A skill level 2 rocket, Comes in typical plastic bag, with a 12" plastic parachute
The instructions where very easy to follow, the hard part seemed to be the fins they are 2 piece fins that have to be glued together, and the little pieces of balsa that go around the main body tube near the top seemed to be a bit hard to get lined up right and glued without them moving
We decided to paint it green, with Krylon paint than added supplied decals
Construction Rating: 3 out of 5
First flight was off a B6-4 nice flight but the thin 'chute strings got tangled. Second flight with a C6-3 'chute came out nice but pulled those nice little disks of off the one side. Third flight was with a C6-5 flight was good however nose cone came off and drifted away.
The standard shock chord should be replaced with something a bit longer, I have since been going with twice the body length of the rocket. Replace standard plastic chute with either a streamer or a small nylon 'chute.
Flight Rating: 3 out of 5
Overall Rating: 3 out of 5