Rocketry Product: Odd'l Rockets - Wedgie {Kit}
Model Rocket Building: Merry Christmas - Y'all! (2019-12-25)Reprinted from 2010 - OH, ROCKET - TREE Space Modeling Parody of Oh, Christmas Tree Oh, Rocket-tree Oh, Rocket-tree, How lovely is thy smoke trail, Oh, Rocket-tree Oh, Rocket-tree, Fly Vertically ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Merry Christmas - Y'All! (2020-12-25)Reprinted from 2010 - OH, ROCKET - TREE Space Modeling Parody of Oh, Christmas Tree Oh, Rocket-tree Oh, Rocket-tree, How lovely is ... [Read More]
Model Rocket Building: Fire and Forget - GOODBYE! (2010-07-10)I went to the monthly NEFAR launch in Bunnell, Florida. The Fire and Forget rocket was one of my first out of eight launches today. The RSO read my description: "Anyone who finds it can keep it to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Odd'l Rockets Wedgie (2010-12-18)The Odd'l Rockets Wedgie is a tetrahedron (3-sided pyramid) that flies on 18mm motors and recovers via a rear-eject streamer. I want to thank Chris for letting me test out this cool oddroc kit. Mine ... [Read More]