Dave Greger's PageLocation: Columbia, MD Certification Level: L2 Nar Club Memberships: MDRA Club Home Page: http://www.mdrocketry.org RocketReviews.com Pages:
2015-10-112X Upscale SA-14 Archer Flight K454 - Central Sod Farm [More]
2015-06-262X Upscale SA-14 Archer  Flight L730 - LDRS 34 Torrey Farms, Potter, NY [More]
2015-06-25Sam Adams Patriot Flight CTI J354 White - LDRS 34 Torrey Farms, Potter, NY [More]
2015-05-17Jericho Flight Blew out rear main seal, rocket toast. - I540 - Central Sod Farm [More]
Firenzy Flight J145 - Central Sod Farm [More]
Olde Bay Daddy Flight - F240 - Central Sod Farm [More]
2015-03-292X Upscale SA-14 Archer Flight K820 - Higgs Farm, Ingleside, MD [More]
Marvin Magg Flight I180 - Higgs Farm, Ingleside, MD [More]
2015-01-172X Upscale SA-14 Archer  Flight Nice loud, long burn on the K711 6 Grain White motor. Dead nuts straight, no spin. Rcovered just across the bridge in the adjacenet field. - K710 - Higgs Farm, Ingleside, MD [More]
Firenzy Flight After installing the Giant Leap stiffener couplers to strengthen the airframe, it added right around 1 pound to the overall weight, thus reducing the max altitude by about 200ft. Still a great straight flight on the J430 White Thunder. Recovered just beyond the away cells. - J430 - Higgs Farm, ... [More]
| Dave Greger |