Tony Fr's Page2015-08-08Mini Big Nuke  Flight Straight and high. - A8-3 - MTMA Harmon Field [More]
KISS Destroyer  Flight Good straight flight with soft landing. - B6-4 - MTMA Harmon Field [More]
Flutter By  Flight Good flight. - A8-3 - MTMA Harmon Field [More]
Big Daddy  Flight No ejection. Took a core sample. Lost about 4 inches of the body tube and cone was dented. - D12-3 - MTMA Harmon Field [More]
Solar Warrior Upscale Flight A voice in the back of my head said that this was not the best idea. Flight was under powered. Eject was about 10 from ground. Some minor dent to body tube and lost a fin. - A8-3 - MTMA Harmon Field [More]
2015-06-26FSI Hercules Flight Went horizontal but OK. - F15-6 - LDRS 34, Potter, NY [More]
Cyclotron  Flight It was a really nice flight and was successful at completing my Level 1 certification. - H115-10 - LDRS 34, Potter, NY [More]
Der Red Max/Lil Nuke  Flight It was good flight when it finally occurred. It took about 2 hours due to cycling through all the other prepped rockets ready on the other pads. I had three bad igniters. - F15-6 - LDRS 34, Potter, NY [More]
2015-06-25Solar Warrior Upscale Flight Launch was straight and ejection just after apogee. - C6-3 - LDRS 34, Potter, NY [More]
2015-06-14Flutter By Flight Good flight. Thunder storm was rolling in so the only flight for the day for me. - A8-3 - MTMA Harmon Field [More]
| Tony Fr |