Scratch - Mach 10+ Scratch

Manufacturer: Scratch
Product Type: Scratch
Related Products: Centuri Mach 10
  • Scratch Mach 10+ By Bill Eichelberger

    B rief: I began building upscale versions of classic kits more out of necessity than for a desire for bigger rockets. I found early on that while a lot of the nose cones for the old kits that I wanted to recreate were no longer available in the 1:1 size, they were occasionally available in larger sizes. (They weren't always exact replicas, but close enough for me.) The Estes Rogue and Satellite ...

  • Scratch Mach 10+ By Bob Hvarven

    ( Contributed - by Bob Hvarven) Brief: An Approx. 2X upscale of the Centuri MACH 10 (Mig 15 Jet looking) Boost Glider made around 1972. Recovery is glide with jettisoned nose cone using streamer or small parachute. Construction: This rocket is easy to build and should be no problem to anyone who has scratch built before. There are no items that need special attention as construction ...

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