Components / Electronics / Altimeters / Perfectflite / Stratologger
High Powered Rocket EZI-65 / K261-P / 08-12-17

EZI-65 Clegg Sod Farm, FL Motor: CTI K261 Long Burn Max Speed: 582 MPH Altitude: 8927 Feet AGL Max Gs: 6.5 Revolutions to Apogee: 7 Seconds to Apogee: 24.9 Main: 700 Feet AGL Backup Main: 500 Feet AGL EZI-65 Wrapped twice in 2oz Fiberglass. 3 Shear Pins For Both Drogue and Main Release. Primary Stratologger: Drogue Charge with Two E-Matches, Main Charge with Two E-Matches Backup Stratologger: Independent Battery and Charges Wired in the Same Manner. Nexus 5x 4K Video & Data: Insane Rockets App Photos: Freddy Willems Jason Cook Rendering: OpenShot, FFmpeg, GIMP, DashWare Final Video Render: Jason Cook You can view all flight photos, google earth, etc. here:

 Rocketry Product: PerfectFlite - Stratologger {Component} (SL100)

 Rocketry Product: LOC/Precision - EZI-65 {Kit} (PK-11) [1985-]

Author Jason Cook
Duration 04:08

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