Mike Greenwood's PageLocation: Memphis, TN Club Memberships: NAR - Mid South Rocket Society Favorite Rockets: Q-Modeling Super Vega Club Home Page: http://www.midsouthrockets.com/ RocketReviews.com Pages:
2011-08-21Rockets By Style / Scale Rockets Photograph  Saturn V.jpg
2011-08-20Project Nebulas  Flight Scratch Build for Nartrek Gold - G64-10 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
2011-07-16Hydra7  Flight Another perfect flight! - C6-7 x 7 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
Astrobee D  Flight Another perfect flight! Neat green burn! - G76-10 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
Rockets By Style / Scale Rockets Photograph  MikeSaturnV.jpg
2011-06-25Astrobee D  Flight This was my level 1 certification flight. The Astrobee D flew perfectly straigt up to 2000ft. Deployment was exactly at apogee, with a very gentle landing about 1/4 mile down range. The flight was so perfect, that we recovered her without so much as even a smuge on her! She looks like she has ... [More]
2011-06-18Hydra7  Flight Perfect flight, all 7 motors lit, nice recovery - C6-7 x 7 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
2011-04-16Minotaur Flight Windy Day, Perfect launch, parachute did not deploy, stuck in body tube. Minor damage on landing. Will fly agian. - F24-7 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
2011-03-26Eggscaliber Flight Perfect flight into the wind, ejection at apogee, Parachute shreded on deployment, egg servived! - E9-4 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
Mars Snooper Flight Great flight, did not fly as high as exspected, parachute deployed at apogee, safe landing. - F37-8 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
2011-03-25Minotaur Rocksim Design  [More]
2011-02-19Vega Flight Second flight, perfect like the first, streight up, ejection at apogee, nice landing. - F37-8 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
Vega Flight First flight. Perfect streight up flight, Ejection at apogee, perfect landing. - F37-8 - MSRS-Memphis, TN [More]
| Mike Greenwood |