Components / Electronics / Tracking / Eggfinder TX Transmitter
Madcow Level2 High Power Rocket Launch, Aerotech K550W
LUNAR Chapter of the National Rocketry Association Snow Ranch Launch, near Farmington CA November 5th, 2016 Rocket: Madcow Level-2, 4-inch All Fiberglass Airframe Loaded Weight: ~12.8 lbs Motor: Aerotech RMS 54/1706, K550W-P A nice flight on a K impulse motor. Peak altitude was 6,427 ft AGL per the StratologgerCF. The onboard Eggfinder Tx GPS tracker worked fine until the rocket accelerated off the pad. As soon as the rocket launched, the data reported by the Eggfinder Tx was erroneous, showing the rocket roughly 1000 feet too far to the west. However, after the main parachute opened, an accurate GPS solution was again received. Take a look at the map screen details at the end of the video for more information on the Eggfinder Tx performance.

 Rocketry Product: Eggtimer Rocketry - Eggfinder TX {Component}

 Rocketry Club: Livermore Unit of the NAR

Author 2101Striper
Duration 04:04

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