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Rocketeer's Corner

Rocketeer's Corner Posts

Sport Rocketry / Motors and Igniters / Motors / Videos

    The rocket's perspective... (2016-01-30)
    Rocket videos go by so fast in real time; it takes stepping through frame by frame to uncover the neat stuff. I really liked the onboard video from today's RX-16 flight - the colors reminded me of ... [Read More]

    NARCON solves a mystery! (2021-01-31)
    NAR's annual convention, NARCON, started on Friday afternoon and finished just a couple of hours ago. As usual, it was great - lots of informative and entertaining talks, good keynotes, soci ... [Read More]

    Of rockets and Girl Scout cookies... (2021-03-28)
    A couple of weekends ago, Duane and I flew a few rockets at Pegasus field. We were both needing a launch fix, and Duane was eager to try out the new wireless launch controller he's building for ... [Read More]

    Vendor review - Apogee Components (2022-03-18)
    I decided some time ago that I should occasionally write reviews of some of the vendors I patronize - to heap praise on the things they do right (which is often) and to keep them honest when they ... [Read More]

    Merging video and data (2022-03-28)
    Rocket electronics have gotten quite cheap - small altimeters and decent HD cameras can be had for as little as $30, putting "instrumented rocket flight" within the reach of every rocketeer. Most ... [Read More]