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Style / Scale / Black Brant X
High Power Rocket Launch at Friends of Amateur Rocketry 11-28-17

The Oak Park Rocket Club travels to the Friends of Amateur Rocketry launch site in the Mojave Desert to launch two high power rockets. The first rocket is a bamboo prototype rocket made of mostly natural materials. After a successful liftoff this rocket unfortunately failed to deploy its parachute and as a result nose dived into the ground. We believe this is due to the oval interior that may have shifted to an orientation with more friction during the launch. The second rocket was our mentor's, Dr. Tony Knight's, Black Brant X. This rocket was flown with an on-board camera and took beautiful 270 degree video during its flight. The Black Brant X flew beautifully and we will be flying it again soon. Thanks to Surya Thali, a member of the Oak Park Rocket Club, for putting together this video. We would also like to thank Dr. Knight for being an amazing mentor and Paul Avery for helping us in all of our rocketry endeavors! The Oak Park Rocket Club is sponsored by the Boeing Company and Friends of Oak Park Schools.

 Rocketry Club: Friends of Amateur Rocketry

 Rocketry Club: Oak Park Rocket and Aviation Club

Author Oak Park Rocketry
Duration 11:40

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