Odd'l Rockets Posts
Sport Rocketry / Launches / Launch Photos, Videos, and Reports / Club and Group Launches / TTRA (Plant City, FL)Rocketry Club: Tripoli Tampa Rocketry Association
A Note on the Pigasus and Little Green Man (2015-07-31)No doubt about it - These are the most popular kits in the Odd'l Rockets lineup. The kits sell to all age groups, but some are bought by kids. Younger flyers are attracted to the bright ... [Read More]
What's In A Name? (2015-10-29)I've been asked before, "Why the name, Odd'l Rockets?" I had always been attracted to Odd-Ball rockets ever since I made a Sputnik-Too back in 1970. It was a perfect small field flyer. I remember ... [Read More]