Flight Log - 2011-06-25 - Mike Greenwood's Astrobee D
Flight Date: 2011-06-25
Rocket Name: Astrobee D
Kit Name: Aerotech - Astrobee D {Kit} (89015) [1989-]
Flyer's Name: Mike Greenwood
Motors: H128
Expected Altitude: 1,450 Feet
Wind Speed: 7.00 mph
Launch Site: MSRS-Memphis, TN
Actual Altitude: 2,001 Feet

This was my level 1 certification flight. The Astrobee D flew perfectly straigt up to 2000ft. Deployment was exactly at apogee, with a very gentle landing about 1/4 mile down range. The flight was so perfect, that we recovered her without so much as even a smuge on her! She looks like she has never been flown!

Aerotech does not recommend that you fly this model with the antennas on, but I just couldn't do that! So I reinfoced them internally, and she flew just fine with them on, and sustained no damage on landing.

1Aerotech H128W


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