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Site Updates:

  • 2024-07-08 - Added "Add a Flight for this Rocket" to the Display Rocket page. Fixed an issue where Flight Log entries without motors were not displaying in lists of flights.
  • 2023-10-11 - Fixed block editor to recognize YouTube Shorts URLs.
  • 2023-07-13 - Updated Photo Albums
  • 2023-07-09 - Updated Search.
  • 2023-07-05 - Updated Manufacturers listing.
  • 2023-07-03 - Updated the Glossary.
  • 2023-07-02 - Updated CP Library.
  • 2023-06-30 - Updated entry and display of Reviews.
  • 2023-06-23 - Updated Builds to use Block editor.
  • 2023-06-21 - Updated Flight Statistics.
  • 2023-06-14 - Updated form for entering a flight into the Flight Log.
  • 2023-06-09 - Fixed exporting of Flight Logs to Excel
  • 2023-06-08 - Fixed Downloading of Flight Statistics
  • 2020-09-02 - Moved to new server. Updated for PHP 7.
  • 2020-08-23 - Added Rocket Motor Guide simulations
  • 2020-07-28 - Added Search Clubs to Clubs.
  • 2020-06-22 - Fixed issue with comments not working
  • 2020-02-24 - Fix bug causing error when displaying the list of OpenRocket files in Product pages.
  • 2020-02-21 - Updated the Upload Forum Images tool.
  • 2020-01-19 - Updated the OpenRocket library
  • 2020-01-18 - Fixed display of Product Tags.
  • 2019-11-17 - Updated Product Attribute Pages
  • 2019-09-04 - Updated Rocketry Videos feature.
  • 2019-08-04 - Fixed links to external blog posts
  • 2019-07-22 - Updated Rocketry Blog pages
  • 2019-07-22 - Fixed some broken images
  • 2019-05-27 - Fixed issue with Google Maps API Key
  • 2019-03-19 - Added PDF output of Nosecones and Fins
  • 2018-06-23 - Updated many pages to new responsive design.
  • 2018-04-23 - Updated Flight Logs listings to new responsive format.
  • 2018-04-23 - Added support for user-selected units (Altitude, Speed, etc.)
  • 2018-02-11 - Fixed Personal Pages not displaying.
  • 2018-02-11 - Fixed link to Builds on Home page.
  • 2018-02-11 - Fixed sorting of My Rockets
  • 2018-02-11 - Fixed empty Rocket names in Flight Logs and My Rockets
  • 2017-07-12 - Added NAR and Tripoli badges to the lists of Rocketry Clubs.
  • 2017-05-14 - YouTube videos associated with a product were not being listed on the product's page. They are now.
  • 2017-04-20 - Added Related Blog Post links to Product pages
  • 2017-04-15 - Lots of fixes necessary due to upgrading the web server, database servers, and PHP.
  • 2017-02-22 - Added additional associated images to the bottom of product pages.
  • 2017-02-22 - Fixed the "long" version of product names to include the {Type} (Model Number) and [Production Years].
  • 2017-02-15 - Hiding published date for older reviews (since it is usually wrong).
  • 2017-02-15 - Minor code updates and fixes.
  • 2017-01-20 - Fixed image resizing to correctly handle rotated images.
  • 2016-08-21 - Google's map API changed causing invalid results for some club searches. Fixed.
  • 2015-08-27 - Fixed a bug in Club search which was causing clubs the same distance away to not be listed.
  • 2015-01-20 - Added affiliate links to recommended motors and supplies to product pages.
  • 2014-06-06 - Fixed bug where categories of blog posts were not listing correctly.
  • 2013-11-18 - Moved Cache Clearing to Background Task
  • 2013-11-18 - Added Background Task Processor
  • 2013-11-13 - Updated the "All Rocketry Clubs" map to Google Maps API v. 3
  • 2013-11-13 - Added headers to allow browsers to cache images and other things.
  • 2013-11-12 - Fixed a few performance bottlenecks.
  • 2013-11-07 - Added Caching of Friendly Names
  • 2013-09-28 - Added a new 500GB drive to server
  • 2013-09-27 - Fixed bug in ImageBrowser
  • 2013-09-17 - Added Import from Flickr tab to Gallery
  • 2013-09-15 - Added Import from Flickr tab to Image Browser
  • 2013-09-13 - Added list of related kits to motor pages
  • 2013-09-05 - Updated OpenRocket Library to handle new "Zip" format files
  • 2013-09-04 - Added Product Page links to Blog Category Pages
  • 2013-08-01 - Added caching to products index tabs
  • 2013-07-22 - The RockSim and OpenRocket Libraries now index designs stored in ZIP files.
  • 2013-07-16 - Made "thmbnails" in the Photo Album larger.
  • 2013-07-03 - Added Search Tab to Plans
  • 2013-05-15 - Added Comments to Flights
  • 2013-03-24 - Add Featured Photo Home Page Widget
  • 2013-03-24 - Added Apple Touch Icon (Woo Hoo!)
  • 2013-03-23 - Partitioned the cache to make it faster and improve maintenance
  • 2013-03-22 - Replaced the site's search facility
  • 2013-03-07 - Summarized posts from rocketry blogs when displaying them.
  • 2013-02-28 - Fixed problem with Featured Review on Home Page
  • 2013-02-20 - Linked the Product Database to the Motor Index
  • 2013-02-10 - Added support for easily adding links to internal pages and external sites.
  • 2012-12-20 - Added OpenRocket Library
  • 2012-11-27 - Fix bug in resized images
  • 2012-10-03 - Fixen broken widgets
  • 2012-09-30 - Fixed a bug when searching Reviews
  • 2012-09-26 - Updated Motors Index to add Additonal Info and Category Tags
  • 2012-07-26 - Added Featured Blog Posts
  • 2012-07-18 - Added Dashboard to Home Page and My Account
  • 2012-07-16 - Updated CSS for Gallery Thumbnails
  • 2012-07-15 - Added Browse Paths to Rocksim Library
  • 2012-07-15 - Added Category Tags to Rocksim Library
  • 2012-07-15 - Added Category Tags to Motors Database
  • 2012-07-04 - Made Motors listing sort by "Short Name" in the Manufacturer column.
  • 2012-07-01 - Updated web search
  • 2012-07-01 - Fixed a bug in registration confirmation
  • 2012-06-27 - Added option to export flight logs to Excel spreadsheet
  • 2012-06-25 - Added Facebook integration for Reviews, Builds, and Build Entries
  • 2012-06-24 - Added Facebook Integration to Flight Log
  • 2012-06-11 - Added an option to export your flight stats as BBCODE and HTML
  • 2012-06-10 - Added an option to export your recent flights as BBCODE and HTML
  • 2012-06-09 - Fixed problem with editing tips.
  • 2012-06-09 - Added "My Tips" to "My Account" menu.
  • 2012-06-08 - Added options to export motor data as eng files to the display motor and combine motor pages.
  • 2012-06-08 - Added option to display motor time-thrust curves in pounds
  • 2012-06-08 - Added Length to descrptions of body tubes in the Rocksim Library
  • 2012-06-01 - Fixed a problem displaying flights by date
  • 2012-06-01 - Updated copyright dates for
  • 2012-05-22 - Fixed bug - Updated time for Builds wasn't being set when an entry was updated or added.
  • 2012-05-22 - Added More Motors to Motors Database
  • 2012-04-08 - Added otion to allow a user to delete a build entry.
  • 2012-04-08 - Added options to allow users to edit or delete their comments.
  • 2012-04-06 - Added photos to Rocket Gallery Links
  • 2012-04-06 - Added many internal links
  • 2012-04-06 - Misc. Bug Fixes
  • 2012-04-02 - Updated TinyMCE and Smarty packages.
  • 2012-03-15 - Began adding Encyclopedia feature.
  • 2012-03-04 - Updated Related Products links to refer to specifc products instead of just names
  • 2012-02-12 - Updated the code for determining top reviews.
  • 2012-02-11 - Added links to related items to Photo Album images.
  • 2012-01-24 - Simplified the way you select dates on the Dates tab of Flight Logs.
  • 2012-01-11 - Added eBay Products to Deals Finder
  • 2012-01-10 - Added Photo Album photos to search results.
  • 2012-01-04 - Added "Tags" Index to Products
  • 2011-12-20 - The Rocksim Library now includes designs from more external web sites.
  • 2011-12-06 - Added some kit attributes to Plan pages.
  • 2011-12-05 - Added thumbnails to Plans
  • 2011-11-17 - Fixed a bug with the BB Code generated by the Build "Embed" link
  • 2011-11-14 - Fixed problem with cache not being reset when flight logs are updated.
  • 2011-11-04 - Added optional image and thumbnail links to Link to This Page
  • 2011-11-03 - Added Today in History home page widget
  • 2011-10-27 - Added Posts to What's New and Search Results
  • 2011-10-27 - Added browse paths to Personal Pages
  • 2011-10-21 - Added "Link to this Page" to some pages - need to add to more.
  • 2011-10-21 - Added Diameter to Motors tables.
  • 2011-10-21 - Added an icon under thumbnails in the gallery for images with comments.
  • 2011-10-17 - Added Search tab to Motors
  • 2011-10-17 - Added option to display time-thrust curve in Pounds to Compare Motors
  • 2011-10-06 - Fixed links in Personal rss feeds.
  • 2011-10-06 - Added options to print flight logs to Rocket pages.
  • 2011-10-05 - Fixed some bugs in the Photo Albums Image manager.
  • 2011-10-05 - Added "Related Articles" to Photo album image pages.
  • 2011-10-02 - Added many new links to Estes instructions
  • 2011-10-01 - Added a step to the Add Flight wizard to allow you to optionally attach a photo.
  • 2011-09-30 - Added the Top Reviews page.
  • 2011-09-30 - Made mobile menu into large buttons.
  • 2011-09-29 - Added Flight Cards to Tools
  • 2011-09-27 - Added vertical bar charts to flight stats.
  • 2011-09-23 - Fixed more bad links in the archive site.
  • 2011-09-23 - Enabled Advanced editor for entering and editing reviews.
  • 2011-09-23 - Cleaned up form for entering a review.
  • 2011-09-16 - Updated the Add Product page to allow user to enter all attributes.
  • 2011-09-15 - Added comments to Posts
  • 2011-09-14 - Added RSS feeds and links to RSS feeds to Personal Pages
  • 2011-09-08 - Added sidebar to Personal Pages with links to more results.
  • 2011-09-08 - Added search box to top of Rocketry Cubs page.
  • 2011-09-08 - Added Personal Pages and Posts.
  • 2011-09-05 - Fixed bug when uploading images with apostrophes in file name
  • 2011-09-02 - Added Apogee Components product list which displays when Apogee's Shareasale account is offline
  • 2011-09-01 - Duplicate Rocksim designs are now deleted automatically.
  • 2011-08-25 - Added announcement utility.
  • 2011-08-25 - Added Search box to top of page.
  • 2011-08-24 - Added support for linking to Rocksim designs on other sites
  • 2011-08-23 - Fixed many links to the "classic" EMRR site that weren't working.
  • 2011-08-15 - Fixed forum images manager to get rid of double slashes in URLs.
  • 2011-08-12 - Added user preference to profile allowing user to select menus on the top or side of pages.
  • 2011-08-10 - Updated block menus (used by mobile site view) to use same info as top menus.
  • 2011-08-10 - Fixed redirects to Archive Site
  • 2011-08-09 - Fixed problems with widgets caused by server change.
  • 2011-08-09 - Flight logs now extracts an image from the description to use as the flight's image.
  • 2011-08-08 - Added Browse Paths to Plans
  • 2011-08-08 - Fixed a number of bugs related to moving to a new server.
  • 2011-08-01 - Added Browse Paths to Products
  • 2011-08-01 - If no photo exists for a product, images from reviews or the rocket gallery are now used.
  • 2011-08-01 - Added Flight Log summaries to Motor pages
  • 2011-08-01 - Added Browse Paths to Motors
  • 2011-07-30 - Added "Motors By Class" to Flight Stats
  • 2011-07-28 - Fixed "My Accounts" top menu .
  • 2011-07-18 - Cleaned up search results page.
  • 2011-07-10 - Added "Model Rocket Buildign Blog" Index
  • 2011-07-08 - Made home page configurable.
  • 2011-07-05 - Added Browse Paths to Reviews
  • 2011-07-05 - Restored side menus for IE7 since the dropdowns didn't work
  • 2011-07-04 - Moved menus to drop downs at top of each page.
  • 2011-06-27 - Added Previous/Next buttons to Videos
  • 2011-06-26 - Added Club, Kit, Review, and Rocket Relations to Videos
  • 2011-06-26 - Fixed bug in "Random Slide Show"
  • 2011-06-24 - Added "Notes" column to flight log summaries after reviews.
  • 2011-06-23 - Started adding RSS links to the What's New Page
  • 2011-06-23 - Add Tips and Tricks to What's New and RSS Feeds
  • 2011-06-23 - New image in the header.
  • 2011-06-22 - Added Weird, Wacky, and Way Cool eBay Auctions List
  • 2011-06-10 - Added Weather Forecasts to Launch Site Descriptions
  • 2011-06-08 - Ported the Shroud/Transition Calculator to the new Site
  • 2011-06-08 - Added "Clubs" feature to site.
  • 2011-06-01 - Added the Glossary
  • 2011-05-27 - Restored and updated the Videos feature
  • 2011-05-26 - Added the "My Flight Statistics" Widget
  • 2011-05-25 - Added "Charity Auctions" to Site Features
  • 2011-05-25 - Deleted blog summaries from home page - just listing titles now.
  • 2011-05-25 - Added "Rocketeers Helping Others" to Home Page
  • 2011-05-24 - Fixed an issue that caused not all of a user's rockets to be listed in the Add Multiple Flights form.
  • 2011-05-22 - Added a way to create "Public" Photo Albums.
  • 2011-05-19 - Added "Submit a New Product" to Product Index page
  • 2011-05-19 - Added "Motors" to search results.
  • 2011-05-17 - On the Reviews page and other places, assigned a unique URL to pages selected by forms.
  • 2011-04-30 - Changed "My Kits" to list kits your rockets are based on.
  • 2011-04-26 - Added FlightLogs Web Services
  • 2011-04-26 - Add "Web Services" to Features Menu
  • 2011-04-24 - Added "Certification Level" to flight logs. You can use it to label Cert Attempts.
  • 2011-04-24 - Changed Flight Logs page to use a drop-down since there were too many tabs.
  • 2011-04-20 - Added "Related Products" to Reviews - used mainly for "Modifications" to link to the modified kits.
  • 2011-04-13 - Post Comment form is hidden until user clicks a link.
  • 2011-04-13 - Comments can be made on Builds and Entries in Builds
  • 2011-04-13 - Tags have been added to Images in Photo Albums
  • 2011-04-13 - Tags Form is hidden until user clicks on link
  • 2011-04-13 - Comments can be made on Images in Photo Albums if owner allows
  • 2011-04-12 - Added lists of Reviews and Builds to Who's Who pages
  • 2011-04-12 - Added "Builds" feature.
  • 2011-04-07 - Added a Product Type attribute to products.
  • 2011-04-07 - Fixed a bug in the Product Attributes editor.
  • 2011-04-07 - Changed the name of the "Kit Index" to the more appropriate "Product Index"
  • 2011-04-06 - Added "Review Type" to Reviews
  • 2011-04-06 - Fixed a recently added bug that broke the widgets
  • 2011-04-05 - Added a Slide Show feature to Photo Albums
  • 2011-04-04 - Fixed a bug that was causing the unedited review to display after you made changes.
  • 2011-04-04 - Added a "Random Review" Option
  • 2011-03-21 - Fixed a bug in Photo Albums that was causing images to display in the wrong order when using the Prev/Next buttons.
  • 2011-03-18 - Deleted the Features menu block and replaced it with a Java-script drop down.
  • 2011-03-18 - Renamed the Photo Gallery to Photo Album to avoid confusion with the Rocket Gallery
  • 2011-03-18 - Added eBay Seller Widget
  • 2011-03-17 - Replaced the home page with something I hope is more interesting.
  • 2011-03-17 - Fixed the issue with the long wait time after submitting a profile update.
  • 2011-03-17 - Added caching to the Who's Who page to speed it up.
  • 2011-03-15 - Added Actual Altitude to fields you can edit in Flight Logs - still need to add others
  • 2011-03-15 - Added Photos to top of Review and Kit pages
  • 2011-03-11 - Fixed Altitude data for imported flights
  • 2011-03-11 - Cleaned up Flights tables
  • 2011-03-11 - Added a "My Flights" Widget
  • 2011-03-11 - Added a Widgets Page to Site Features
  • 2011-03-07 - Cleaned up the time-thrust curve images - again.
  • 2011-03-07 - Added "User-Friendly" URLs for "Compare Motors" Pages
  • 2011-03-07 - Added a Tools and Calculators page to Site Features
  • 2011-03-07 - Ported the Streamer Size and Descent Rate Calculators to the New Site
  • 2011-03-01 - Add a "Parts Index" and pages to display parts from Rocksim designs
  • 2011-02-28 - Added an option to display a "Mobile Site" for smartphones.
  • 2011-02-25 - Improved the appearance of time-thrust curves
  • 2011-02-23 - Fixed a bug in the Add Rocket wizard that was causing it to forget the kit manufacturer and name.
  • 2011-02-23 - Fixed a bug in the Add Flight wizard that caused it to forget the manufacturer and kit names.
  • 2011-02-23 - Add option to delete Rocket to Display Rocket page.
  • 2011-02-23 - Added option to re-assign flight to a different rocket to flight log page.
  • 2011-02-23 - Added list of "Unassigned Flights" to MyFlights.
  • 2011-02-22 - Added Events to search results
  • 2011-02-18 - Added an index to the Cache table which speeds up things like adding a flight log.
  • 2011-02-14 - Fixed a bug that caused some kit attributes to not display on the kit page.
  • 2011-02-13 - Broke, then fixed, the Add a Flight Wizard
  • 2011-02-13 - Added option to compare motors to rocket motor index.
  • 2011-02-10 - Added option to display EXIF data from images to Photo Gallery.
  • 2011-02-10 - Added Sort Options For Categories and Images to Photo Gallery.
  • 2011-02-09 - Added Some Flight Statistics.
  • 2011-02-09 - Added Photo Galleries to Site Features.
  • 2011-02-08 - Added specific motor listing to flight log records and ability to edit motors used for a flight.
  • 2011-02-08 - Fixed a bug in Add Mulitple Flights Form that prevented pop-up calendar from working.
  • 2011-02-07 - Added Rocket Motor Index to Site Features
  • 2011-01-31 - Added Rocketry Web Search to Site Features
  • 2011-01-28 - Fixed an error on the Print Calendar page.
  • 2011-01-28 - Fixed an error on the Display Flight Image page.
  • 2011-01-25 - Imported reviews are now listed under "My Reviews."
  • 2011-01-25 - Added an option to allow you to edit your published reviews.
  • 2011-01-24 - Added a link to the Display Image page to allow you to delete an image if you are the owner
  • 2011-01-24 - Fixed a few problems the the "add multiple flights" page.
  • 2011-01-24 - Added "List" option when adding events to the calendar.
  • 2011-01-23 - Added "Contact Us" link to footer of all pages.
  • 2011-01-23 - Fixed a bug causing pages to not display if a "too large" image was uploaded.
  • 2011-01-21 - Added Manufacturer name and external link to reviews.
  • 2011-01-21 - Fixed a bug when trying to change your password in your profile.
  • 2011-01-20 - Added a Rocketry Event Calendar to Site Features
  • 2011-01-19 - Fixed a problem with changing your email address.
  • 2011-01-18 - Fixed a bug in the vote collection for contests.
  • 2011-01-16 - Added a link to the manufacturer's web page to kit pages (look for the "external link" icon)
  • 2011-01-16 - Added "Manufacturers" to Site Features.
  • 2011-01-16 - Added Flight Logs to Reviews
  • 2011-01-14 - Added Videos to What's New
  • 2011-01-13 - Added Flight Images to Random Home Page Images
  • 2011-01-11 - Added a camera icon to Flight Logs with photos or videos
  • 2011-01-11 - Added Flight Logs to "What's New" page
  • 2011-01-10 - Added a Search tab to Rockim library
  • 2011-01-10 - Added a "What's CP" tab to the CP Library
  • 2011-01-10 - Added a "With Photos" Tab to the Flight Logs
  • 2011-01-06 - Fixed a bug that caused the contributor not to be displayed for some reviews.
  • 2011-01-06 - Added "plug-in" functionality for adding contests.
  • 2011-01-04 - Added the CP Library to Site Features.
  • 2010-12-28 - You can now share a video of a kit.
  • 2010-12-26 - Imported more reviews from the classic site.
  • 2010-12-26 - Added a "By Reviewer" tab to the Reviews Index.
  • 2010-12-26 - Fixed a bug in the search functionalilty.
  • 2010-12-24 - Updated the banner based on a design by Hans "Chris" Michielssen.
  • 2010-12-19 - An option to import Flight Logs and Rockets from the original EMRR site has been added to your Account Profile.
  • 2010-12-19 - Added tabbed interface to Flight Logs.
  • 2010-12-18 - Imported Flight Log records from original EMRR site.
  • 2010-12-17 - Fixed a bug in Account Profile. It wasn't updating the Rocket Gallery (Public/Private) preference correctly.
  • 2010-12-17 - Added more pages from the original EMRR site.
  • 2010-12-17 - Added Shop @ under Site Features.
  • 2010-12-16 - Added a tabbed display to the Kit Index page.
  • 2010-12-15 - Added a Who's Who page and a "wizard" for adding Who's Who information.
  • 2010-12-14 - Started adding EMRR archive to the new site. It is currently accessed through Site Information.
  • 2010-12-01 - Added automated backups to an external server.
  • 2010-11-27 - Added additional information about Rocksim files.
  • 2010-11-24 - Added comments to the reviews and imported comments from EMRR.
  • 2010-11-23 - Added tabbed panels for listing Reviews and Rocksim designs.
  • 2010-11-22 - Imported design files from EMRR into the Rocksim Library
  • 2010-11-22 - Add the ability to upload Rocksim design files to the "Rocksim Library"
  • 2010-11-19 - Fixed a bug which caused some images to display incorrectly.
  • 2010-11-19 - Added placeholders for many more kits to the Kit Index.
  • 2010-11-19 - Added a rotating image to the Home page.
  • 2010-11-19 - Linked reviews to kits and vice-versa.
  • 2010-11-18 - Basic functionality for Flight Logs has been added.
  • 2010-11-17 - You can now associate a YouTube video with a rocket in "My Rockets"
  • 0000-00-00 - Updated My Rocket create and edit to use the new "Blocks" editor.
  • 0000-00-00 - Began replacing drop-down selections with ajax-based autocompletes
  • 0000-00-00 - Updated Rocket Gallery.

Known Issues:

  • 2012-05-08 - Fixed a problem with the "autoredir" function.
  • 2012-02-16 - Need to add Blog Posts to Plan Pages
  • 2011-12-22 - Users are seeing a "Not Logged In" error when submitting tips.
  • 2011-12-12 - Need better ways to index the Rocksim designs.
  • 2011-10-17 - Need to add "Pounds" option to other motor time-thrust curves.
  • 2011-09-15 - "My Flights" sharing a page with everyone's flights is confusing.
  • 2011-09-08 - FIXED: Need a way to see older/all Personal Page posts.
  • 2011-09-08 - Personal Page posts are not included in search results.
  • 2011-08-23 - FIXED: Need to add a "Search" tab to flight logs
  • 2011-08-12 - FIXED: The colors in the legends of the Compare Motors charts don't match the plots.
  • 2011-08-10 - FIXED: Need to link Manufacturer names on Products Index page to pages for the Manufacturers.
  • 2011-05-31 - FIXED: Need a way for users to specify the exact kit a rocket links to. Currently it links based on the name.
  • 2011-05-30 - FIXED: Need to be able to edit launch location for flight logs.
  • 2011-05-15 - FIXED: Need a way for users to add/suggest a new product.
  • 2011-03-25 - Create an Account should require users to confirm the email and passwords
  • 2011-02-13 - Maximum upload size is 4,000,000 bytes some places and 8,000,000 bytes in other places.
  • 2011-02-09 - Thumbnails of images are grainy.
  • 2011-02-09 - Need a way to organize "My Images" since the list can get very long.
  • 2011-02-01 - WORKING: Some reviews are credited to the wrong authors.
  • 2011-01-26 - Need to update the review editor to be more user-friendly.
  • 2011-01-26 - Need to check if an image is "in use" before deleting it.
  • 2011-01-24 - Need to be able to edit calendar events - especially ones with lists.
  • 2011-01-20 - FIXED: My Account Profile page is slow to load after submitting updates - even if a photo isn't uploaded.
  • 2011-01-20 - OBE: Meta-data and titles missing from some home page news articles.
  • 2011-01-15 - Incomplete error messages when an upload fails.
  • 2011-01-14 - Help descriptions missing or incorrect
  • 2011-01-13 - FIXED?: Some thumbnails for imported videos are blank.
  • 2011-01-13 - FIXED: Some imported flight log information is missing or wrong.