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Rocketeer's Corner

Rocketeer's Corner Posts

Sport Rocketry / Scale Models / V-2

    My NSL project... (2016-02-15)
    At the end of May/beginning of June of each year, HARA and the Music City Missile Club (MC squared) hold our biggest annual launch, Southern Thunder. However, this year it's going to be different; ... [Read More]

    Pics from Saturday's launch... (2017-10-01)
    Duane's Estes Make-It-Take-It leaves the rod on an A8-3 (Click to enlarge). Saturday's launch did not just involve the TARC Geezers; quite a few other folk joined us at Pegasus, many bringing ... [Read More]

    Estes culls the herd... (2021-02-14)
    The 2021 Estes catalog is now out - there are some pretty cool things in there, like an upscale, 24mm powered Mars Snooper (super excited about this!), a rather strange looking addition to the Space ... [Read More]

    Of rockets and Girl Scout cookies... (2021-03-28)
    A couple of weekends ago, Duane and I flew a few rockets at Pegasus field. We were both needing a launch fix, and Duane was eager to try out the new wireless launch controller he's building for ... [Read More]

    Sunday afternoon launch (2022-02-10)
    Girl scouts watch as the rocket they prepped heads skyward (Click to enlarge) . The John Paul II TARC teams had scheduled a TARC practice for this past Sunday, which provided a perfect excuse for ... [Read More]