All Videos by vahenator

Bullet Proof I245 (2011-06-25)

A Giant Leap rocket kit launched with the Aerotech I245G. Reached an altitude of 2354 feet.

Bullet Proof I285 (2011-06-20)

A rocket flown to 3754 feet.

Escape Velocity with CTI I-223 Skid (2011-06-25)

My modified Giant Leap Escape Velocity 2.6 flown with the CTI Pro-X I223 Skid. Altitude was 2831ft as reported by the Missile Works Mini altimeter.

K500 Rocket (2011-06-25)

A see-through rocket flown on a K500R.

Redline Rocket (2011-06-25)

A rocket flown on a redline motor.