Odd'l Rockets Blog

Odd'l Rockets Posts

Sport Rocketry / Motors and Igniters / Motors / Testing

    SPUDNIK! (2014-10-20)
      Here's one I'm looking forward to testing! Gary Minton emailed the suggestion for a Spudnik. I wish I had come up with the idea! I had ordered a few "stress ball" potatoes. They were ... [Read More]

    SPUDNIK Flight Testing (2014-10-22)
    I launched the  SPUDNIK  twice yesterday morning, both times with a A10-3t engine. Both flights were stable to about 100 feet but there was corkscrewing. The Odd'l Rockets Sputnik (with ... [Read More]

    Whatever Happened To . . . The Wedgie? (2015-01-01)
    I thought we really had a winner with this one. It went through more flight testing than any other Odd'l design. Roger Smith designed software to input your art or a NAR logo and section name. I ... [Read More]

    2014 New Products (2015-02-05)
    Looking back on 2014 it was a big year for Odd'l Rockets! In February, the Odd'l Rockets multi-size PARACHUTE is printed and bagged! The PIGASUS Kit is introduced at NARCON last March. Flame ... [Read More]

    Odd'l Parachute on TRF (2015-10-14)
    From the Rocketry Forum: Bernard Cawley was testing a prototype of the new Jolly Logic Chute Release. Something in the last posted picture looked familiar. His Big Bertha was recovered using a 15" ... [Read More]

    New / Old Kit Prototype (2016-04-19)
    Here's a recent build still in the flight testing phase. Anyone who was around in the late 1970s through early 1980s will recognize the F-16 from the Centuri Fighter Fleet series. The fins in the ... [Read More]