Flight Log - 2015-06-24 - Wilfred Ashley McIsaac's Super X Mail Rocket

A variant of the Super DX3.  

Flight Date: 2015-06-24
Rocket Name: Super X Mail Rocket
Flyer's Name: Wilfred Ashley McIsaac
Motors: H45-0
Expected Altitude: 2,000 Feet
Wind Speed: 10.00 mph
Launch Site: Gananoque airport
Actual Altitude: 1,400 Feet

When the Super X Mail Rocket lifted off from the Gananoque Airport it was carrying 50 USA & CANADA FRIENDSHIP FLIGHT Mail Covers on board which were secured in a specially designed compartment up inside the nose cone. Because the rocket was intentionally nose heavy, the vehicle arced over the airport on a parabola flight path that took it across county lines.  The rocket crashed landed in Kingston (Frontenac County) after the parachute broke away from the main vehicle immediately following booster separation.  The Super X and its cargo survived.  The rocket was a slightly modified version of the Super DX3 with some of the differences being an aerodynamic extension attached to the aft end of the vehicle along with a nosecone that was modified and used as a cargo bay for the mail and designated 'Mail Bag 1'.  The electronics bay was underneath.  This was a kit built rocket with my own personal touch.  

1Aerotech H45W-0


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