Eleven feet tall & 20 pounds. 6" to 4" to 3" to 1.6" Blue Tube body tubes. Two camcorders- one pointing up; one pointing ... [View]
Tripoli L3 Certification Flight (0 00:05:32)Ultimate Wildman flying on an Aerotech M2500T with the Kloudbusters 3.10.2019. This is my Tripoli Rocketry Association level 3 certification flight. [View]
VALKYRIE VISION II (VVII) COMPLEX HIGH POWER ROCKET LAUNCH AND AERIAL VIDEO (0 00:05:33)On Nov 20, 2010, at the Hudson Ranch launch site located 9.5 miles south west of Pueblo Colorado located on Colorado Highway 78 (Beulah Highway), the Southern Colorado Rocketeers (NAR Section #632) ... [View]
Banshee Airfest 24 2018 Video (0 00:05:33)Launch of my "Banshee" rocket on Sept 1, 2018 at the Kloudbusters Airfest 24 launch [View]
Black Brant II - Aerotech M1350W - Level 3 Certification (0 00:05:33)Check out the build report here: Motor: Aerotech M1350W Max Altitude: 10,483 ft Max Velocity: 1330 ft/sec (907 ... [View]
Cineroc Flights Series 3 of 4 by Herb Desind (0 00:05:34)Herb Desind was a teacher and model rocketeer from Maryland. Herb sent me a VHS compilation of 36 Cineroc Movie flights for the 1990 New England Model Rocket or NEMROC Convention. Series 3 Flights: ... [View]
JMRC Launch 3 - September 2008 (0 00:05:34)Here are some scenes of Sam's and other's rockets at the Jackson Model Rocketry Club gathering 9/06/08 at Michigan International Speedway [View]
Estes Riptide First and Second Launch (0 00:05:34)My daughter Megan explains the parts and then launches the Estes Riptide Ready-to-Launch model rocket kit. [View]
Rump Aerospace's M to M flight to ~ 50,000 feet (0 00:05:35)Rump Aerospace takes a two stage 3" diameter rocket to almost 50,000 feet in the rich, colorful and exciting black rock desert. Feel the excitement, this video will put you right there, in the mix ... [View]
LAUNCHING THE PROTOSTAR!!! | The Floosh With Model Rockets | Estes Protostar (0 00:05:38)Hello everyone and welcome back to another video! I hope you guys are having a wonderful day! In this video I launch one of my recently finished rockets, the Protostar, I hope you guys enjoy ... [View]
Multi Segment Model Rocket Engine Not Multistage Project Success! (Much like the shuttle) (0 00:05:39)This video only functions as a documentary of ideas that i try to realize. Like Myth Busters but not cool. This is dangerous and i don't suggest anyone try this. So don't come crying to me if you ... [View]
Model Rocket Launches include Mean Machine, Odyssey, Hi-Flier XL and more (0 00:05:40)In this video we launch the following Estes model rockets, in order: Mean Machine; U.S. Army Patriot M-104; Odyssey; Dragonite; Hi-Flier XL; Crossfire ISX; Star Trooper; Baby Bertha (2 different ... [View]
2012 Oct TCC October Skies - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (0 00:05:40)2012 Tripoli Central California (TCC) October Skies Launch, 10/19-10/21, near Fresno, CA. [View]
How We Talk About Failure (0 00:05:40)We're gonna launch again soon, and we're gonna get it right. 🚀 Scout D1 Launch Failure: Help support For more info: ... [View]
Rocketeering (0 00:05:41)Joined in on a Dallas Area Rocket Society rocket launch on Oct 18th. If you ever launch model rockets as a kid or still launch or have child that enjoys the hobby you should check out DARS. It was a ... [View]
Model Rocketry - The Last Frontier (Part Two) (0 00:05:42)Oh, no! The horror continues in a most Shatneresque fashion as Gold Chain Bill launches a model rocket assault on the Klingon Empire! Let's just hope that Bill's check cleared. Be sure to view Part ... [View]
2014-07-05 ROCK Launch (0 00:05:42)The July 5, 2014, ROCK model rocket launch is filmed from a DJI Phantom 2 Vision quadcopter. [View]
NIKE SMOKE Estes Pro Series II un-boxing (0 00:05:42)unboxing the Estes Pro series II NIKE SMOKE 1 / 5.5 scale model rocket [View]
What Starts Here - Longhorn Rocketry Association (0 00:05:43)With interest in aerospace engineering on the rise, The University of Texas is the place to be. The Longhorn Networks talks with students from the Cockrell School of Engineering's Department of ... [View]
NARAM 50 HP Rocket w/On Board Video (0 00:05:43)NARAM 50 HP Rocket w/On Board Video. Rocket and video courtesy of Mitch Guess [View]
"Flying Colors", Flight #9, Rotated (0 00:05:44)Ninth flight for "Flying Colors", this time on a CTI 819J354-16A and on its way to 8091' AGL. [View]
OSU Cowboy Rocketworks Argonia Cup 2019 (0 00:05:44)The Oklahoma State AIAA High Power Rocketry Team is excited to return to the Rocket Pasture for their third entry in the Argonia Cup Competition! [View]
FAR rocket testing hybrid and sugar motors (0 00:05:45)Hybrid and sugar rocket motors tested at the FAR facilities, Mojave Desert, California, 12-04-2010 [View]
Cineroc Flights with Mr. Bill by Herb Desind (0 00:05:50)Herb Desind was a teacher and model rocketeer from Maryland. Herb sent me a VHS compilation of 36 Cineroc Movie flights for the 1990 New England Model Rocket or NEMROC Convention. Series 4 Flights: ... [View]
Cineroc Flights Series 4 of 4 by Herb Desind (0 00:05:50)Herb Desind was a teacher and model rocketeer from Maryland. Herb sent me a VHS compilation of 36 Cineroc Movie flights for the 1990 New England Model Rocket or NEMROC Convention. Series 4 Flights: ... [View]
(0 00:05:51)On May 11th, 2013 the AeroScience students of Eagle Mountain-Saginaw ISD's Hollenstein Career and Technology Center participated in SystemsGo's annual high school high powered rocket launch in ... [View]
NAR High Power Rocketry L1 Certification Flight - Estes Leviathan Kit Bash (0 00:05:51)Video of the ground test, initial test flight, and final certification flight on a "kit bashed" Estes Leviathan, named "Bye Bye Kitty". The light weight Estes body tubes were reinforced with full ... [View]
Dave Hein's Quad Pod II (0 00:05:52)Dave Hein's Experimental gimbaled rocket [View]
BLAST OFF! Launch a red crayon rocket high into the sky! (0 00:05:52)In this video we visit the park and launch a red crayon looking model rocket high into the sky. Watch as Koi and his family pick a launch spot, prepare for launch, countdown and blast off! We ... [View]
August Albuquerque Rocket Society launch (0 00:05:52)8/8/2020 several launches and as always a good time. [View]
Apollo Lunar Module Model Rocket Flight (0 00:05:54)Launch of 1:32 Scale Lunar Module model as a tribute to the 40th anniversary of Apollo 13. This is a cardboard model with Estes D12-3 rocket engine. I added a parachute canister that is designed to ... [View]
Cineroc Flights Series 2 of 4 by Herb Desind (0 00:05:54)Herb Desind was a teacher and model rocketeer from Maryland. Herb sent me a VHS compilation of 36 Cineroc Movie flights for the 1990 New England Model Rocket or NEMROC Convention. Series 2 Flights: ... [View]
Unboxing Signal Alpha (0 00:05:54)Joe Barnard sent me Signal Alpha, the first generation of the Signal Avionics thrust vectoring kit! = [View]
Estes Model Rocket Flights Including a D12-3 CATO (0 00:05:54)Description: Launch of Estes Crossfire, Amazon, Patriot, Centuri, and Mean Machine. The Mean Machine suffered a CATO when the D12-3 exploded at launch. [View]
Estes Phoenix Model Rocket - Nine Flights (0 00:05:55)One mighty fine rocket! This used a "D" size motor. This puppy was always my favorite! Filmed in 1987 and 1988. [View]
Rocket_ Star Orbiter build_02 (0 00:05:55)Hey guys, Happy here what a day. A little rocket building on the Star Orbiter. Some bbq Pork ribs for the Superbowl. What a game right?! The ribs I cooked in the oven at 200°F for 2 hours then I ... [View]
Launch 2021 11 Nov Sun (0 00:05:55)This is the Sunday video from the November monthly ICBM launch in Dalzell SC. Reearch motors were allowed so you may not recognize some motors. Scene Time Person Rocket Motor Comments 01 125551 Tom ... [View]
Estes V2 Rocket built by team Addieey! (0 00:05:56)Flying rockets with Emiliano's best friend Tristan. 4 rockets: V2, mean machine, Saturn V, and the Mega Der Red! Everything went smooth and Emiliano and his friends had a great time. [View]
Terrier Sandhawk Build Part 10 - Launch and Post Flight Analysis (0 00:05:57)This 10-part video series shows the conversion of the LOC Precision Terrier-Sandhawk model rocket to a real working two-stage rocket that uses electronics to ignite the motor in the upper stage of ... [View]
On board video mid power rocket (0 00:05:57)Almere, Netherlands. Aerotech G80 single use motor. [View]
16 ENGINES Multi-Cluster ROCKET With Onboard Camera (0 00:05:57)I would say this rocket was 90% successful, the last cluster did not ignite correctly (that is why it spiraled). It is a 4x4 multi-cluster rocket. x8 D12-0's and x8 C6-0's!!! [View]
eXtreme Performance Rocket Ship XPRS Meet, Black Rock, NV 2019 (0 00:05:58)Black Rock Nevada XPRS Rocketry Event September, 2019 [View]
Model Rocket Launch from a Drones Perspective (0 00:05:58)2014 Rocket Launch - St. Thomas, Missouri [View]
Steve Eves' Saturn V Launch (0 00:05:58)At about 1 p.m. April 25, 2009, Steve Eves went into the record books with the successful launch of his 1:10 scale Saturn V rocket. [View]
EZI-65 - K300 - 2019-01-19 (0 00:05:59)This is the highest and fastest flight achieved by my build of the EZI-65. I also performed some major software testing on this flight. For best results, tap the gear icon and set the resolution to ... [View]
LV2.3 October Launch from "Mission Control" (0 00:05:59)What we look like behind the scenes during a launch. For more information on the launch see: [View]
Paper Rocket Challenge with Estes Rocket Engines! (0 00:06:00)Build a launch ready rocket using only household items - paper, drinking straws, tape, glue, etc - and estes model rocket engines. Video tape what you have built and make a video response to this ... [View]
Model Rocket Launch FAIL...Keep Watching! (0 00:06:00)After a full day of assembling our rockets, it was time for the launch! FAIL...But, keep watching [View]
Neil McGilvray Bob Utley The Cow P11,000 (0 00:06:00)Cool Flight of Neil McGilvray / Bob Utley The Cow on a P-11,000 From LDRS 30 DVD [View]
Saturn 1b Vern's Museum Video (0 00:06:02)Saturn 1b video for the Museum Vern's rocket is at to display From Saturn 1b Steve Eves - Vern Hoag DVD [View]
Estes Rocket Bad Launch! (0 00:06:04)Rocket goes Crazy [View]
Two 10 motor rocket clusters plus huge Frick-n-Frack 2 stage rocket drag race (0 00:06:04)3/26/2015 CMASS rocket launch Bomark and Spinning Saucer of the Apocalypse 10 motor rocket clusters plus huge FlisKits Frick-n-Frack drag race [View]
BBBS: Rocket Gliders - Rocket Camera (0 00:06:06)Attleboro Ma: Highlight video of Big Brother/Big Sister (BBBS) after school mentoring program. Kids and their Big Buddies assembled rocket gliders then launched for an afternoon of fun. I also ... [View]
Duane Boldt Rocket Certification Launch (Music) (0 00:06:07)Duane Boldt Rocket Certification Launch The "RoboRocketryOne" rocket was actually made from a Semroc SLS Brighton kit. It's a pretty cool kit that has changeable motor mounts. It can flight on one ... [View]
L3 or Shred - Sam's NAR L3 Certification Attempt (0 00:06:07)Flight of Sam's Gizmo XL on a CTI M2250 and the resulting CATO (catastrophic motor failure). The motor failed due to a weak liner which caused the aft (nozzle) end of the casing to burn through. The ... [View]
2010 08 21 Flying model rockets at Fentress with SEVRA (0 00:06:08)Ethan and Joshua Hall nd Morgan and Rowan Ash fly model rockets at Fentress air field. [View]
Vertically Challenged (0 00:06:09)Tom Roland's level 3 attempt with his 'Vertically Challenged' model rocket. It flew on a Cesaroni M1670 Blue Streak. Flight occurred as part of the joint launch between South West Michigan ... [View]
NSWRA Launch 28/6/2008 (0 00:06:09)NSWRA rocket launch 28/6/2008 [View]
tuff enough flight #2 (0 00:06:10)Tuff Enough..98mm min dia hand layed fiberglass rocket flying on a N1700 Swamp Gas. Flew to 37K 2.2 mach [View]
1/10 Scale High Power X-15 Model Rocket (0 00:06:10)1/10 Scale X-15 Model Rocket 5 1/2 Feet Long 50 lbs on the Pad 500+ mph 7,500 feet Altitude [View]
LDRS is coming to Tripoli Central California in May 2018!!! (0 00:06:11) read correctly! May 16th - 20th, 2018 This is one launch you won't want to miss!!! And this is just a small sampling of the AMAZING Rockets you'll see! Be sure to check out the TCC website ... [View]
Large Cow Rocket P-12,000 LDRS 22 July 2003 (0 00:06:13)Neil McGilvray's "Udder Madness", 500lbs, P-12,000, July 2003 Argonia, KS [View]
Estes Partizon at NSL 2019 with 4k Action Camera (0 00:06:13)Flying on an Aerotech H135 to 2400 feet. Delay drilled to 10 seconds. Nice panoramic view of the Lucerne Dry Lake Bed, the crowd gathered for the NSL 2019. Thanks to NAR and ROC. NSL2019 Family ... [View]
Sledgehammer M1550 Launch - Onboard video cam (0 00:06:14)This was the biggest launch of the day, with the largest motor permissible in California. Mavericks Sledgehammer flying on a Aerotech M1550 Redline motor. It was a perfect flight, with video capture ... [View]
2009 DOOMSDAY @ Dowerin Rocket Launch Part A (0 00:06:14)The Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC's 2nd Annual DOOMSDAY @ DOWERIN 2009. Launches from size A to M motors. First Level 3 Certification flight in Western Australia, Highest Altitude flight for PARC ... [View]
Aero-TV: Rocketman John Hochheimer - NAR Paves Way For The Next Generation (Part 1) (0 00:06:15)NAR's TARC Mentors Are Providing Valuable Guidance There were many great role models at the recently conducted 2010 Team America Rocketry Challenge... and many of them are NAR members, mentoring the ... [View]
Video Rocket Launch (0 00:06:15)Launch and recovery of mid-level rocket with video camera; Aerotech G engine [View]
Model Rocketry at University of Leicester (0 00:06:15)Up to 100Ns impulse model rockets. All launched at Leicester, East Midlands, England. [View]
Using the Estes Igniters and Plugs Successfully in Model Rocket Motors (0 00:06:16)How do you successfully ignite an Estes rocket engine? That is what we'll cover in this video. Every now and then, we get a panic call from a school teacher because they had a rocket launch, and the ... [View]
Estes Hi-Flier Launch #3 on C6-5 Engine (0 00:06:17)Estes Hi-Flier Launch #3 on C6-5 Engine [View]
2010 Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) (0 00:06:19)This is a video of the 2010 Intercollegiate Rocket Engineering Competition (IREC) hosted by the Experimental Sounding Rocket Association (ESRA). Four schools entered, BYU, Embry Riddle, UCLA and ... [View]
Putting a Miniature Video Camera on a Rocket - ROCKET CAM! (0 00:06:20)This is something I've wanted to do since I was 10. I put a miniature video camera from Hong Kong into the nose cone of a model rocket and lit it off down at the soccer field. I took about half of ... [View]
NOV 19 2011 CLUB LAUNCH (0 00:06:21)Compiled video of quite a few of the flights from the first Club launch of the year. Great stills from Bob Bycraft as always. Thanks everyone for coming out. Almost 60 flights! [View]
BGEXRS 10-APR-2010 (0 00:06:21)BGEXRS Launches - 10-April-2010, Kjustendil, Bulgaria [View]
Homemade Model Rocket Launch Controller and Launch Pad (0 00:06:22)This video shows a home built launch controller and launch pad and an Estes Big Bertha rocket. I built this rocket, launch pad and controller 6 years ago and have finally got around to sanding and ... [View]
2015 Jan LUNAR Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (0 00:06:22)Great Lunch at LUNAR, Snow Ranch to start 2015. Great weather and large crowd. My Pain Killer 3" first launch. Another great flight for Wild Ride Two stage. [View]
Cineroc Flights Series 1 of 4 by Herb Desind (0 00:06:23)Herb Desind was a teacher and model rocketeer from Maryland. Herb sent me a VHS compilation of 36 Cineroc Movie flights for the 1990 New England Model Rocket or NEMROC Convention. Series 1 Flights: ... [View]
Camp Emerson Rocketry (0 00:06:23)Couselors rockets at camp emerson [View]
Northern Colorado Rocketry (0 00:06:24)A Promotional Video for Northern Colorado Rocketry Filmed on location at the Atlas Launch Site, Weld County, CO Filmed by Joe Corona Edited by Jack Corona Background Music: "Rocket" (c) Def ... [View]
My Favorite Hobby-- High Power Rockets !! (0 00:06:25)Pics and Launch Videos This Is a 1/3 scale scratch built Coyote Missile that myself and four other members of the Music City Missile Club (MC2) designed,assembled and launched. stats-90 lbs The ... [View]
5th Grade Classroom Rocketry Presentation - Part 2 (0 00:06:25)Looking for some ideas on how to incorporate rocketry into your school classroom? This video will give you some ideas on how to tie rocketry to the subject matter you're already teaching in your ... [View]
Rocket Launch! (0 00:06:26)I heard about a local rocket launch and managed to catch it on camera and with the drone. The Northern Neck Rocketry Society #822 (NNRS) is a new model rocket club in the area and they were holding ... [View]
(0 00:06:26)TCC fist launch of 2014... great weather temps in the low 70s for Winter's day. Flights of Wildman Intimidator, Shredder, DarkStar, and RW Formula 98. Onboard video of the Shredder. [View]
Giant Leap Rocketry-Mariah 54 Epoxy Fillets (0 00:06:27)Finally got a nice video with a model rocket to do the epoxy fillet technique described in this kit. [View]
2019 March Las Vegas Springfest-- David and John's Rocket Launches (0 00:06:27)Returned to Jean Dry Lake Bed to launch during Tripoli Las Vegas's Springfest, St. Patrick Day weekend March, 2019. Planned to launch Friday and Saturday 5 rockets. While bright, clear, and sunny ... [View]
2011 SARG Spring Launches - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (0 00:06:28)Spring 2011 Sacramento Area Rocketry Group Launches. Launches near Lincoln/Roseville, CA on cattle pasture. Launches from Jan - April, 2011. [View]
NIKE SMOKE Estes Pro Series II final comments (0 00:06:29)final comments of the Nike Smoke build October 27 , 2017 [View]
The Semroc Sabre Parasite Glider (for Model Rockets) (0 00:06:30) gave away a new Sabre Parasite Glider kit from Semroc at NARCON 2019. It's an easy, fun build and can be flown on most model rockets without modifying the way they're built. [View]
Huge Sugar Rocket Launch at FAR (0 00:06:30)I recently went to this cool rocket launching place called FAR (Friends of Amateur Rocketry). This diverges slightly from my normal line of videos, but I thought this was cool. The myth-busters even ... [View]
Moose Lake Rocketry, Summer 2009 (0 00:06:31)This is a compilation of both days of flights on Estes D, AeroTech E, F, & G motors. All rocket kits (except the final flight) were all DynaStar Mid-Power Rocket Kits from Apogee Components ... [View]
Estes Yankee (BETA, 1982) and Estes Hyper-X (1997) Model Rockets with a special flyover! (0 00:06:31)GoPro 7 Black on Drone Yankee on a B6-4. Improvments will be to add a very bright and long streamer with the parachute. Hyper-X on a C6-5. This rocket only needs a C6-3 or C5-3, shorter delay. It ... [View]
PARC rocket launching 2010 video 2 (0 00:06:32)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC having fun flying rockets. lots of rocket flights from our youngest members to our oldest members. [View]
Tripoli Wisconsin Association's September 2018 high power rocketry launch. (0 00:06:37)Tripoli Wisconsin Association's September 2018 high power rocketry launch held at Richard Bong State Park. [View]
Model Rocket Thrust Vector Control | Succesful launch of Spectre Adv. (0 00:06:37)IT FINALLY HAPPENED-- after about 3 months of work on the Spectre series of rockets, we have had a full success! Thrust vector control on the way up and successful mechanical chute ejection on the ... [View]
2012 3-3 FAR Activities: Sugar motors, Recovery ejection test and a CATO (0 00:06:38)Paul Avery static tested three 38mm single use sugar motors, all successful. Hal Duffy did the first test of the drogue chute piston ejection as part of the recovery system being designed for the ... [View]
Estes Viking Part 2- Engine block, nose cone, and beginning fins (0 00:06:41)Part 2 of the Model Rocket build series. Assembly of the engine block, assembly of the nose cone, and beginning of fin attachment. **Several times I refer to the body tube as the motor tube, ... [View]
Tripoli Central CA launch: part two (0 00:06:41)Launch of Pyramid rocket, Whistler rocket, others [View]
Launching Model Rocket From Underwater (In 4K Slow Motion) (0 00:06:42)Just for fun I decided to build a model rocket and launch it from underwater while filming it with the high speed camera in slow motion. this is something I've been wanting to do for a while now ... [View]
OUTBACK THUNDA AFT Camera (0 00:06:42)OUTBACK THUNDA at LDRS30 in Argonia, Kansas. This was the first of 2 flights on a N2600 and 3 x J381 Skidmarks. Some interesting points: 1. The paint job is actually a big decal which didn't quite ... [View]
Pink Floyd Dark Side Rocket (0 00:06:43)Discussing the Estes rocket catalog, Polecat Aerospace, and Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon pyramid rocket [View]
PARC Rocket Launching June (0 00:06:43)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club doing what it does best. 29th June 08 Launch [View]
Kloudbusters Rocketry Highlights from AIRFest 15, Sept 6, 2009 -- Part 2 (0 00:06:45)Highlights of high-power rocket launches at AIRFest 15 on Sunday Sept. 6 sponsored by KLOUDBusters. Part 2 of 2. Largest rocket launches are in part 2. The event was held about 7 miles south of ... [View]
"A Thin Blue Line" - Memorial Rocket Flight for Officer Chris Kilcullen (0 00:06:46)This video depicts the launch and recovery of an ARR Predator 10K Rocket that was built by Richard Bremer and launched in memory of his friend, and former co-worker Officer Chris Kilcullen of the ... [View]
G. Harry Stine - Paying Forward (0 00:06:46)G. Harry Stine is remembered as the man who popularized model rocketry and made it a safe, educational, and fun activity pursued by millions around the world. [View]
When (xmas) Trees Attack (RC Aerial Video + Rockets) - GoPro HD Hero Cam (0 00:06:47)My first flight (yes, the maiden!) after attaching the GoPro HD Hero to the Stryker F27C... naturally with RC planes there are trees always willing to reach out and grab it from the sky. In all ... [View]
Estes Rockets - Mini Red Max, Yankee, Mini Honest John, Sizzler, Flip Flyer, AstroCam!! (0 00:06:47)After a couple of days of the Astrocam in the tree, it has returned to Earth. Bamboo Pole wins, tree loses, yet again. However, the rocket body came down first, then parts of the nose cone fell out, ... [View]
ROCKETS Magazine AirFest 18 Drake (0 00:07:00)Arizona Rocketry Team's 12X upscale FlisKit Drake on an O5000 at AirFest 18 [View]
High Power Rocket in power lines (0 00:07:00)This is Hy-Po's flight at Dairy Aire '05. It landed in power lines. [View]
High Power Rocket Fail (0 00:07:00)A teen attempts his Junior Level 1 High Power Rocketry Certification on a Loc IV with a H-123-W motor to 2,000 feet at Snow Ranch, California on 1/8/11. The nose cone and parachute separated from ... [View]
2013 March SARG Rocket Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (0 00:07:02)March 2013 SARG Launch. Lovely start of Spring in Northern California. Launching Wildman DarkStar 3 with on board video, Rocketry Warehouse G3 Color Edition, Binder Design JackHammer, and Madcow ... [View]
LDRS 38 Argonia Kansas 2 stage rocket flight to 28,545'. (0 00:07:02)LDRS 38 in Argonia KS. 2 Stage flight. Booster CTI M1540 IMax Stratologger CF and EggFinder TX GPS 66” Spherechute main with Jollylogic Chute Release set at 1000’ with 24” drogue. ... [View]
EZI-65 CATO - CTI K300 - 2020-05-23 (0 00:07:03)UHD Make sure to tap the gear icon and set the Quality to the highest your system can handle. EZI-65 Flight 36 Average altitude per flight: 8000 Spaceport Rocketry Association http://spacep ... [View]
The Daily Case #10 - Estes Tandem-X Flying Model Rocket Launch Set (0 00:07:03)Purchase this product on Amazon [View]
Rocket Fun #1 Onboard (0 00:07:04)a montage of launches over the past few weeks [View]
2x upscale scissor wing transport RC Rocket glider flights (0 00:07:05)2x upscale scissor wing transport RC Rocket glider flights with wing fixed for comparison to folded wing option. [View]
2008-06-07 ROCK Launch High-Speed Videos (0 00:07:05)Videos from ROCK's June launch recorded in high-speed. [View]
Shock Cords for Dual-Deployment Rockets (0 00:07:06)"When flying dual-deployment rockets, how long do you make the shock cords? And which one (long or short) is put in the back of the rocket?" These are common questions that we get from people that ... [View]
CMASS ROCKET LAUNCH 10.2.10 (0 00:07:06)Various launches Oct. 2. 2010 [View]
BCDS - Class of 2010 Physics Class - Rocket Launches (0 00:07:06)It's pretty hard to track a model rocket. The camera has trouble quickly adjusting to lighting changes, leading to a big white nothingness when you look up at the sky suddenly. And the cloudy sky on ... [View]
Family Activity - Estes Model Rocket Launch in honor of Apollo 11 50 Years 07.2019 (0 00:07:12)This channel is about building memories with your family on a budget. We do travel videos, home projects, hobbies and fun activities together and film them to share ideas with your family. We hope ... [View]
Scratch Falcon 9 CRS-19 Build (0 00:07:12)Scratch Falcon 9 CRS-19 Build Scratch built a Falcon 9 CRS-19 with 24mm motor mount. Had previously prototyped to test friction-fit, removable fins. This is the more display-worth build. Main ... [View]
Tri-Cities Rocketeers high power rocket launch 5-13-17 (0 00:07:17)It was a beautiful day to fly with the Tri-Cities Rocketeers! Turnout was a bit light this month, perhaps a combination of the windy forecast and a couple big regional launches coming up soon, but ... [View]
"Mr. Rocket tells us what it is like to run a rocket company" (0 00:07:18)What is is like to run Apogee Components, the leading educational model rocket company in the world? He is Tim Van Milligan who tells us what makes him click, and what kind of fun things you'll be ... [View]
Friends of Amateur Rocketry May 19, 2012 (0 00:07:19)Activities at the Friends of Amateur Rocketry site on Saturday, May 19, 2012. N2O nitrous oxide hybrid flight by CAL-POLY San Luis Obispo, a drogue deployment charge test by Hal Duffy for the ... [View]
2 successful launches of my two-stage Estes Mongoose rocket (0 00:07:20)The day for the launch had arrived. The weather was mild, the winds were calm and the level of sunlight was just perfect. The recovery system failed to deploy on my first launch due to what I ... [View]
Superfluous Launch 8 at GHS 2010 (0 00:07:20)Superfluous Launch 8 at GHS 2010, Oct 24, Rainbow Valley, AZ CTI - M1300 Dual Thrust, CTI Igniter, Grains glued to liner per CTI instructions. 10100 ft, 865 ft/sec (mach 0.78), 13Gs, Flight time 283 ... [View]
Model and High Power Rocket Launch in Pueblo Colorado with Special Guest. (0 00:07:21)Model and High Power rocket launch near Pueblo, Colorado with a special visit by Vern Estes who founded Estes Model Rockets and is a pioneer in the hobby of model rocketry. [View]
R/C B-29 with X-1 rocket (0 00:07:24)This may be the coolest R/C plane ever made. [View]
Jon Chrisman's "Ultimate Wildman" Level 3 Certification Flight (0 00:07:25)Jon's successful level 3 certification flight with his rocket "Ultimate Wildman". Flown at Freedom Launch 2012 on September 1st in Orangeburg, South Carolina, USA. Technical Adviser was Tom Binford. ... [View]
QCRS June 13th, 2015 (0 00:07:26)QCRS June 13th, 2015 after the cloud layer burned off. [View]
2008-07-10 ROCK Launch High-Speed Rocketry Video (0 00:07:27)The July 2008 ROCK launch captured in high-speed. [View]
Thrust Vectoring Mount - Build Signal R2 (0 00:07:29)Watch as a playlist: Signal R2 Kit: Build Signal R2: https://bps ... [View]
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. June 2009 (0 00:07:31)The Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. Rocket launches for June 2009. First Junior HPR Certification in Australia. [View]
SpaceX inspired edf rocket part 1: deployable landing gear and thrust vector control (0 00:07:33)This is part 1 of my SpaceX inspired edf rocket project where I design, 3D-print, build and assemble the retractable landing gear and thrust vector control unit. For those of you who say an edf is ... [View]
TVC Tech Talk Ep.2 | The Flight Computer (0 00:07:37)Today is all about our little beep boop dude-- it uses a teensy 3.5 which is basically just a fast arduino that can be coded inside the arduino development enviroment it is then all connected to a ... [View]
2018 April LUNAR Club Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launch (0 00:07:38)Final able to attend a LUNAR launch this year. Between weather and college tours this first one I could attend. LUNAR was green after the recent rains. Weather was perfect temp in the 70s, sunny, ... [View]
Build a Rogallo Wing, Rocket boosted glider part 4 (0 00:07:38)This video shows the construction sequence for making a Rogallo wing glider that is boosted into the sky by a model rocket. They are often called flexie gliders because the wing is flexible and can ... [View]
UBRocketry Fall 2010 Launch #1 (0 00:07:39)Our first rocket launch of the semester, launching smaller rockets near campus. [View]
Helicopter Model Rockets (0 00:07:40)This video gives you an introduction to the fascinating world of helicopter-recovery rockets. There are many different types of helicopters, and I'll show you a few of the different ones that I've ... [View]
2019 Fall Rocket Launches (0 00:07:40)This video highlights STEM class students amazing work. Students were to research, design, engineer, and test a rocket that launches straight up, goes the highest, and stays in the air the longest ... [View]
Mounting a video camera to your rocket (0 00:07:41) - This video explains how to attach a key-chain video camera to the side of your model rocket. We recommend a camera hood to smooth the airflow around the camera to keep ... [View]
High Power Rocket flown in Ca. (0 00:07:44)This is an L3 cert. flight of Zoid. It was flown at Dairy Aire '06. [View]
2016 April TCC Club Rocket Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (0 00:07:45)Perfect spring weather for a launch in Central California, warn, sunny clear, and slight breeze. Clover up to our knees but not damp. Three flights this launch... SAAB-98, Widman Dual Deploy, and ... [View]
2016-04-03 GRITS Launch (0 00:07:47)Aerial and slow-motion video of the 2016 GRITS launch in Southern Georgia. [View]
Doomsday @ Dowerin 08 Part C (0 00:07:47)Doomsday @ Dowerin 08 Part C - Perth Advanced Rocketry Club InC [View]
Resin Casting of Model Rocket Parts (0 00:07:47)Resin casting can be fun, and here I show you how it is done. This is how we make the resin nose cone for the Heli-Roc model rocket kit. Each kit is hand-made, just like the one shown in this video. ... [View]
National Association of Rocketry Meetup 6/20/20 (0 00:07:50)Rocket launch meetup in Longmont, CO hosted by Gary with NAR on 6/20/20. We had a great time hanging out, launching rockets, flying airplanes, having a blast! Come join us for the next meetup! NAR ... [View]
A Day at LDRS 38 (0 00:07:50)A Day at the National Large Dangerous Rocket Ships Launch hosted by KLOUDBusters in Argonia Kansas. This video was shot on Saturday, August 31st. I had intended to stay through Monday, but a sick ... [View]
How to pack a Competition Parachute (0 00:07:51)Folding big competition style parachutes is tricky. They are so big and the rockets are so lightweight that they often don't fully open. This video shows the method used by international competitor ... [View]
TeleMetrum: GPS Tracking for High Power Rockets Part 2 of 3 (0 00:07:52)Part 2 of 3: When your rocket carrying the TeleMetrum takes off, it will transmit back to you a lot of flight data. The software will download this data to your computer and display key components ... [View]
Doomsday @ Dowerin 08 Part B (0 00:07:52)Doomsday @ Dowerin 08 part B - Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. [View]
Building Your First High Power Rocket - Part 5 (0 00:07:52)Ever wanted to see how to make near-perfect fin fillets? In this week's video tutorial, Erin is going to add the epoxy fillets along the fins to enhance the strength of the fins. They will also ... [View]
Model Rocket Battle 2 | Dude Perfect (0 00:07:55)Launching giant model rockets is our new favorite hobby! [View]
High Powered Rocket Launch Feb 2017 (Rocket View) (0 00:07:56)The Rocket was powered by a G Engine. It had onboard Camera and GPS Telemetry. It spun a little more than I wanted, but that was because of a fin that was hastily repaired following the first ... [View]
Doomsday @ Dowerin 2008 Rocket Launch part A (0 00:07:56)Doomsday @ Dowerin 1st Annual launch for Perth Advanced Rocketry Club. [View]
Highpower Rocket flights, V-2, Sparrow-Arcas, IRIS, Jayhawk, etc (0 00:07:57)From my early days of rocketry in the late '90s, Highpower Rocket flights, V-2, Sparrow-Arcas, IRIS, Jayhawk, etc [View]
High Power Rocket flown in Nevada (0 00:07:57)This is Hy-Po launched in Nevada at the Aero-Pac Mud Rock launch of '05. [View]
Estes Patriarch Model Rocket - Part 2 (0 00:07:59)The estes patriarch model rocket - straight out of the box! Here in part 2, we demonstrate multiple launches. [View]
Madcow Frenzy XL L3 Certification Flight, M1297W (0 00:07:59)Tripoli Central California (TCC) October Skies High Power Rocket Launch 10/21/2017 Helm, California This is my Level 3 HPR Certification Flight. Rocket: Madcow 4" Fiberglass Frenzy XL Motor: ... [View]
Estes JAVELIN Model Rocket Review. AMAZING Launch (0 00:08:00)In This Video I will build and launch the Estes JAVELIN Model Rocket. The Launch was amazing! PLEEEEASE SUBSCRIBE! [View]
What Is Sprite? (0 00:08:00)Hope things make a bit more sense on this project now! Still have lots to figure out, fingers crossed we can get hoppin before 2020 :) Thanks again to VectorNav for sending the VN-300 IMU/AHRS as a ... [View]
Al Clark's Rocket Boost Gliders, 2018.07.29 (0 00:08:01)Here's a composite of Al's RBG flights today. Two were Dynasoar kits, The X-15 and the Jayhawk. I don't remember the name of the name of the other one. [View]
DOOMSDAY @ DOWERIN Rocket Launching Part B (0 00:08:02)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club 2nd Annual 4 day rocket launch weekend. A to M flights. [View]
Wolf Park Week- April 10, 2010 (0 00:08:03)Kailani, the Main Pack's girl singer, leads off Howl Night while Amanda yip howls encouragement. In a cornfield just north of Wolf Park, the Lafayette Chapter of the Tripoli Rocketry Association ... [View]
Rocket Therapy Episode # 1: Who is NAR & What Are High Power Certifications (0 00:08:05)NAR Website: Join NAR: NAR High Power Certification: NAR Insurance FAQ's: ... [View]
Burning Model Rocket Engine Underwater in 4K Slow Motion - Rockets (S1 • E4) (0 00:08:06)This time I take a estes Model Rocket Engine and Ignite it underwater to see just what happens, will it burn ? will it blow ?. All while filming it in 4k super slow motion, I found a few things very ... [View]
The Video version of The Rocketry Show's TARC 2017 coverage. Mini episode 1 (0 00:08:08)Gheem and CG interview Robin Thurman, Director, Workforce Policy at the Aerospace Industries Association (AIA) about the Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC). The Aerospace Industries Association ... [View]
Aero-TV: John Langford - The National Association of Rocketry at TARC (0 00:08:09)2010's Amazing Team America Event Is Due To Give Way To 2011's Rendition This May 14, 2011 It was one of Aero-TV's favorite shoots from 2010... The Team America Rocketry Challenge (TARC) is an ... [View]
High Powered Rockets 1: A Weekend in Geneseo (0 00:08:10)While I debug some of my machines, here's some video from rockets I launched a few weekends ago! [View]
RockSim Software Tutorials - Installation & Registration (Windows) (0 00:08:10)RockSim Software installation & registration instructions for Windows computers [View]
Launch Your First Rocket (0 00:08:17)If you need a suggestion on what rocket to get for your first launch, we recommend a starter set. This video will show you how easy it is to get a successful first launch. [View]
Rocket Tuning - Build Signal R2 (0 00:08:19)Watch as a playlist: Signal R2 Kit: Build Signal R2: https://bp ... [View]
Estes Rockets the free fall rocket and red crayon rocket review (0 00:08:19)Estes Rockets the free fall and the red crayon rocket review [View]
Into the Blue (model rocketry) (0 00:08:23)Model rocket flying with HART club in the UK. Filmed and edited on video in the late nineties. Including X-Wing, Mean Machine, clustered motors, and an RC plane. [View]
PML Io Dual Deploy Rocket at 2010 OROC September Sage Xtreme (0 00:08:26)Video depicting the launch of my Public Limited Missiles LTD. Io rocket that I built for dual parachute deployment. This rocket was launched on 09/04/2010 at the OROC September Sage Xtreme event in ... [View]
C5-3 rockets: Centuri, Patriot, Nike Smoke, Low-boom SST, Interceptor, plus Nike-x, Vipox, and Lynx (0 00:08:26)Another mild wind day before the trades pick up again. We started at the soccer park but it closed so we relocated to a nearby park. The difference being a watery canal about 150 past a hungry line ... [View]
Aero-TV: AIA's Audrey Koehler - Launching Our Next Generation Pt. 1 (0 00:08:37)Recrafting The Future of Aerospace Recent publications from the Aerospace Industries Association note that, "America's requirement for workers who are well educated in science, technology, ... [View]
PARC Rocket Launching Nov 08 (0 00:08:40)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC rocket launching November 08. Members enjoying the last launch for 2008. [View]
(0 00:08:40)Summary video of the launches of my four rockets and my dad's three rockets at LDRS 35. Rocket info: http ... [View]
Model Rocket Series Bonus Episode! (0 00:08:43)A Bounus Episode! The weather presented an opportunity to get out there and launch our C6-5 powered rockets. First up an Alpha III followed by my Metalizer and finally the missus Super Alpha (now ... [View]
ProRail Base Launch Pad (0 00:08:43)When I set out to build my own launch pad, I was looking for a design that was light weight, easy to use and store, and had a low center of gravity. My search led me to a design that fit my needs ... [View]
Ant Lifting Bodies Part 2 (0 00:08:47)As the space shuttle prepares for retirement, can the Screaming Death Wedge, or SDW lifting body and the brave ants who fly it be America's answer to the gap in spaceflight? Here in Part 2 of The ... [View]
Greg's World of Rockets 2002-2007 (0 00:08:47)A compilation of the rockets I have built and flown over the last five years. Thanks to Marty Wiggins, Tom Rackers and Kendall Brent for taking most of the videos. Also thanks to the SouthEast ... [View]
Micro Orange Machine, Estes Lynx, Nike-x, Vortico, Flutter-by, MHJ, Twin Factor, XAM, and Red Nova (0 00:08:47)The trade winds are dying down this week so shot the four new rockets I've built. Friday should be favorable and plan to launch the new C5-3 engines I obtained. Another change was the new launch ... [View]
2009-01-17 - Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association Launch (0 00:08:48)High-speed (slow-motion) videos from the January, 2009, TTRA launch. [View]
DoubleSShot BPS rocket motor test (0 00:08:51)Static test of the Aft section of the DoubleSShot BPS rocket motor on May 5th, 2012 at the Friends of Amateur Rocketry site in the Mojave Desert of California. Approximately 85 pounds (38 kg) of ... [View]
29mm Estes Executioner Rocket & Altimeter Two (0 00:08:51)This is a 29mm rocket, although it's flown in the video on an E9 for it's first flight. We'll move on to F & G soon enough. I found this kit heavily discounted, bought it, and threw it in my ... [View]
jolly logic chute release unboxing (0 00:08:52)unboxing the Jolly Logic chute release with Eolsha [View]
Model Rocket Thrust Vector Control | Hold Down Test Series 2 (0 00:08:56)APOLOGIES FOR THE BAD CAMERA QUALITY-- we were so excited to film this video and get it out that the quality is a little sub-par This is our second round of hold down tests for the Spectre series of ... [View]
VNR CSXT GO FAST! Rocket Launch 2014 plus B roll High Res (0 00:08:57)CSXT along with GO FAST! celebrates the 10 year anniversary of setting the World Record for the first amateur rocket to be launched into outer space. On this day, they broke that World Record for ... [View]
Payloads (0 00:08:57)This video discusses what is classified as a payload and describes the different categories of payloads. The video discusses the use of altimeters and accelerometers in recovery events and different ... [View]
Estes Prowler pro series 2 rocket ,unboxing review (0 00:08:58)Estes Prowler pro series 2 ,unboxing review [View]
DOOMSDAY @ DOWERIN 08 Random Footage (0 00:08:58)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. Random Footage for 2008 [View]
Fiberglass 6" Der Red Max Upscale Build (Part 1) (0 00:08:58)Thanks for watching! [View]
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. Aug 2009 (0 00:08:59)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC. Rocket Launching August 2009. Doing what we do best flying rockets and having fun. [View]
Strategies For NAR Payload Altitude Contest (0 00:09:00) - In 2017, the National Association of Rocketry is changing the way competitions are conducted to streamline the events and make it easier to be competitive. There will ... [View]
Oregon Rocketry NXRS 2018 : High Power Rocket Launch (0 00:09:00)In this video myself and Brennan head out to the Serene patch in the Sagebrush that is OROC (Oregon Rocketry) 's Brothers launch site for their annual Northwest Extreme Rocket Show. The OROC guys ... [View]
Launch of Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse rocket on an Aerotech J350W (0 00:09:00)Launch of Mike Borman's Giant Leap Elipse rocket on an Aerotech J350W motor to 2,687 feet. The rocket carried a Garmin Astro GPS for tracking, and an onboard Boostervision Gearcam video camera. The ... [View]
Flash Rocketry Club December Launch Compilation (0 00:09:01)this vodeo is a compilation of video, pics, and onboard video from our clubs december launch. [View]
"The Rocket Movies" (Estes Cineroc Super8 Films 1970s) (0 00:09:05)A short film remembering my experience with model rockets, and shooting Super8 movies with the Estes Cineroc movie camera in the early 1970s. [View]
NERRF (0 00:09:07)North Eastern Regional Rocket Festival hi. Many High Power Launches in Pine Island, New York. Host club was METRA. [View]
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC Launch May 2009 (0 00:09:10)PARC members enjoying a beautiful day out launching rockets. Model Rockets, High Power Rockets even a UFO or two. First K Launch at PARC. [View]
QCRS February 20th, 2016 (0 00:09:11)QCRS February 20th, 2016, Princeton, IL [View]
NAR HPR L3 Cert Build & Flight (0 00:09:11)Build and flight video of Super Sonic I for my NAR HPR L3 certification. Super Sonic I is the first iteration of two stage high altitude rockets. This build was the sustainer for Super Sonic I. ... [View]
LOC Ultimate Rocket Introduction (0 00:09:11)This promotional video shows the features of the LOC Ultimate rocket kit. It is a monster of a rocket, with 7 holes in the rear for up to seven rocket engines. You have the option of flying it with ... [View]
Pollard School Grade 4 Rocket Launches 2019 (0 00:09:12)5, 4, 3, 2, 1.... 4th Graders at Pollard School built and painted rockets from a kit called The FlisKits dooDad. Students had a “blast” launching their rockets with Mr. Jim Flis! [View]
Roger and Bracha's Bigger Big Daddy Akavish (0 00:09:12)Introducing the Bigger Big Daddy Akavish, the latest in a series of furry flying rockets by Roger and Bracha Smith. The new Big Daddy Akavish is over six feet tall and soars skyward powered by ... [View]
Model Rocket Motor Retention Methods (0 00:09:15)Trying to figure out how to restrain the rocket motor inside your cool rocket design? This video will show you a number of ways to hold the motor into the engine mount. [View]
S8E/P Rocket Glider Practice Landings #2 (0 00:09:16)Practicing Landings for the FAI S8E-P R/C Rocket Glide event, using a Hi-Start, on August 6, 2010. This is cheaper and easier than doing rocket boosts, as it is a lot more critical to get in lots ... [View]
Building The Apprentice Model Rocket Kit (0 00:09:16) This is a sample video from the DVD that comes with the Apprentice Starter Set. The DVD is included to make sure that you and your child get 100% success with your first ... [View]
Estes Speed Freaks Rocket Setup - Part 1 (0 00:09:16)This is a video showing the setup of the Estes Speed Freaks Rocket Launch set. I had to put it in 2 parts because it is quite long. [View]
NAPAS Launch - September 26, 2010 (Part 2) (0 00:09:17)Flights from the Napas rocket launch held on September 26, 2010. [View]
DJI Phantom 4 - Drone rocket launch video!!! Amazing!!! (0 00:09:22)Drone video footage of the second launch of my Astron Sprint XL in it's entirety! Then watch for launch footage of my Estes Dark Zero. Great job Kevin GHOST Needham, and thanks!! :D [View]
Add Paper Skins To Balsa Wood Fins To Make A Stronger Model Rocket (0 00:09:22)Adding a paper lamination to the surfaces of your rocket's balsa wood fins greatly increases the strength of the fin without adding hardly any weight. It also seals the surface and makes the rocket ... [View]
Plugging a Rocket Motor (0 00:09:23)Need a plugged motor with no ejection charge but can't find one with the right impulse? We get that question all the time. It's very rare that you would ever fly a rocket that doesn't use an ... [View]
Rocket launch sept 12 2016. Estes Rockets & Math (0 00:09:25)Launch Date: 072612 Sept 2016 Rockets Launched: Amazon High Flyer Yankee Crossfire [View]
Arizona Rocketry (0 00:09:25)Encontro de Espaçomodelistas do Arizona EUA. [View]
Rotary Revolution 06 (0 00:09:27)This step is where the shock cord is attached to both the body tube, and the graphite rotor shaft. The Rotary Revolution is a new competition style helicopter duration rocket. Specifically, this ... [View]
Model Rocket Thrust Vector Control | Flights 1 and 2! a Success? (0 00:09:29)APOLOGIES FOR BAD AUDIO-- One of these days we will get it right and have good video and audio I swear... This is our first flight test of the Spectre rocket! and it was a success!!! (kind of) ... [View]
Rocket Girl ( (0 00:09:30)Mannequin converted into a high-powered rocket launched at LDRS 2008 in Argonia, Kansas. [View]
Thrusty McThrustFace - Level 2 Cert Attempt (0 00:09:31)Time to get that Level 3 cert amirite? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Details on High Powered Rocketry Levels: BAMA Recovery Systems: ... [View]
Tripoli Indiana Rocketry 12/14/2014 launch (0 00:09:32)Tripoli Indiana Rocketry held their monthly launch on Sunday, December 14th 2014. It was a great turnout and all of the flights were successful except for 2. I am so sorry but when I edited the ... [View]
CATO Rocketry Club Launch Highlights #139 July 19, 2008 (0 00:09:32)The triumph and the tragedy of launching model rockets! Here are some highlights from CATO Rocketry Club Launch #139 on July 19, 2008. Filmed at Whites Farm Field in Durham CT. This month was hot! ... [View]
Arreauxbee - Hi Build and Review (Mid / High Power Rocket) (0 00:09:33)In this video I assemble the Aerotech Arreauxbee-Hi Model Rocket Kit. It's a great kit to build, simple and efficient like all AT kits! [View]
CRG High Power Rocketry Launch - Ardlethan 8 (0 00:09:33)A collection of launch clips from the CRG's eighth HPR launch, held over the weekend of 23-24 May 2015. Some great flights - have a look especially at Tony B's Goblin on a CTI 'Smoky Sam' - around ... [View]
Perth Advanced Rocketry Club Launch April 09 (0 00:09:34)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club 1st Launch 2009 19th April. The team at PARC are out doing what we do best flying rockets and having fun. [View]
Carroll Community College STEM Club Rocket Launch (Afternoon Session) April 25 2011 Part 02 (0 00:09:34)Carroll Community College STEM Club Rocket Launch (Afternoon Session) April 25 2011 Part 02 NASA Science Technology Engineering Mathematics CCC Earth Day Festival Westminster Maryland MD 21157 [View]
LDRS 35 High Power Rocketry compilation (0 00:09:35)LDRS is an annual event where amateur rocketeers from across the US and even some international fliers convene to share their love of rocketry. The year's event was held at Lucerne Dry Lake Bed in ... [View]
The DIY Rocketeer Building SpaceX Replicas of Self-Landing Rockets (0 00:09:36)Joe Barnard left his background in videography and music production to launch his life of amateur rocketry, and he shares his DIY adventures in building rockets on his YouTube channel ... [View]
Modular Designs Part 1 (0 00:09:37)CG gives an overview on his technique to building Modular Rocket Designs. [View]
Airpower (model rockets) (0 00:09:38)H.A.R.T. Hornchurch Airfield Rocket Team (UK) flying model rockets in the late nineties. See an Aerotech E-25 powered supersonic Merlin (converted Zinger) rescued from a lake, a 'G' powered ... [View]
LDRS 26 (0 00:09:39)LDRS 26 by Gerald Jr. [View]
Welcome to DARS! (0 00:09:39)The Dallas Area Rocket Society is one of the largest, and the oldest Texas chapter, of the NAR (National Association of Rocketry.) Operating since 1972, we have been promoting sport and hobby ... [View]
Estes Partizon Rocket on a High Power Motor to 2300 feet (0 00:09:39)Estes Partizon Rocket on a High Power Motor to 2300 feet. It's the last official Southern Arizona Rocketry Association launch of the year. I have only one mission: Fly the Estes Partizon with two ... [View]
"Model Rocketry - The Last Frontier" (Part One) (0 00:09:39)Two things I love dearly - "Star Trek" and model rocketry - are mercilessly savaged in this tragic gem from the mid-1970's. Please note that this is part one, so please be sure to view part two. [View]
Danville Il 11/6/1994 ATV Rocket (0 00:09:40)My friend Robert Rau and myself, Jonathan Dunbar, attended a Tripoli Rocket Launch in Danville Illinois, November 11, 1194. We flew our Amateur TV rocket that had battery voltage, vibration, ... [View]
Mars Lander Quadcopter Rocket Boost 3, May 15th, Success! (0 00:09:41)I rebuilt the crashed model. Added a servo system to release rubber bands that prevent the props from windmilling on boost (suspected cause of boost #2's crash). Added a better GPS receiver, mini ... [View]
Model Rocket Thrust Vector Control | 3 More Flights and "The Jump" (0 00:09:42)Warning: This video is not like normal... it's a lot of talking, but we wanted to let everyone know what the plans are for the future. Thanks for watching and make sure to subscribe for more ... [View]
DOOMSDAY@Dowerin 2010 (0 00:09:44)Perth Advanced Rocketry Club DOOMSDAY@Dowerin rocket launch 2010. 4 days of camping, rocket flying and having fun. All ages welcome. Flying A to N motors. First Hybrid rocket launch. [View]
Building the Level-2 Fiberglass Rocket Kit - 1: Centering Ring Eyebolt Installation (0 00:09:45)In this episode on building the Level 2 high-power model rocket, we begin by washing all the parts down with soapy water. After that, you'll install the eyebolt in the engine mount centering ring. ... [View]
Modified Semroc Saturn 1B Build (4x24mm Cluster) (0 00:09:48)Modified Semroc Saturn 1B build to use 4x24mm motor cluster [View]
2014 Oct TCC October Skies - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (0 00:09:50)TCC's October Skies Rocket Launch - Maddox Dairy near Helm, CA. Flew several Rockets. First flight for my new two stage Wildman Jr with several videos from different points of view. [View]
Nike Smoke (0 00:09:52)This Nike Smoke rocket fired at Midwest Power V - 2007 failed to light all 5 solid rocket motors. The failure was quite a sight to see, especially from only a few hundred yards away. "Eric and ... [View]
Rocket Challenge - Wild and Weird Rockets (3/5) (0 00:09:55)The first episode of Rocket Challenge, originally aired in 2003. It was filmed at LDRS 22 in Argonia, KS. Part three of five. [View]
3D Printed Cineroc 808 Overview (0 00:09:56)Full model available on Thingiverse ----------------------------- Mike Dorffler in the early 70s designed for Estes Industries the 'Cineroc' a super 8mm ... [View]
PARC rocket launching video 1 2010 (0 00:09:56)The Perth Advanced Rocketry Club INC enjoying rocketry with the family. Various flights from 1/4 A to K size. [View]
Tripoli Wisconsin Association Rocket Launch July 2019 (0 00:09:56)July 7 @ Bong Rec Area in Wisconsin with some Lake County Honor Flight friends watching rocket launches. [View]
HELL FIRE 16 (0 00:09:57)Photos and on board camera video of rocket flights at HELL FIRE 16 at the Bonneville Salt Flats,Utah [View]
(0 00:09:57)Spent Labor Day weekend in the Tri-Cities Washington Area at Sod Blaster 2018. Perfect weather - low wind, sunny, and low 80's. Soft flat field and nice attendance. Lot of vendors and pads. Well ... [View]
Saturn 1B Assembly Part 22 - Service Module Wrap (0 00:09:58) - You'll see in this video how to install the Service Module wrap onto the upper part of the rocket. This is the Apogee Components 1/70th scale Saturn 1B model rocket ... [View]
Rocket Challenge - How High Can You Fly? (4/5) (0 00:09:58)The second episode of Rocket Challenge, originally aired in 2003. It was filmed at LDRS 22 in Argonia, KS. Part four of five. [View]
Giant Leap Rocketry-Mariah 54 Screws and Rivets (0 00:09:59)the final video on finishing the Mariah 54. This part describes the screws and rivets, along with the wiring and pressure ports. [View]
Back-to-back Silo Launched Model Rocket (0 00:09:59)Both flights were on an Estes F15 rocket motor, about 15 min apart - first flight was set to maintain ejection orientation, second flight was set to pitch over 20 degrees on the ECEF X axis. Help ... [View]
How to Select Rocket Motors Part 2 (0 00:09:59)Picking rocket motors for model rocket launches is a step-by-step process where you will end up with more than one motors that works well with your model rocket. We'll finish up the sequence in this ... [View]
Rose's First Launch (0 00:09:59)Here's some footage of our trip to Maryland. Rose and I both got to launch model rockets for the first time ever! It was amazing! We attended monthly launches at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center and ... [View]
Model & HPR Rocket Launch (0 00:10:00)THOR & TTRA on 17 May 08: Just north of Plant City, Florida. Wind was blowing 7 to 12 knots all day long. [View]
Greg Keney's June 8th, 2019 High Power Rocket Launch (0 00:10:00)Testing his level one, highly modified, high-power rocket, we launched this rocket with its new video camera on-board, out on the New Mexico mesa. He has decided, for the next launch, he will try a ... [View]
Nats Polecat Thumper (0 00:10:00)Natalie from the Perth Advanced Rocketry Club Western Australia and her level 3 certification project - Polecat Thumper on an M1297 [View]
Hybrid Rocket Engine Test 1 (0 00:10:01)Illinois Space Society Hybrid Rocket Engine Hot Fire Test 1 4/17/16 Partial Ignition at 9:05 [View]
Launch Of the LANCE BETA - Part One (0 00:10:02)On march 23, 2008, a few of us went just outside of Phoenix, Arizona to shoot off a 4-5 foot rocket that was bought about 10 years ago. Rocket Engines are hard to find for this type and we had to go ... [View]
Rocket Challenge - Supersonic Speed Demons (1/5) (0 00:10:02)The third episode of Rocket Challenge, originally aired in 2003. It was filmed at LDRS 22 in Argonia, KS. Part one of five. [View]
URRG Rocket High Altitude Onboard HD Video (0 00:10:02)m1850w to 17,928 ft 18k waiver mach 1.243 [View]
2 Stage High Power Rocket 13,000 Feet K1100 to K820 (0 00:10:02)Sustainer: Multitronix GPS Altitude 12,786 ft RRC2+ Altitude - 13,231 ft SLCF Altitude - 13,145 ft Max velocity - Mach 1.051 Peak Acceleration - 15.1 G Sustainer Ignition - 1653 ft Sustainer Burn ... [View]
NASA Student Launch Full Scale Test Launch Onboard Footage - 4999 ft (0 00:10:02)Harrison Ny NASA Student Launch Team successful full scale test launch to 4999' Rocket details: 4" diameter FG 116" tall 24.8 lbs SLCF + RRC2 CTI K660 motor TEG payload system/experiment Flight ... [View]
See Through Model Rocket Engine - FULL ENGINE in Slow Motion 4K - Rockets (S1 • E2) (0 00:10:09)A Model Rocket Engine that you can See Through, see inside, how it works and burns through the various stages, I filmed it in 4k slow motion and ultra slow motion so we can see exactly how the fuel ... [View]
Terrier Sandhawk Build Part 2 - Electronics Sled (0 00:10:11)The sled that holds the electronics in the rocket is not part of the LOC kit, and something that Apogee Components developed just to make this kit work. We include it with the kit when you buy from ... [View]
Cineroc 8mm Rocket Camera Footage (0 00:10:13)The Estes Cineroc was a revolutionary product, allowing model rocketry enthusiasts to film short movies of flights. Designed by Estes employee Mike Dorfler, the Cineroc used short lengths of 8mm ... [View]
OROC Fillible's Folly High Power Rocket Launch 9-16-16 (0 00:10:14)I had the pleasure of spending the weekend flying with Oregon Rocketry at their Fillible's Folly launch in Sheridan, OR. I was only able to be there on Friday and Saturday but I had a great time ... [View]
Fin Skinning with Sheet Styrene (0 00:10:15)Skinning balsa wing surfaces with sheet styrene is a quick and easy way to achieve a flawless surface that accepts paint well. This simple technique is a great trick to add to your toolbox of model ... [View]
Burning Model Rocket Motor In Liquid Nitrogen - 4K Slow Motion (0 00:10:15)I try and burn a Model rocket engine submerged in liquid nitrogen to see what's going to happen, also filming with a 4k high speed ( slow motion ) camera it should yield some interesting results, ... [View]
Dynasoar Rocketry RC Rocket Glider flights (0 00:10:16)Here are some flight vids of a few of the offerings from Dynasoar Rocketry, all flown by the incomparable Frank Burke. Dynasoar Rocketry sells kits for lightweight Radio control rocket gliders that ... [View]
Crayon Bank (0 00:10:20)Making a flying rocket out of a Crayon Bank. See for more info. [View]
Thor 7 Motor Cluster Launch (0 00:10:21)7 motor cluster launch of the Thor designed by me. Launch took place April 21, 2013 with Ellis, Kansas Cub Scout Pack 115, This is a really long video. You'll want to stop watching after it lands ... [View]
Saturn 1B Assembly Part 1 - What Paint to Use (0 00:10:23)This video shows the general painting techniques you'll use when building the Apogee 1/70th Scale Saturn 1B model rocket kit. [View]
(0 00:10:23)We took a chance and made the 7 hr one way trip to RocStock 39 - ROC, Lucerne Dry Lake, CA. We arrive Friday night to high winds, next morning winds almost stopped at 6:30 AM and calm to the ... [View]
Experimental Rocketry Circa 2010-2011 (0 00:10:30)A collection of rockets built by John French and myself in high school. [View]
Silo-Launched Model Rocket - Thoomp Flight 1 (0 00:10:34)Lots more Thoomp coming soon :) Music by Joe Barnard Help support Second channel, mostly for KSP: For more ... [View]
July 2019 MDRA Remembers Apollo XI (0 00:10:37)Maryland Delaware Rocketry Association's ESL 251 hobby rocket flight. Please see for more information. Come and join us at the field. [View]
Sprint - Test Flight 10 - Aerotech H13 (0 00:10:39)Thanks again to Perry and Arsenio for the voice telemetry readout add-on! Perry: Arsenio: mug! ... [View]
(0 00:10:40)Our Sept 13-14 Rocket Launches at XPRS, Black Rock Desert, Nevada. Started Muddy from Thursday rain but was great once it dried. [View]
Lvl 1 High power rocket certification with Central Illinois Aerospace (0 00:10:49)Kyle and I at a local club launch. We both got our lvl 1 certifications. [View]
Kevin Trojanowski and crew Safety Rocket P5466, 3 L803 (0 00:10:49)Cool Flight of Kevin Trojanowski and crew Safety Rocket on a P-5466 and 3 L-803 From LDRS 30 DVD [View]
Rocket glider prototype catches on fire in flight! (0 00:10:55)A really nice progression of what not to do when designing a radical departure from a conventional rocket glider planform. Enjoy, at my expense. ;) Major design updates have already been implemented ... [View]
NARAM 62: Manufacturer's Forum - Estes Rockets. (0 00:10:55)NARAM 62: Manufacturer's Forum - Estes Rockets. Quality Inn, Geneseo, New York July 26, 2021 NARAM 62 was hosted by: MARS (Monroe Astronautical Rocket Society) NAR Section #136 and SRC (The Syracuse ... [View]
Meet Scotland's DIY Rocketeers (0 00:10:59)There aren’t many places you can conveniently launch a homemade rocket. But a blustery Scottish moor, reachable only by winding roads that twist around reservoirs, wind turbines, and plenty of ... [View]
Standard Missile Rocket Maiden Flight - MDRA ESL#166 (0 00:11:02)Maiden flight of my scratch-built "SM-XMR SAM" 6" diameter, 8.5ft tall, 35lb rocket. Motor is an Aerotech M1500G. Footage was obtained with a ContourGPS HD downward facing camera in the nose cone. ... [View]
Building the Level-2 Fiberglass Rocket Kit - 4: Positioning The Centering Rings (0 00:11:02)In this episode, you'll position the rings on the motor mount and get it ready for the engine retainer. This is part 4 of 22. [View]
Attaching Fins (0 00:11:05)In this model rocketry workshop we discuss tips and tricks to getting your fins glued to your body tube properly. [View]
Building a Fiberglass Rocket: Part - 5 (0 00:11:06)We're building a typical fiberglass model rocket kit here from a company called "Mach 1." The kit does not come with very detailed instructions, and some of the parts need post-processing to get ... [View]
Thrust Vector Controlled SLS Flight #2 (0 00:11:08)2nd flight of my SLS rocket and first flight of the upgraded version 2! Things didn't quite go according to plan but hey that happens. [View]
RockSim Trajectory Comparisons using MS Excel (0 00:11:09)this is an old video I made in 2007 to show teachers how to create charts of rocket trajectories using Microsoft Excel. I'm sure that it can be done with something like google sheets, but I haven't ... [View]
Building Your First High Powered Rocket - Part 7 (0 00:11:12)The high-Power rocket that Erin has been assembling in this series, is intended as an easy-to-build dual deployment rocket. That means it is going to carry electronics to fire off two separate ... [View]
(0 00:11:12)Great time at TCC's 2019 October Skies. Breezy but pleasant fall weekend Sunny and clear at Maddox Dairy. Several rocket and food vendors. Nice crowd, no waits, usually TCC excellence in launches. 5 ... [View]
Model Rocket Engine Code Explained for Beginners (0 00:11:13) - A common question in model rocketry is what does the engine code printed on the side of the motor casing mean? An even more important question is how do you use that ... [View]
(0 00:11:21)Mad City Flyers go for their NAR High Power Rocketry Level 3 Certification. Scratch design/build High Power Rocket powered by an Aerotech M1297 White Lightning motor. Launched at a Woosh Rocketry ... [View]
Amateur Rocketeers Reach For The Stars - KQED QUEST (0 00:11:30)For decades amateur rocket builders, or "rocketeers," have been aiming their rockets towards space. Now with advances in materials and technology, they're actually able to get there. QUEST travels ... [View]
Copenhagen Suborbitals: The Incredible DIY Rocket Scientists on a Mission to Send a Human to Space (0 00:11:33)On July 28, a group of amateur space engineers plan to launch a rocket 12 kilometres into the sky, from a boat off the coast of Denmark. Copenhagen Suborbitals is a group of volunteers with a ... [View]
Balls 2019 Rocket Flight to 142,000 Feet (0 00:11:36)This video is of a two-stage rocket at Balls 28 (September 2019). The rocket achieved an altitude of over 142,000 feet. One notable aspect of the flight was that it was completely controlled by the ... [View]
New Zealand Rocketry Association Nationals (0 00:11:38)a large variety of Rockets [View]
Tripoli Rocketry Ireland meet 3 2011 (0 00:11:40)Tripoli 3 is probably the best video I've ever made because of tight editing and some onboard rockets cams. A must see! [View]
High Power Rocket Launch at Friends of Amateur Rocketry 11-28-17 (0 00:11:40)The Oak Park Rocket Club travels to the Friends of Amateur Rocketry launch site in the Mojave Desert to launch two high power rockets. The first rocket is a bamboo prototype rocket made of mostly ... [View]
Aerotech Cheetah Model Rocket (0 00:11:48)In this video I share my thoughts on the Aerotech Cheetah Rocket, as well as going for a launch! Enjoy! Aerotech Cheetah model rocket launched with an Aerotech Econojet F20-7 motor. Estimated ... [View]
2019 Spring Mid Power Rocket Project (0 00:11:48)Spring Garden Sophomores build and launch Mid-Power Rockets. February 2019 ***Watch Video after credits for a laugh*** Rockets in Video: Aerotech Cheetah, Initiator, & Barracuda (Rocket motors ... [View]
Meet the First College Students to Launch a Rocket Into Space | WIRED (0 00:11:49)A team from the University of Southern California's Rocket Propulsion Laboratory became the first student team to launch a rocket into space. WIRED's Arielle Pardes spoke with Neil Tewksbury, the ... [View]
National Association of Rocketry's National Sports Launch 2022 (0 00:11:59)On Memorial Day weekend, the NAR held their National Sports Launch in Dalzell, SC. It was hosted by the Rocketry Organization South Carolina at Orangeburg (ROSCO.) Here are some of the launches on ... [View]
High Power Rocket Launch 360° Video (0 00:12:27)Virtual Reality view from Oak Park Rocketry Team. Rocket launched on Sept. 16, 2017 at the Friends of Amateur Rocketry site in the Mojave Desert. This rocket (the Black Brant X) was made by our ... [View]
LDRS 22 Highlights July, 2003 (0 00:12:31)Argonia, Ks July 2003, Large Dangerous Rocket Ships 22 high & low lights. [View]
5 Model Rocket Launches - Two with onboard Estes Astrocam Camera. (0 00:12:31)Mini Max, Mini Honest John, Crossfire ISX, 2 Custom Rockets. [View]
East Coast Regional Meet 1991 (0 00:12:40)Random scenes from a model rocketry competition in 1991, sponsored by the NARHAMS section of the National Association of Rocketry. This was held at the Middletown park in Middletown, MD, just west ... [View]
The YouTube King of Rocketeers | | Falcon Heavy Model Launch (0 00:12:44)Joe Barnard is known online for his viral video of Falcon Heavy Model rockets and attempting to land them as well. He sits down with TJ Cooney to talk about the struggles of starting a rocket ... [View]
Rocket Stability (0 00:12:45)This episode discusses the stability of fin stabilized rockets. It includes multiple swing test experiments to verify the location of the Center of Pressure determined by two different estimating ... [View]
May MC2 Launch and HARA Research Launch (0 00:12:47)Manchester, TN [View]
Echo - Landing Test #2 (0 00:12:48)ooOOOF, close one Patreon: Contact: VICE/Motherboard video: All landing tests: ... [View]
Dropped Out of College to Launch a Rocket into Space (0 00:12:49)Meet Operation Space, a team of college students from different schools around the country who are working together to launch a rocket into space. They spent an entire year designing a rocket, ... [View]
Books I Recommend (0 00:12:49)Some of these are more fun than technical, but they’re still great reads! I learned quite a bit from online resources which I’ll talk about in a future video. Figured it’d still be nice to put ... [View]
TX 1160: Model Rocketry Part II (0 00:12:55)Watch how to complete the engine mount assembly, mark fin lines, and prep fins and exhaust nozzle for assembly. [View]
Launch of model rocket SPACEX FALCON 9 CREW DRAGON, 2+ stages (0 00:13:00)Model rocket with air start of second stage rocket motor and air start of booster entry burn rocket motor and air start of landing burn rocket motors. Second stage and space capsule return on ... [View]
High Power Rockets 2: An URRG Weekend (0 00:13:00)Hi Rocketeers! Last October I took a trip down to URRG to launch some more rockets! [View]
(0 00:13:00)We attended a great launch in the Pawnee Grasslands - NCR's High Times in July. Great location, no trees, water, poles, etc. NCR provide da warn welcome and casual launch. Launch was in question ... [View]
(0 00:13:05)Cutting a tube coupler and centering ring shims, then gluing the shims onto the centering rings. The website for North Coast Rocketry, who makes a Kuhn Tube Cutter kit: http://northcoastroc ... [View]
Falcon Heavy Model - Flight 2 (0 00:13:08)The 1/48th scale Falcon Heavy model is a technology demonstrator for The intention is to showcase the advancement possible at the model scale. Each of the three cores carries a flight ... [View]
1960's National Association of Rocketry "Space Age Hobby" Promotional Film (0 00:13:09)This color video was recorded from an original 16mm film belonging to John Roe (NAR#33) who appears in these shoots with his father William S. Roe (NAR#13), one of the founders of the National ... [View]
Williams Westernationals Rocket Launch 2011 - Part 1 (0 00:13:28)A collection of launches from the Williams "Wildfire" Westernationals 2011 in Perth, Australia. This video covers most of the launches from Saturday 4th June 2011. [View]
DDK Goes For Rocketry Level 1 Part 3! [4K] - Rocket Painting (0 00:13:29)Hello Folks! And welcome to the next installment of DDK's level one rocketry adventure! In this episode we shall be painting and putting the final touches to the rocket. Enjoy! :) Camera Used: Sony ... [View]
Unbox the Estes Vapor Model Rocket Kit (0 00:13:39) Here we're looking at the Estes Vapor rocket kit through the eyes of a real rocket scientist. ... [View]
Simple Timer for Staging model rockets (0 00:13:40)The Apogee SimpleTimer for Staging has been designed for timing applications in high-power consumer rocketry. Its intended use is to start igniter in the sustainer motor of a two stage rocket. It ... [View]
Rocket _ Star Orbiter build_03 (0 00:13:43)Hey guys, Happy here with part 3 and final part of the build. Here I go over finishing touches as well as a quick over view of the Rocksims program. Also I give a sneak peek at Star Orbiter's name ... [View]
3 stage rocket model launch, on board and external camera, stage separation detail (0 00:13:54)Launch of 3 stage rocket model on IX. Festival of High Power Rockets at Modelpark Suché, on-board and external camera slow motion video, rocket motors ignition sequence, detail of stage ... [View]
Fire In The Sky High Power Rocket Launch 2016 (0 00:13:58)Some footage from Fire In The Sky 2016, held in Mansfield, WA. This was my first time at FITS and I had a lot of fun! My wife and daughter came with me, so I didn't get as much footage as in my ... [View]
2011 10 10 STEM Club's Rocket Launch Video (Part 02) Event at Carroll Community College (0 00:14:01)2011 10 10 STEM Club's Rocket Launch Video (Part 02) Event at Carroll Community College Westminster MD Maryland USA [View]
How to Build A Rocket - Space Pod 6/23/16 (0 00:14:03)Our own Rocketman of TMRO, Jared Head, shows us what it takes to make an entry level high power rocket [a MadCow Rocketry 4" Patriot] so you can get your own space program started in your g ... [View]
Unboxing Estes Black Brant XII Model Rocket Kit (0 00:14:11) This video is our very first look into the Estes Black Brant XII model rocket kit. We'll look at it ... [View]
Echo - Landing Test #5 (0 00:14:12)"just call me bowling ball cause i be rollin" - Echo, 2019 Help support For more info: ... [View]
SA Cup Launch (0 00:14:14)On June 21st, the Illinois Space Society (ISS) large rocketry team, Spaceshot, successfully launched their Spaceport America Cup competition rocket: Intrepid III for the third time in the academic ... [View]
Falcon 9 Model Rocket Flights (TVC) (0 00:14:21)First flights of my fully custom thrust vector controlled rocket. [View]
Cardstock Rockets DIY (0 00:14:23)Learn to make a cardstock rocket with the easy tutorial! [View]
Building a Fiberglass Rocket: Part - 1 (0 00:14:24)We're building a typical fiberglass model rocket kit here from a company called "Mach 1." The kit does not come with very detailed instructions, and some of the parts need post-processing to get ... [View]
Firing a Rocket Engine! A Day in the Life of an MIT Aerospace Engineering Student Ep.4 (0 00:14:24)In this video, I talk about how my friend and I conducted a static fire testing of his Liquid Oxygen and Kerosene rocket engine. We tested it at the Friends of Amateur Rocketry site in the Mojave ... [View]
(0 00:14:28)High-power two stage rocket model HERKULES launch at XII. Annual Spring Meet of Model Rocketry - SVOJEK May 6, 2017 Three on-board camera recordings and external camera slow motion video. Flight ... [View]
Model Rocketry: The Space Age Hobby (0 00:14:31)Written and produced by Charles Hans, this early '60s film was commissioned by the National Association of Rocketry for recruiting and outreach. NAR founder G. Harry Stine narrates the film. This ... [View]
building a rc SR -71 blackbird from scratch v2 part 2 (0 00:14:48)in this video I work more on my SR-71 [View]
Launch of 2 stage rocket model Herkules filmed by drone (0 00:14:53)Rocket model launch caught by drone camera. Field Airport Dub nad Moravou on August 5, 2017. [View]
LDRS 38 August 29-September 2, 2019. Argonia, Kansas (0 00:14:57)LDRS 38 is the Tripoli Rocketry Association's national high-power launch. The 2019 edition of LDRS was sponsored by the KloubBusters. It was held on August 29‑September 2, 2019 at the wor ... [View]
5.5" Nike Aerotech M-1500 MG (0 00:15:02)5.5" Nike Aerotech M-1500 MG [View]
CTI K 1440 to CTI K 711 (0 00:15:02)CTI K 1440 to CTI K 711 [View]
Aerotch K-1103 Propellant X (0 00:15:02)Aerotech K-1103 Propellant X [View]
Sixty Acres Park Model Rocket Launch 7/4/18 (0 00:15:09)A little informal rocket launch was held at Sixty Acres Park in Redmond, WA, on the 4th of July 2018. A little breeze but overall good weather, great company, and some enjoyable flying. Here are 40 ... [View]
Scout D1 Flight 1 and Update (0 00:15:41)Scout D1 engineering footage [View]
Thunda 2019 High Power Rocket Launch (0 00:15:47)These are some highlights from the Thunda Down Under 2019 High power Launch in Queensland. This event took place at Funny Farm on 18th-21st April 2019. [View]
Semi-scale model rocket SPACEX FALCON 9 CREW DRAGON (0 00:15:54)Launch of model rocket SPACEX FALCON 9 CREW DRAGON, 2+ stages. Launch and booster landing filmed by drone. Air start of second stage rocket motor and air start of booster entry burn rocket motor and ... [View]
PHX4 Rocket launches to over 200000' attaining the highest amateur two stage flight. (0 00:15:55)Experience this amazing supersonic near space flight through on board HD video. Curt von Delius's state of the art PHX4 launched on June 16, 2018 from the Black Rock Desert, Nevada. Accelerating to ... [View]
Avion Model Rocket Construction Part 4 of 4 (0 00:16:08)This is the final video in the construction of the Avion model rocket. In this video, you'll learn how to remove the masking tape from the painted rocket and how to apply sticker-type decals to the ... [View]
Balls 2013 FCY Video to 118,000 feet (0 00:16:09)This is an on-board video from my 2013 flight at Balls (the FourCarbYen two-stager). The rocket reached 118,000 feet. The descent is very chaotic, but use the pause button to see a lot of nice ... [View]
Red Glare 20 2019 (0 00:16:16)Red Glare 20 rocket launch [View]
Balls 2013 FourCarbYen Video with Split (0 00:16:17)This is an on-board video from my 2013 flight at Balls (the FourCarbYen two-stager). The rocket reached 118,000 feet. The descent is very chaotic, but use the pause button to see a lot of nice ... [View]
fun with model rockets. model rocket funny fails and successful launches. (0 00:16:44)this video was taken yesterday. dis cool dude (me) had some fun launching model rockets. 2 acquired from hobby lobby, and one picked from the garbage and repaired. the engines used were A3-4T (for ... [View]
Estes Rocket Booster 55 Review and Launch! - 4K (0 00:16:48)Hello folks! Today we are looking at the Estes Booster 55! A great little add on that can turn your smaller rockets into high flying two stage rockets. [View]
Which Motor is Best for Your Rocket? (0 00:16:54)When you take a look on the Apogee website at any particular rocket kit, you see a long list of compatible motors. It can be daunting to figure out which one to choose for your first flight. This ... [View]
Head-End Dual Deploy setup with Wildman Punisher 3 (0 00:16:56)Head-End Dual Deploy is a method to use dual deployment while keeping a rocket design compact. Here's how I set up my Punisher 3 for HEDD. [View]
Flight Computer Outline - Landing Model Rockets Ep. 3 (0 00:17:01)Blip = Blop = Blip Landing Model Rockets Series Playlist: Help support For more ... [View]
Jolly Logic Chute Release (0 00:17:23)After seeing and hearing of the many ways to have a Jolly Logic Chute Release fail I decided to put together a little video in hopes to help others. This is a game changing device for low, mid and ... [View]
Rocket glider design - Boost gliders and Switchblade Swing Wing (0 00:17:28)By popular request, here's the run down on how they all work. Thanks to everyone who has contributed to the community input on these projects! [View]
AIRFest 26 | Largest High Power Rocket Launch of 2020 (Part 2) (0 00:17:39)Subscribe for more rocketry content! In this video, the Anti Gravity Group takes on AIRFest 26 in Argonia, Kansas. I finally get my level 3 certification out of the way and ... [View]
How to Cluster Model Rocket Motors with Success (0 00:17:41)How do you get successful ignition on a cluster of rocket motors for you model rocket? There are three important things that have to be taken into account: The controller you're using, the igniters, ... [View]
We built a giant rocket glider! (0 00:17:57)Fliplock F established a new NAR F rocket glider national record of 75 seconds on 24 November 2018 at GRITS 2018. It weighs 22 oz at liftoff and flies on Estes F15-4 motors. [View]
LDRS 38 : The World's Largest High Power Rocket Launch (Part 1 ) (0 00:18:05) LDRS is the Tripoli Rocketry Association's national high power launch. It stands for Large, Dangerous Rocket Ships. Every year hundreds of participants and spectators flock ... [View]
3d printed rockets pt2 (0 00:18:29)Let’s take a look at the 3d printed rockets in more detail along with the launchpad and launch controller. [View]
Estes Black Brant XII Build, Part 2 (0 00:18:47)Eric Dorward with the Spartan Rocketry Club continues his build of the Estes Black Brant XII model rocket. In this video, he continues working on the laminated fins and shapes some of the decorative ... [View]
2018 March Holtville Havoc 2 Rocket Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launch (0 00:18:53)Traveled to Holtville Havoc 2 organized by San Diego Tripoli. Great launch with fun crowd... Friday couldn't have been better but later in the weekend the wind from a storm that battered the North ... [View]
2019 SA Cup: High Power But Slow Motion Rockets (0 00:19:04)This video contain many rockets from the 2019 SA Cup and IREC Event. Chronos was kind enough to sponsor our event and film dozens of rockets. This is pretty much the raw combination of all their ... [View]
Scale Viewing NARAM-50 (0 00:19:05)Raw Video from the Scale Judging Room at NARAM-50 in 2008, including models and judging sheets. Some random comments and conversations can be heard in the background. WARNING: This video is mostly ... [View]
Anatomy of a High Power Rocket 2: Motor Mount Assembly (0 00:19:46)Construction of the Drago starts with the motor mount and recovery harness attachment. I was originally going to do a single video for the entire booster section, but really, no one wants to listen ... [View]
RockSim Tutorial #10 (0 00:19:59) - This video covers the installation into RockSim of some of the parts inside the rocket. Not only will we put in the engine mount, but you'll see "how" to design the ... [View]
Estes Black Brant XII Build Part 1 (0 00:20:15)Eric Dorward with the Spartan Rocketry Club begins to build the Estes Black Brant XII mid-power rocket kit. This is a scale model of a sounding rocket NASA uses and it is powered by 29mm motors in ... [View]
LDRS 38 : The World's Largest High Power Rocket Launch (Part 3) (0 00:20:19) LDRS is the Tripoli Rocketry Association's national high power launch. It stands for Large, Dangerous Rocket Ships. Every year hundreds of participants and spectators flock ... [View]
How to Build Your Level 2 Certification Rocket (0 00:20:27)vNARCON-2023 Presentation, How to Build Your Level 2 Certification Rocket, by John Coker. [View]
Dual Deployment - Part 2 (0 00:20:42)In part 2, I complete the creation of pyro charges and demonstrate how to pack a shock cord/parachute. Readying a high powered rocket for dual deployment can be daunting task. Since black powder is ... [View]
Rocket Fin Control | SHOCK Flight Test 2 - (Too Much) Roll (0 00:20:47)This is the second test flight of SHOCK, a model rocket using aft fin control. This flight had two big problems: Control gains which were much too high, and the parachute separating from the ... [View]
More Model Rocket Crashes, Close Calls, and CATOs (0 00:20:49)I never expected my previous rocket crash video to get the response and views that it did; thank you! Here is the crash compilation from the launches I attended in 2018. [View]
Keychain camera rocket tragedy (0 00:21:11)WARNING!! Once you get past the launch, there is very little rocketry content in this video, and lots of hanging around, swingin' in the breeze content. I come up to take a bow and wave to the ... [View]
EARS Launch Report April 2015 - UK Rocketry [4K] (0 00:21:16)Hello Folks! Welcome to the latest action from the EARS Rocketry club in the UK. Quite an action packed event this month! Will Malcom’s newly extended Christmas Cracker rocket fly! The ... [View]
Thrust-Vector Controlled Model Rocket Design - OpenRocket - Ep 01 (0 00:21:28)This is the first video in a series where I'll be designing a model rocket capable of thrust-vector control. The goal is to have a finished design by summer to begin building said rocket. This video ... [View]
DDK Goes For Rocketry Level 1 Part 2! [4K] - Rocket Build (0 00:21:41)Hello Folks! Welcome to the next instalment of the DDK Series! Today we're going to be assembling the rocket. This is the first High Power Rocket build that DDK has done. As the aim of this series ... [View]
Anatomy of a High Power Rocket 5: Painting the Drago (0 00:21:45)All of the airframe components on the Drago have been glued, screwed, and trued. Time to add some pigment and vinyl on the Wildman Drago 4XL. [View]
LDRS 38 : The World's Largest High Power Rocket Launch (Part 2 ) (0 00:21:56) LDRS is the Tripoli Rocketry Association's national high power launch. It stands for Large, Dangerous Rocket Ships. Every year hundreds of participants and spectators flock ... [View]
🚀 Barnard Propulsion Systems // ft. Joe Barnard (0 00:22:12)For Spacetember, we sat down with Joe Barnard – founder and proprietor of Barnard Propulsion Systems (aka BPS Space). You won't learn much about propulsion, but we do cover: – The Signal and Arc ... [View]
Tri Cities Rocketeers June Swoosh Launch 2018 (0 00:22:53)Launching rockets with the Tri-Cities Rocketeers out of Pasco, Washington. This was their Father's Day weekend launch, known as June Swoosh. It was a bit of a tough launch this year, as we battled ... [View]
MDRA Xmas Tree Launch 2013 (0 00:23:02)2013 was a big year for the Xmas Tree launch at MDRA [View]
The Rocket Movie (0 00:23:08)The Rocket Movie is a 23 minute multi-camera winter video about two young rocketeers who launch two custom made rockets. These two rockets hold a video camera as their payload. The movie starts ... [View]
Big EARS 2015 Rocket Launch Report! - UK Rocketry [4K] (0 00:24:18)Hello Folks! Here's coverage from the Big EARS event 2015. One of the highlights of the UK rocketry calendar! [View]
Maus Werx Model Rocket Build of the Estes Hi Flier XL pt2. (0 00:24:23)Part two of the in-depth build of the Estes model rocket the Hi Flier XL. Tools and techniques showing how to build model rockets for adult modelers. [View]
Plaster Blaster Remembered (0 00:24:33)From 2002 to 2013, Tripoli San Diego (TRASD) hosted a high power rocketry event called the Plaster Blaster. Their launch site was the BLM's Plaster City East Staging Area, where TRASD had a 25,000' ... [View]
Estes Vapor Rocket Build Tutorial (0 00:24:38)Estes Vapor Rocket Build Tutorial How to Read Rocket Motor Thrust Curves Aerotech F12-3 Reload Tutorial Estes Vapor Rocket Launch h ... [View]
Anatomy of a High Power Rocket 6: Avionics and Recovery Gear (0 00:26:07)Finishing up the build of the Wildman Drago, the avionics are installed, recovery gear is attached, and ejection charges are tested. [View]
Tripoli Michiana Midwest Blast 1 April 16th 2016 (0 00:26:16)Tripoli Michiana Midwest Blast 1 April 16th 2016 [View]
Kloudbusters Airfest 24 (2018) (0 00:27:51)Kloudbusters Airfest 24 (2018) FRIDAY: Jason G. 6" Demon, 98/12.5K John LOKI M-1969 Chuck S. Competitor 5 M-2200 Chris T. CTI J-354 GPS flight test Preston N. Intimidator 4 M-1250 John C. Spool ... [View]
Midwest Power 5 (2007) (0 00:28:08)Midwest Power 5 (2007) [View]
Assembling Madcow Super Batray Rocket (0 00:28:26)Assembling the Madcow Super Batray rocket. I'm in no way a professional and always trying to learn something new [View]
PCB Production - Landing Model Rockets Ep. 6 (0 00:28:28)Schematics, Layouts, Part Lists, Gerber Files, everything you need to get either(or both!) of these boards built 🚀→ Tutorials for generating ... [View]
Estes Alpha III Complete Build (0 00:28:30)Full build of the popular Estes Alpha III E2X(easy to assemble) kit. Launch video coming soon. As soon as weather and opportunity cooperate that is. Some may be wondering: Why do a video for an easy ... [View]
Tri-Cities Rocketeers Sod Blaster 2019 Launch Part 3 Saturday Afternoon (0 00:28:40)Afternoon and evening flying at the Sod Blaster 2019 launch. Saturday wrapped up the Big Daddy Stress Test competition (watch for a later video featuring just the Big Daddy contest), and included ... [View]
See Through Model Rocket Engine - Behind The Scenes - Outtakes 8sec = 30min (0 00:29:11)This is the full length clip as viewers have requested from See Through Model Rocket Engine - FULL ENGINE - Slow Motion 4K [View]
Epic II, Olympus and other Estes Rocket Launches (0 00:29:42)Shows launches of the following Estes rockets: Olympus, Baby Bertha, Goblin, Wizard, Nike-X, Hi-Flier, Citation Patriot and Epic II. [View]
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