Tyler Runyon's Page2011-08-10Mongoose Flight Flew perfectly straight. I saw ejection. Looked down for a second, and it was gone! Oh well, buy another. Booster scavenged for scratch-built, with fin set and engine mount (moved thrust ring) added to leftover BT for Comanche-3 repairs and extra NC laying around. - C6-5 - VBRC [More]
2011-07-24Golden Scout  Flight Straight up. It was a poor motor choice. It lawn darted. Banged up the NC, and crimp BT. Huge black marks. - 1/2A3-4T - VBRC [More]
2011-07-20Mini Max  Flight Straight up with a little bit of rolling. Drifted a little, at least away from trees. - A10-3T - VBRC [More]
2011-07-16Estes Mini Max Flight Straight boost off the mini launch pad. Thought that it was going into neighbors yard, but landed by small tree 30 ft. away. - 1/2A3-4T - VBRC [More]
2010-07-27Estes Quark Flight Straight up, lost after ejection. Found a day later while moving chairs in back yard before mowing. Good thing I saw it. - 1/2A3-4 - VBRC [More]
2010-06-16Estes 36 D Squared Flight Only one engine ignited, then the other, and took of like a missle. - 2xD12-5 [More]
2010-06-12Estes Comanche-3 Flight Straight up, straight down. The streamers were stuck to BT. - B6-2 - VBRC [More]
2007-06-20Estes No. 2 Estes Sky Writer Flight Body Tube dent, zippered BT. Ducktaped for now. retirement soon. - B6-4 - VBRC [More]
| Tyler Runyon |