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National Sport Launch (NSL)

ThumbnailTitleAuthorAdded       Created    RatingDescription
Estes Astrovision at NSL 2008clubjuggler2011-06-262008-05-27
Video from an Estes Astrovision model rocket at the National Association of Rocketry's National Sport Launch 2008 in Orangeburg, SC.
G79W 29mm minimum diameter drag race at NSL 2011Tominator792011-08-072011-06-13
My all carbon fiber rocket (the left) going up against Jared's fiberglass rocket at the National Sport Launch on the Lucerne Dry lake bed. Simulator said 7500 feet @ Mach 1.28 I believe it was ...
Little Dog Dual-Deploy Rocket - Flight 2caseybarker2011-08-072011-08-03
Ground video and telemetry from my failed NAR Level 2 certification attempt at the NAR National Sport Launch on June 12, 2011. This is a custom-built rocket based on Performance "Little Dog" ...
NSL 2008 Saturday Nightclubjuggler2011-07-092008-05-27
Video from the night launch, Saturday 24/May/2008, at the National Sport Launch 2008 put on by the National Association of Rocketry in Orangeburg, SC.
NSL 2008 Saturday Dayclubjuggler2011-08-212008-05-27
Video from the National Sport Launch 2008 Saturday, 24/May/2008 put on by the National Association of Rocketry
On-Board Estes CC Express - Flight 3caseybarker2011-08-072011-08-03
Estes CC Express two-stage rocket with an on-board HD keychain camera, flying on an Estes D12-0 to an Estes D12-7. Apogee measured at 1501 ft using an AltimeterOne.

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