Karl Tyrrell's PageAKA: Thorfire (The Rocketry forum) Location: MN Club Home Page: http://www.tripolimn.org/ RocketReviews.com Pages:
2016-06-11Phoenix's Revenge  Flight CTI I100 red Lightning long burn
- I100 - Tripoli Minnesota [More]
2015-11-01Phoenix's Revenge  Flight Level 2 certification flight. Perfect! - J145 - Tripoli Minnesota [More]
Phoenix, Madcow 4"  Flight Dual deployment with a cable cutter. Near perfect flight!
- H160 - Tripoli Minnesota [More]
2015-10-24Wildman Rocketry Dark Star 2.6 OpenRocket Design [More]
Madcow Rocketry - Phoenix (4") OpenRocket Design [More]
2015-10-10Phoenix's Revenge  Flight Motor CATO - case tore off the plastic threads at the base of the reload and shot out the top of the rocket, knocking the Av. bay bulkhead into the avionics bay coupler. Fortunately the only damage was a cracked glue joint on the av. bay sled, a bent eye-bolt going through the av. bay ... [More]
2015-09-12Phoenix, Madcow 4"  Flight Level 2 certification attempt... Motor CATO. Blew out the side of the case 3/4" about the base.
Video - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gPNVgG9w1Bo&feature=youtu.be - J270 - Tripoli Minnesota [More]
2015-08-08Phoenix, Madcow 4"  Flight Almost a perfect flight, until the main deployment... Dual deploy with a cable cutter and a deployment bag. The safety string on the cable cutter fouled the deployment bag and kept it from releasing the main. Landed under drogue at 40ft/sec and broke a fin :( - ... [More]
2015-07-11Phoenix, Madcow 4"  Flight Picture perfect flight. Very stable and near perfect deployment at apogee. The 50" parachute was a little large and drifted far enough I"m trying dual deployment with a tender descender or cable cutter next time. - I180 - Tripoli Minnesota [More]
| Karl Tyrrell |