Scratch - Groove Tube 1.76X Scratch

Manufacturer: Scratch
Product Type: Scratch
Style: Ring/Tube/Cone Fin, Upscale
  • Scratch Groove Tube 1.76X By Bill Eichelberger

    Inspired by Jay Goemmer's review of his mildly upscaled, Estes-based Groove Tube, I started thinking about a larger upscale for this classic Centuri bird. When I started back in the hobby in 2001, I bought quite a bit of BT-55 and BT-56 tubing, along with every like-sized nose cone I could get my hand on. I built several upscales based on these tube and cone combinations, but when that phase ...

Thanks to ...
  • Bill Eichelberger for Updating Product Attributes

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