Will Ferry's PageAKA: woferry Location: San Jose, CA Certification Level: NAR #96512 (L1), Tripoli #15328 (L1) Club Memberships: LUNAR Favorite Rockets: Red Devil (RW Go Devil 38), Bumbl-B mkIII (GLR Firestorm 54), dd2.xls (Binder Design Excel w/DD, 54mm MMT) Google+ Page: https://plus.google.com/u/0/115304675973056460933 RocketReviews.com Pages:
2016-06-10Bumbl-B Flight I303-P - LDRS 35 (ROC - Lucerne Dry Lake) [More]
2016-05-20Nee-kuh Flight First flight of Nee-kuh, and first flight using Jolly Logic Chute Release. Successful flight and recovery. Configured as dual-deploy motor eject, 18" drogue at apogee and 56" main released by Chute Release at 500 feet.
Flew with Eggtimer TRS and AltimeterThree. All data ... [More]
2016-04-16dd2.xls Flight Fifth flight of dd2.xls, fourth attempt at L2 certification flight. Successful flight, L2 certification sign-off received. Rocket configured for dual-deploy, however upper airframe was riveted to avionics bay instead of nose cone as previously designed. Nose cone connected to ... [More]
2016-04-02Bumbl-B Flight Rocket was configured for in-air test of shear pins (first time used on any of my rockets). Ground testing not possible due to inability to run wires out of avionics bay or to fit Eggfinder TRS in bay for remote ignition. Will be able to use Eggtimer Quantum (built afterwards) for ... [More]
2016-02-06Red Devil Flight Fifth flight of Red Devil. Second attempt at breaking 1 mile altitude, successful this time. Flight well exceeded OpenRocket simulation (8548' actual vs. 7097' predicted).
Main deployed at apogee, took almost 5 minutes to descend and rocket drifted over a mile before landing. ... [More]
dd2.xls Flight Fourth flight of dd2.xls. Airframe, 3 fin fillets and avionics bay coupler repaired from failed third flight. Barely-successful flight, main charge fired but failed to pull chute from upper airframe. Chute came out ~12s later, slowing down rocket seconds before landing. No ... [More]
2015-12-05Red Devil Flight Fourth flight of Red Devil. Used smaller motor due to low visual ceiling during morning of launch event.
Replacement fly-away rail guide after loss of first one during previous flight. Used rubber bands for thickness adjustment this time rather than duct tape. No issues with ... [More]
2015-10-18Red Devil Flight Third flight of Red Devil. First attempt at breaking 1 mile altitude.
Fly-away rail guide stayed with rocket until apogee, significantly reduced altitude of flight. Can be seen tumbling in ground video after drogue charge firing. Guides never recovered. Believe duct tape ... [More]
2015-10-17dd2.xls Flight Third flight of dd2.xls, third attempt at L2 certification flight. Unsuccessful flight, main charge fired but failed to pull chute fromlower airframe. Rocket landed without parachute, damage sustained to fin, airframe and avionics bay.
Flew with Eggfinder @ 909MHz. Flew ... [More]
dd2.xls Flight Second flight of dd2.xls, second attempt at L2 certification flight. Unsuccessful flight, main charge fired but failed to pull chute from upper airframe. Rocket landed on drogue only, without damage.
Flew with Eggfinder @ 909MHz. Flew with StratoLogger CF and EasyMini. ... [More]
2015-02-01Giant Leap Rocketry T-Bolt (Kit)  Review
The Giant Leap Rocketry T-Bolt is a member of their "Almost Ready To Fly" rocket kits. It is a single deployment, 38mm minimum diameter rocket kit that comes with all of the necessary parts. The only option at ordering is a 38-to-29mm adapter for 29mm motors.
Components ... [More]
| Will Ferry |