Tim Fischer's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2014-02-18FlisKits dooDad (Kit)  Review
I was asked to lead a small rocket build and launch event. In preparation for this, I looked at several "Skill Level 1" kits from various manufacturers. Estes is the usual "obvious" case for such classes, but I was a little unhappy that all of their beginners kits seem to have ... [More]
2014-02-09Howdy Post I'm a BAR several times over. I first entered the hobby when I was 12 or 13. All my life I've tended to have a lot of hobbies, so I work on one for awhile, then switch to another, etc. But I stuck with rocketry fairly frequently partway through high school, then it waned a ... [More]
2014-02-08Metalizer Flight Decent launch, but delay too long. Landed hard on ice, but no damage. Didn't realize this motor was not recommended with this rocket. - A8-3 [More]
Doo Dad Flight Great flight as usual. - B6-4 [More]
Triskelion Flight Outer fin broke off in transportation, but we launched anyway. Rocket still flew perfectly, albeit with spin. Great flight and recovery. Easy repair. - B6-4 [More]
Deuce's Wild Flight Had to make up for the failed last attempt. Beautiful, high flight, virtually straight up. Landed within 50 feet of pad. - C6-5 x 2 [More]
Deuce's Wild Flight Second flight. Only one motor lit (I believe ignitor was shorted). Went up about 50 feet and tuned into a guided missle. Crashed hard, but we were launching on a snow-covered frozen lake and the snow limited damage to some chipped paint at top of tube. - C6-5 x 2 [More]
Deuce's Wild Flight First flight for this rocket, and my first cluster ever. Perfect ignition, beautiful straight flight, recovered close to pad. - B6-4 x 2 [More]
| Tim Fischer |