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Bill Eichelberger

AKA: Wallyum, Fishhead, Fire Marshall Bill

Location: Ft. Thomas, KY

Certification Level: NAR - Bronze

Club Memberships: Wright Stuff Rocketeers, Dayton, OH, QUARK, Cincinnati, OH

Favorite Rockets: Estes Condor, Estes Satellite Interceptor, any Goony, Semroc Lil Hustler, Centuri Raven, Centuri USS America, Centuri Mach 10, FSI Viking


First started flying in the summer of 1977.  Lost interest in college, made the classic mistake of giving almost all of my rockets away, then started over in the early 90's after my son was born.  Sam and I flew an occasional mix of semi-RTF stuff until my brother in law took me to a launch in Cleveland in 2001, after which the bug bit hard once again.  Since then I've gone with the occasional ebbs and flows of the hobby, seen a lot of changes, made a lot of friends, and lost a great field.   

Favorite Quote:

"No one respects the flame quite like the fool who's badly burned" - Pete Townshend Pages:



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