Wes Munn's PageClub Memberships: ROSCO,NAR Biography: Got into rocketry back in 2004 as a former science teacher, teaching force and motion. Launched those basic Estes kits a dozen or so times for kds. Then sort of got out of it. I got back into rocketry after my son was born when he started taking an interest in it at the age of five. Again, we started with the basic Estes kits. A friend invited me to his rocketry club to launch our rockets, and my interest got rekindled for sure! Presently, my son and I are working our way up from low power kits from Quest, Estes, and Rocketarium, to getting our try at mid-power. Eventually, I'd like to continue gaining experience launching low and mid-power rockets, and then acquire my Level 1 certification for high-power.
So far, the rockets we've built are the:
Estes Crossfire
Estes Amazon
Quest Courier
Quest Magnum Sport Loader
Rocketarium AMRAAM (destroyed 10-10-2021)
Estes Doorknob
Estes Luna Bug
Dynastar Amarok (built 11/15/2021)
Favorite Quote: "You can't go through life with two catcher's mitts on. You have to throw something back" -- Maya Angelou
RocketReviews.com Pages:
2023-06-11Baby Bertha  Flight C6-5 motor launched well but took me on a long walk to retrieve the rocket! Great parachute deployment and recovery! - C6-5 - Dalzell, SC [More]
Baby Bertha  Flight Flew wonderfully. - A8-3 - Dalzell, SC [More]
2023-06-10Do You Still Love Me?  Flight No surprise by the weather cock it did as it was fully loaded with an external camera, altimeter, Jolly Logic chute release for deployment at 500 feet, and an EggTimer GPS transmitter in the nose cone. Still flew successfully and was recovered after a short drive away. - Aerotech G53-7 - Dalzell, ... [More]
2023-05-20Hot Honey  Flight First flight, flew successfully before a group of second and 5th graders and one 18 year old (Milo M.). This is their first time out to the launch site with our club. Successful deployment of an orange 30 inch parachute (ripstop nylon) from eRockets.biz. - D12-3 - Dalzell, SC [More]
Ocelot  Flight Second flight. Flew under Milo M.'s name on flight card as this was his first time flying a rocket with our club. Successful deployment and retrieval landing. - D12-3 - Dalzell, SC [More]
Tootsie Roll  Flight Hadn't flown this one since April 2022 just before NSL 2022 in Dalzell, SC. Successful flight and perfect deployment right at apogee. Landed safely just beside a group of kids playing soccer at our launch site (they weren't supposed to be doing this during a heads up flight). Flew with an onboard ... [More]
2023-04-02Zephyr Jr. Flight Second flight of the day. Chute did not deploy and one fin came off body tube upon crash landing. Otherwise, rocket is still intact and flyable. Came home and glued fin back to the body tube without issues.Chute probably didn't deploy as it was a Dynastar plastic chute and got "sticky." Will need ... [More]
Zephyr Jr. Flight Flew straight and true. Tried new Dynastar plastic parachute originally included in the kit (was using a nylon chute from Estes before it got so many holes in it). Used a spill hole. Chute deployed properly and came down smoothly. - D12-5 - Dalzell, SC [More]
Salt & Vinegar Flight Flew perfectly. Chute did have some trouble deploying, but rocket survived the launch Needs new parachute. Chute probably didn't deploy as I used too much dog barf. - D12-5 - Dalzell, SC [More]
Bumble Bee Flight Flew straight and true with excellent parachute recovery. Landed near launch site in a pile of grass on sod field. My son was able to recover it without issue. - A8-3 - Dalzell, SC [More]
| Wes Munn |