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Top Rocketry Product Reviews

The following are the 25 most popular reviews at based on the number of times they have been viewed.

1. Wildman Rocketry Dark Star ...

Contributed by Mason Hazzard - A 4" diameter bare bones kit tht is all fiberglass and sports a split fin kit. Runs on 54mm motors, and can be flown single and dual deploy. Roughly 7.5" tall and 11-12 pounds fully built. Includes a beautiful Von Karmen nose cone, three rings, six fins, and five bulkheads. All sheet parts are .125" thick. Components Includes a beautiful Von Karmen nose cone, three rings, six ... [More ...]

2. Estes Interceptor

Contributed by Rich DeAngelis - Estes re-issue of the original Interceptor. This flies using standard sized 18mm motors.  Any other description of this model would be fruitless - just take a look at the photographs showing the design of the rocket and the decals - that pretty much says it all. This is not an easy kit to build, you should have some practice gluing and finishing balsa fins before attempting ... [More ...]

3. Madcow Rocketry Super DX3

Contributed by Mike Caplinger - The Super DX3 is a 4" 38mm version of the Madcow DX3. It's a 3FNC with a large payload section. The kit includes a pre-slotted body tube, a payload tube, plastic nose cone, 3 laser-cut 1/4" plywood fins, 38mm x 18" cardboard MMT, 1/4" plywood centering rings, a cardboard coupler with plywood bulkhead, a Nomex chute protector, a 12-foot tubular nylon shock cord, eye bolts and washers, ... [More ...]

4. Estes D-Region Tomahawk (2037)

Contributed by John R. Brandon III - Nice single-staged one-fifth scale model of the Thiokol D-Region Tomahawk sounding rocket. KIt was made up of two long body tubes, a plastic nose cone with nice detailing, a plastic fin can, four plastic fins, a long stuffer motor mount tube, two plastic 5mm launch lugs, a twist-lock motor retainer, a plastic detail piece representing the prototype launch lug, a long rubber-band shock cord, a ... [More ...]

5. Estes Mega Der Red Max

Contributed by Ken E. Coyote - If you like the regular Der Red Max, you'll go gaga over the Pro Series II Mega Max!  I built this one kind of quickly along with the Pro Series II Nike Smoke, so construction was somewhat of a blur, but I was very impressed with the materials and design.  I felt you get a lot of value for your money with this one...well worth the coin!  Also the kit builds up to quite an ... [More ...]

6. Estes Big Daddy

Contributed by Nick Esselman - In keeping with my likes of "stubby" rockets, I decided to build three more that were around three inches in diameter to compliment my 2.6" and my 4" collection. So, I set off to get a LOC Onyx, a RocketVision Grymm, and the Estes Big Daddy. See my 3" Stubby Rocket Comparison Page The Estes Big Daddy qualifies as a "stubby" rocket because it is 19" long and has a 3" diameter giving it a less ... [More ...]

7. Estes Leviathan

Contributed by Curt Hillier - Curt Hillier's Flaming Leviathan Components Standard build of the Estes Pro Series II kit.  Elmer's carpenters wood glue as adhesive. /h2 Kit instructions were clear.  Migrating to mid-power using Estes Pro Series II kit was easy.  Finishing I didn't use the kit decals as the style was a bit boring.  I painted the body black and then ... [More ...]

8. Estes Saturn V

Contributed by Mike Caplinger - This is a short review of the Estes Apollo 11 Saturn V kit, number 2157.  I purchased the kit in 2017. There are several reviews of this kit in its various forms over the years on RR and tons of information on the web.  Probably the definitive source of information is Chris Michielssen's build thread from 2011, which starts at ... [More ...]

9. Estes V2

Contributed by Ken Hubal - A semi-scale, D and E motor powered model of the German V2 Rocket Components Plastic nose and tail cones, balsa fins. /h2 This kit is lacking in several aspects.  As a 40-plus year veteran of rocketry, I've seen far better instructions that came with Estes kits of years past.  I've noticed a severe decline in the quality of the instructions included with ... [More ...]

10. Estes Super Alpha

Contributed by Dillon Frazier - Stands about 20 inches tall with a BT-60. Large nose cone. It's a pretty fat rocket, but quite easy to assemble and fly. Components Balsa wood fins, BT-60 body tube, engine hook retainer, engine mount components, very long rubber shock cord, 18-inch parachute. Construction and Finishing This rocket really doesn't have many cons. I would say the only one is ... [More ...]

11. Estes Saturn V

Contributed by Frank Casey - This is the classic Estes Saturn V kit, No. 2001. I purchased this kit off of eBay for a very good price. The kit was started. The single 24mm motor mount had been installed (using crazy glue), the fins and fin fairings had been partially assembled, the engine nozzles had been completed and secured to the cardboard nozzle disk holder, and the capsule and tower had been assembled. Other than ... [More ...]

12. Estes Nike Smoke

Contributed by Mike Caplinger - The Nike-Smoke sounding rocket flew hundreds of times in the 1960s, used to measure high-altitude winds by ground photography of its smoke trail.  It has also become one of the most popular subjects in model rocketry history -- the first kit I know of was the Centuri 1.6" version introduced in 1969.  With kits covering the size range from tiny Micromaxx to high-power full scale, ... [More ...]

13. Estes Ventris

Contributed by Bas Dickson Leach - Part of the Pro Series II line of 29mm mid power kits, the Ventris is a payloader with a larger diameter paylod bay and stylish curved fins. I liked the look of it and found the enlarged payload bay interesting and wanted to build one, received as a birthday present and waited less than a fortnight to get cracking. Components The Pro Series II kits are all bagged. It had stood ... [More ...]

14. Estes Leviathan

Contributed by Robert H. - This is the Rocket that I have chosen to do my level 1 NAR cert with. Components A Pro series kit, it has nice wood fins  and sturdy construction.  /h2 I built this rocket with the intention of flying large 29mm reloads in it so I used epoxy on everything.   I made a aluminum ring that sits about 2\3 down the body tube with a hole in the center. ... [More ...]

15. Estes Star Orbiter

Contributed by Chris Flanigan - The Star Orbiter is one of the Pro Series II rockets from Estes.   It is about 46" long, 5.9 oz, and uses E or F engines. It is a quick build that you paint yourself.    This is a high flying mid-power rocket for very cheap ($20). That is cheaper than many low power rockets! Components 46" rocket with cardboard tubes Hardwood fins Plastic cone ... [More ...]

16. Estes Alien Space Probe

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger - This was on my cloning list for several years after I bought a bunch of Fat Boy nose cones, but the white in the decal always discouraged me. OOP for years, this turned up as a "Buy It Now" on the Penn Valley Hobby Ebay page, and the price was right, so I availed myself of the opportunity to build an original for a change of pace. Similar in size and profile to the later Fat Boy, the Alien ... [More ...]

17. Launchpad Rockets Ready to ...

Contributed by Caleb Scott - We used Launchpad Rocket's custom designer to create our own model rocket, it came in the mail two days later and the build quality of it was amazing. We were able to customize the design and engraved it with what we named the rocket, Slicer. Components The entire model rocket was 3d printed and only came in 3 parts excluding the engine bay. It did include a parachute and shock ... [More ...]

18. LOC Precision LOC IV

Contributed by Cody Smith - This kit was my Junior. Level 1 and I must say it is a beautiful kit. Some people say this rocket is not good for certifications due to the fact that the fins hang below the body. But, unless you land on concrete or desert, these fins are hard to break off. This kit is four-feet tall, four-inches in diameter and, coincidentally, my finished weight was four pounds. I tend to build heavy and ... [More ...]

19. Madcow Rocketry Phoenix (4")

Contributed by Devon Edwards - A high power, scale model of the AIM - 54 missle. Components   38 mm motor mount Thru the wall fins. 4" diameter tube 1/4 inch plywood fins and centering rings 36" chute and parachute protector included Rail buttons 9" length nose cone   /h2 Construction is solid and relatively easy. Through the wall fins and heavy duty ... [More ...]

20. Estes Flutter-By

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger - The Flutter-By is an Estes reproduction of a classic Centuri kit.  It's a two-piece rocket with break apart recovery, and seemed to be a perfect kit to take along for an afternoon of B6-4 Field flying.  I picked mine up during the Great Christmas Sale of 2013, almost as an afterthought.  (The price was give-away cheap.)  Although it was an afterthought, it was the first ... [More ...]

21. Estes V-2

Contributed by Brett Buck - This is the Estes BT-80 sized V2 that was recently re-issued. It is a 1/25 scale model of a production V2. It has significantly over-sized fins for stability purposes, and a minimal amount of scale detail. It flies on a 24mm motor, recommended to be a D12-5, although most will look for more power. The components are typical Estes, which is largely pretty good. The body tube is a standard ... [More ...]

22. Rocketarium Mega Vortico

Contributed by Donald Besaw Jr - The Rocketarium Mega Vortico is a 24mm oddroc that is a bit different than a typical oddroc - saucer, pyramid, etc.  This one resembles the rotor blades of a helicopter and spins very rapidly during ascent and descent. Components   This kit includes seven light ply components that make up the blade assembly as well as the motor mount tube and launch lug. No decals ... [More ...]

23. Estes Sky Writer

Contributed by Dillon Frazier - A 26-inch long rocket designed to look like a pencil. Made by Estes. An E2X model that is powered by standard engines (B6-4, C6-5, ect.). Components 2 main body tube sections Engine moun tbuilding components  plastic nose cone 4 inter-connected plastic fins rubber shock cord 12 inch preassembled parachute   /h2 Very easy to build, ... [More ...]

24. Estes Stealth

Contributed by Lester Anderson - This is a Futuristic style kit, aparently meant to look like a interceptor/fighter capable of atmospheric and space flight. Skill level 3 due to the plastic body. Components This build was actually part kit, part cloning for me. I got the original plastic body form a fellow BAR in Arizona, but the rest of the parts I had to copy myself. The motor mount is standard 18 mm of ... [More ...]

25. Upscale Estes Screamer

Contributed by Bill Eichelberger - Approximately a 4x upscale of the Estes kit, or a BT-5 to BT-70 upscale.    An Original Screamer on One of the Upscale's Fins Components BNC-70NH nose cone (Semroc) BT-70 body tube (Semroc) 1/8" balsa fin stock (Hobby Lobby) 2 RA-5070 centering rings (Semroc) CR-2050 engine block 36" length Kevlar shock cord 36" length 1/4" sewing elastic ... [More ...]

Bottom Rocketry Reviews

The following are the 25 least popular reviews at based on the number of times they have been viewed.

1. Scratch DC-20 Digital Camera ...

Contributed by Morgan Hendry - When I got back into rocketry after a couple years off, I saw Internet sites describing rocket cameras. I already had the Astrocam, but I wanted more. Specifically, I wanted as many pictures I could get per flight. And so the quest began... Amazingly, my brother had an Opus 35 camera. Many people had modified this for airborne use, so I tried that. It almost worked, but I think I broke the ... [More ...]

2. Descon 12 Space Balls Eagle ...

Contributed by Tater Schuld - Eagle Five from Spaceballs by Mel Brooks Bad science fiction comedies seem never to die, they just become legend. Hence the reason that Spaceballs is still known as one of the best science fiction comedies of all time. I toyed with the idea of making mega maid, or space ball one, or even that cute little mercedes Princess Vespa used (the one king Roland got from his brother in law who owns ... [More ...]

3. Aardvark Rockets Black Brant ...

Contributed by Nick Hills - This formerly Blackhawk R&D rocket is now fully owned and produced by Aardvark Rockets This is a single-stage scale rocket of the Black Brant IV. This would be a good kit to start in mid-power rocketry, or a great kit for someone who has been doing mid and high power rocketry for a while. All components are high quality. The nose cone and transition are good quality balsa. There are ... [More ...]

4. Descon Firestorm

Contributed by Greg Dietlein -   My rocket was inspired by an Estes Sliver. I planned to upscale it using a 3" mailing tube for the body. 1/8" balsa fins and a custom turned balsa nose cone and install a 38 mm motor mount to take advantage of the 38 mm G's available during the 29 mm engine drought. The fins will be overlayed with 3/4 oz fiberglass and epoxy resin. The paint was designed to make the rocket highly ... [More ...]

5. Kosdon East RMS Motors (I & J)

Contributed by Bob Thompson and Sunny Sisk - The following article is from "High Power Rocketry" magazine. This information represents only a small portion of the contents of "High Power Rocketry". We strongly suggest that you subscribe to "High Power Rocketry". By doing so you will find many color pictures, articles, launch reports and projects primarily associated with High Power Rocketry activities.  For more information, use ... [More ...]

6. Descon 13 Starfighter

Contributed by Ellicon Lenz - Starfighter Modeled by: Ellison Lenz (Age 17) This design based on a kit bash of the Estes DC Gemini. It has a single 18mm engine mount and a combination of tube and flat fins. It is build using Titebond and 5 minute epoxy. What make this design unique is the duel BT 20 tubes that make the from fusalage and twin BT 20 nose cones. The build started by gluing the two BT 20 body tube ... [More ...]

7. Scratch TriBar

Contributed by Brian Mardirosian - Introduction: This is the rocket that started it all, my first scratch-build of my BAR career. I wanted to use BP motors, but also felt the desire to build something more than just a 3FNC rocket. Clustering seemed the perfect way to go. Nose Cone: An old friend of mine who is now on the opposite coast somehow left an Estes payload section and nose cone in my range box over 10 ... [More ...]

8. Descon 7 Titania

Contributed by Adrian Hurt - Titania Background Some time ago, there were several articles on rec.models.rockets in which people asked about "strap on boosters". G. Harry Stine mentioned the technique in "The Handbook of Model Rocketry", although he called it parallel staging, and therefore discussed it in the chapter on staging. However, apart from a brief mention, he did not say much about it, concentrating the chapter ... [More ...]

9. Heavenly Hobbies Washigei

Contributed by Dan Nocera - Presented with written permission from RocketyPlanet: Product Review by Dan Nocera Sunday, June 07, 2009 Rocketry and video are two great tastes that taste great together. So it was a given that I'd purchase and build Heavenly Hobbies' Washigei front-engine, rear payload video-capable rocket. According Jose Andrade-Cora, the designer and owner of Heavenly Hobbies, a Washigei (pronounced ... [More ...]

10. Modification Mean Machine ...

Contributed by Michael Boucher - It's Estes Mean Machine. It's a single staged rocket originally it is a 24mm rocket made to take D motors but I modified it with a home made 29mm motor mount. Modifications: Since I was planning to use an F-50 motor I thought it would be a very good idea to fiberglass it. I fiberglassed it twice with some 1.5oz fiberglass. I also fiberglassed the fins (not on to the rocket). Now for the motor ... [More ...]

11. Modification Aura (L1)

Contributed by Larry Rudd - The LOC Aura kit was modified for an L1 attempt with an H engine and an altimeter bay added. Modifications: Nose cone and electronics bay modifications : I cut 1" off the body tube to create the small electronics bay for the Pico-P1 altimeter. I then cut the sleeve on the nose cone and glued the 1" cut section of body tube to create an extended nose cone with a compartment for the small ... [More ...]

12. Scratch Big Jenny

Contributed by Frank Ross - 2X upscale of the Flying Jenny, Estes MRN #21 Parts Needed: BT-60 6" PNC60 (BB style) BT-50 3-3/4" (mmt) CR5060 centering rings (2) EB50 engine block LOC 1/4" LL 5-1/2" Lots of basswood I previously built the Flying Jenny per the MRN plans from JimZ website and enjoyed flying this particular glider so much I thought it might be a fun project to upscale. I happened ... [More ...]

13. Scratch Mark IV

Contributed by Darren Longhorn -   This was my most ambitious rocket to date. By now I had found a shop in Leeds ( The Model Shop, 88 Cross Gates Road, Leeds, LS15 7NL Tel 0113 2646117) which had a reasonable selection of engines, even Ds, so I had to build a rocket which could fly one. I got a larger core from a roll of aluminium foil for the main body, and used the same sized tube as the MkII for the upper section. ... [More ...]

14. Currell Graphics SpaceShipOne ...

Contributed by Dick Stafford - ( Contributed - by Dick Stafford - 10/06/04) October 4th, 2004, heralded a new era in space exploration. On that day, Brian Binnie piloted Scaled Composite's SpaceShipOne to 367,442 feet (112 kilometers), capturing the $10M Ansari X Prize. Later that day, I learned of Currell Graphics' SS1 paper model and immediately wanted to convert one for flight. Currell offers two versions: the ... [More ...]

15. Descon 14 X-Factor

Contributed by Eldred Pickett - X-Factor Eldred Pickett's Descon-14 Entry Parts List 1 - 18" by 6" 1/8 balsa 1 - BT-60 body tube 1 - BT-20 body tube 3 - regular engine clips 3 - BT-5 centering rings /h2 I cut (3) 2 3/4 lengths of the BT-20 tube. These are the engine tubes. I used centering rings for a BT-5 as engine blocks, and regular clips to hold the engines. I cut (3) 5" diameter circles ... [More ...]

16. Scratch RastroCam

Contributed by Sven Knudson - Note: click on the mini-photos or hypertext links to get the full sized photo with caption. Several people have asked me how I built my Rastrocam (rearward looking Astrocam). I pretty much followed the ideas put forth in Advanced Model Rocketry , Second Edition, compiled by Michael A. Banks. This book is published by Kalmbach Books and includes information about high power rocketry, scale, ... [More ...]

17. Rocket Vision Chariot

Contributed by R. J. Talley - The Chariot is a single stage, payload rocket. It is one of Rocket Vision's line of Rugged Rockets and is specifically designed for mid-range power (E-G). The body tube and payload tubes are of heavy duty phenolic. The nose cones (there are faux strap-on boosters) and transition are poly-vinyl. The BP section 8 inches long and has an interior dia. of 1.86", plenty of room for eggs, altimeters, ... [More ...]

18. Art Applewhite Rockets Cone ...

Contributed by Donald Besaw Jr - It appears that the 13mm Cone Rocket kit I reviewed previously has been discontinued in favor of this new free downloadable Cone Rocket. I however received this one free with an order. The kit was printed on a single sheet of cardstock with the top and bottom sections, motor mount tube and instructions. The instructions for this rocket are very easy to understand. Even a beginner could ... [More ...]

19. Ellis Mountain Rocket Works ...

Contributed by Donald Besaw Jr - 38mm 214Ns single use HPR rocket motor. The package contains: 1 motor 1 Quickburst Slim Gem ignitor There is no external thrust ring on this motor. If needed, one must be built up using masking tape. Finishing: Since this is a single use motor, no assembling is needed. Flight: I tried this motor out in my Art Applewhite Stealth 38mm oddroc. I wrapped a layer of tape and ... [More ...]

20. Performance Rocketry Mad Dog ...

Contributed by Scott Weihe - The Mad Dog Dual Deploy is a 4 inch all fiberglass kit with classic swept fins and a 54mm motor mount that when finished, stands just shy of 8 foot tall. Its a versatile rocket, you can stuff some big motors in this bird and fly it dual deploy, or you can remove the payload bay section and fly it with motor ejection if you want. The kit looks and performs great both ways. ... [More ...]

21. Aerotech RMS 29/240 H210R

Contributed by Aaron Stanley - The Aerotech H210 Redline RMS reload is a great motor to use for one of those rockets after you certify level 1. It has nice long bright red flame and just pushes the rocket off the pad like a bullet out the gun. You got to keep your eye on your rocket when using this motor because it gets your rocket moving really fast. RMS hardware parts: 29mm aft closure 29/240 case 29mm ... [More ...]

22. Pratt Hobbies Heatshield

Contributed by Duane Wilkey - The following excerpt is from "Sport Rocketry". The intention is to allow guests to get a basic feeling about a kit. We strongly suggest that you get a copy of the referenced Sport Rocketry and read the entire article. Inside you will find many helpful hints in construction as well as other useful information. For more information, use the two links above. (Sport Rocketry - Jul/Aug 1998 ... [More ...]

23. G-Wiz Partners G-Wiz LC ...

Contributed by Dean Roth - G-Wiz LC Deluxe 800 review is provided courtesy of: G-Wiz LC Product Review G-Wiz Partners manufactures rocketry electronics that can be used to collect maximum altitude, control parachute deployment and ignite the motor of a two-stage rocket. With some creative thinking the devices can probably be put to other uses, too, like camera activation upon launch. There actually are two ... [More ...]

24. Thrustline Aerospace Smoke ...

Contributed by Joe Policy - I picked up the Smoke and Fire kit when I bought the A-SLAM from Thrustline Aerospace via eBay (Not thrilled with that, but did it anyway). Many of Thrustline's kits draw me to them and this one was no different. I loved the fact that it was a larger rocket with 3x24mm cluster configuration and the many fins and transition. The kit's price starts at $34.75 (starting bid on eBay). Int ... [More ...]

25. Art Applewhite Rockets Cone ...

Contributed by Bob Cox -   Diameter: 5.5 inches (14cm) Height: 4.75 inches (12 cm) Weight: 1.3 oz (35 gm) Finish: I built the Mirror Gold version. Other patterns available include Stars and Stripes, Texas Special, Silver, Fluorescent Orange, Fluorescent Yellow, Fluorescent Green, Hot Pink, and plain White. CONSTRUCTION: Parts: All parts are packaged in a heat-sealed clear plastic bag with no ... [More ...]

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