Estes - Snitch Kit

Manufacturer: Estes
Model: 1807
Product Type: Kit
Production Years: 1998-2004,2007-2008
  • Estes Snitch By Nick Esselman

    I purchased the Snitch to add to my 18mm U.F.O. comparison article . It is a simple Ready-to-Fly model from Estes made up of plastic and seemingly indestructible. CONSTRUCTION: The instructions are printed on the back of the cover-art and they simply tell you how to hook in the wire legs and flying guidance. That's it. Ready-to-Fly. The wire legs connect very easily. The rocket comes ...

  • Estes Snitch (RTF) By Bob Hvarven

    ( Contributed - by Bob Hvarven) Another little ARF - There will surely be a Global "Plastic Shortage" very soon. Just happened to see this one while sliding the isles at Wally World. This is a little intro to a Flying Saucer ARF..... Package: Again, it is hard to slam the packaging. Estes has done a fine job of making an appealing product presentation. I would like to see ...

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