Rocket Dungeon: V-2 camo paint job (2009-12-06)
Despite all my rumbing about using masks to create the camo pattern for the Hostile Projectiles V-2, I went a little stir crazy and just started sprayin'.... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Launch Report 2010-1 (2010-01-16)
Location: Higgs Farm, Price, MD ( MDRA - ESL-140) Weather: temps in the 40's, light breeze Total flights: Today - 4; YTD - 4 Total motors: Today - 4; YTD - 4 I can not believe I actually got out to ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: EMRR kicks off the New Year (2010-02-01)
EMRR is updated ! There are 15 new reviews, including mine on the Hostile Projectiles V-2 . I haven't scoured the site, but the The RockSim Library has new look and some new data and there ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Hostile Projectiles Delta X-15 (2010-12-29)
This is sport scale model of an X-15 variant proposed by North American Aviation. More accurately, it is fantasy scale since this stretched, delta-winged version was never produced. Like the other ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Review: Hostile Projectiles V-2 (2010-12-30)
This Hostile Projectiles kit is a sport scale BT-60 V-2 that flies on 18mm motors. The main thing that differentiates this kit is the hand-cast resin nose and tail cones. These are not your daddy's ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Hostile Projectiles V-2 rebuild, or how to tempt the rocket gods to return the original cone (2015-08-11)
At the last NARHAMS launch, the Hostile Projectiles V-2 separated and the cone drifted away. I thought I saw it fall on the near side of a far tree line but my wife thought it went over. I started ... [Read More]
Rocket Dungeon: Hostile Projectiles V-2 rebuild complete (2015-08-16)
Well, you can't find your lost stuff unless you look for it...and I didn't trek up the large hill to search for my lost nose cone. Here is the new nose cone and new paint job. I didn't go for ... [Read More]
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