High Power Rocketry Posts
Sport Rocketry / Scale Models / V-2
Slave labor and the V-2 (2010-02-23)Dora and the V-2 Or why I don't think Von Braun is a hero. [Read More]
9 out of 10 cats prefer carbon (2010-08-19)"Like my bike and car body, it looks best unpainted? I was very excited when the boxes arrived today. I was on the rebound after losing my big V-2 and decided to go for the other extreme, p ... [Read More]
V2 on P power (2011-04-26)TORD [Read More]
German V-2 Nosecone on Ebay? (2012-04-17)Any experts out there know if this is real or not? It looks really thick and heavy for a nosecone, not sure what I am looking at here! On Ebay "Extremely rare WW2 V2 nose cone, the first 16 inches ... [Read More]
V-2 rocket footage (2012-09-03)[Read More]
Titan IVA-20 Accident Investigation Board Summary (2014-10-31)Even the best rockets fail from time to time. http://fas.org/spp/military/program/launch/titan_iv-20_sum.htm [Read More]
What a difference 150,000 km makes! (2015-01-28)NASA / JPL / UCLA / MPS / DLR / IDA / Emily Lakdawalla Dawn's view of Ceres on January 25, 2015 (animation) This animation is composed of 20 images gathered over a period of ... [Read More]