Estes - Patriarch Kit

Manufacturer: Estes
Model: 1895
Product Type: Kit
Production Years: 2006-2008
  • Estes Patriarch (RTF) By Dick Stafford (May 24, 2008)

    Brief: This is a RTF model that resembles a Patriot missile with clear fins. It flies on 18mm motors and includes a twist-lock motor retainer. Construction: None, it's RTF. My son found this rocket so I didn't even have to attach the chute. I'll rate it a '5' even though Estes did the work. Finishing: None needed, but it looks great. Construction Rating: 5 out of ...

  • Estes Patriarch (RTF) By Mitch Marchi (December 9, 2007)

    Brief: "Ready to Fly" kit. Construction: Three clear plastic fins and some great decals give this model a realistic look like the Patriot missile. It has a plastic engine mount with an engine retainer ring, not a hook. Typical Estes elastic shock cord and plastic chute. The only step required was to attach the parachute to the shock cord. Instructions were good and ...

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