Mike Wurtz's Page

AKA: MikeWz

Location: Long Island, NY

Certification Level: NAR Level 1

Club Memberships: METRA,MDRA

Favorite Rockets: Wildman Rocketry Darkstar

Club Home Page: www.metrarocketclub.org

RocketReviews.com Pages:



Darkstar Jr


Very quick boost, nice and straight as usual. It was an extremely windy day so it was launch a few degrees into the wind, and landed just a few feet upwind of the pads. Very nice flight and a good motor for this rocket. - I345-Alt - MDRA Red Glare XV [More]





G76 - Metra [More]



Saturn V Skylab


First flight of this rocket, boosted nice and straight on a B6-4. It definitely could have used the power of a C motor, but I didn't have any at the time. Parachute burned up a bit and was basically a streamer for the recovery, but everything held together just fine. - C6-4 - MDRA Centreville, MD [More]




Love skidmarks, got off the pad in a hurry...great motor. Nice and smokey and good rumble, the black and orange looks nice coming out the back of a black rocket too. Perfect flight, drifted into the corn but was able to find it after about an hour of searching - I297-Alt - MDRA Centreville, MD [More]





This was my second attempt for my level 2 certification. After taking the test and getting everything set-up, I was forced to wait for the cloud deck to clear, as it was only about 1200ft later in the morning. At about 2pm there was a nice hole in the deck and I decided to give it a shot. The Red ... [More]




Straight up flight on CTI's G68 white propellant. Cloud deck was about 1,000 ft at the time and the rocket hit apogee at just under that. Just before apogee the ejection charge went off, and the nosecone separated from the rocket. The elastic shock cord finally broke. Resulting damage was one ... [More]





First flight of my scratch built Nemesis was a level 2 attempt on a 38mm 5-grain J270 green load. Set-up to fly at around 2pm in the afternoon, winds picked up to just over 19mph. Set-up on a larger 1010 rail. Boost was on the slow side with a little wiggle after leaving the rail. Nice straight ... [More]



Darkstar Jr


Love the new Darkmatter motors. Nice straight boost as always with this rocket. Got up pretty quick for a sparky motor too! Everything went smooth at apogee, but at somepoint the plastic rivets holding the av-bay to the booster section came out so there was no main deployed. Everything was okay ... [More]



Mariah 38


Perfectly straight boost, very quick acceleration. Disappeared through a passing cloud and was unfortunately never seen again - H100 - Metra [More]


Vanguard Eagle


C6-0/B6-6 - Metra [More]


Mike Wurtz