Scratch - 3x Rock-A-Chute Mark II Scratch

Manufacturer: Scratch
Product Type: Scratch
Related Products: Rock-A-Chute Mark II
Style: Upscale
  • Scratch 3x Rock-A-Chute Mark II By Dennis McClain-Furmanski

    (by Dennis McClain-Furmanski - 06/04/05) 3x upscale of Rock-A-Chute Mark II, the first model rocket. The parts include: 3" PML phenolic airframe Custom turned hardwood nose 1/8" basswood fins glassed with Aerosleeve fiberglass sleeve 1/4" ply centering rings 38mm PML phenolic motor tube ACME conformal 1/4" launch lugs 8 feet of 5/16" tubular nylon shock cord ...

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