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Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / Semroc / Kits / Taurus

     Rocketry Product: Semroc - Taurus {Kit} (KV-42)

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Background (2019-09-05)
    Here's the New Centuri Taurus from the 1972 catalog. In small type at the lower left it says: "Available February 1, 1972. I built and launched many Centuri kits but never owned this one. The build ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 1, Parts (2019-09-06)
    Lots of balsa to fill - Four nose cones and two adapters! Six sections of body tubes, seams to fill. The parts of interest: The water slide decal sheet in printed in black only. Below the decals is ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 2, Planning Ahead (2019-09-07)
    Remember when the instructions would say: "Read through all the instructions before assembling the model." That's a great idea for this build. The masking could be difficult if you don't plan ahead. ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 3, Engine Mount (2019-09-09)
    TIP: The coupler ends are always cut at a slight angle. To get a flatter, slightly wider edge gluing joint, sand the ends flat. TIP: Along with glue on the flat edge, roll some glue on the inside so ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 4, Tunnels Detail Shaping (2019-09-10)
    The original Centuri kit had one tunnel on the upper narrower tube. The catalog picture must have been a prototype, the tunnel overlaps the lower adapter and up the tube. When the kit was released ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 5, Dressing the Nose Cones (2019-09-11)
    The adapter shoulders weren't flat. This next step isn't necessary, it's just something I do. That extended "nub" was cut down with a fine razor saw. The rough edge was sanded with 220 grit. 400 ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 6, Adapters and Joints (2019-09-12)
    The balsa adapters were slid into the body tubes and the sides sanded even with the body tubes. TIP: That pencil line lets me know the starting point as I sand around the tube. I don't want to ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 7, Fin Sanding TIP (2019-09-13)
    TIP: To insure a flat, even fin surface, use a sanding block. I sand fins in a "circle". I'm not sanding small circles, I rotate the fin under the block while sanding. On my block is 220 grit ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 8, Filler/Primer (2019-09-14)
    TIP: Here's something new I'm experimenting with. These fins were laser cut from soft balsa.  After the CWF and sanding, I wiped some medium CA glue down the leading edge with a Q-tip ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 9, Engine Mount & Balsa Pod Mounts (2019-09-15)
    I was concerned about the old-school black coupler between the engine mount centering rings. There is a lot of surface area on the sides to get stuck while gluing. On the left you can see the white ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 10, Paint Problems & A Fix (2019-09-16)
    I don't know what happened here - One adapter came out fine after the first white undercoat, the other adapter still showed rough balsa under the paint! I had to go back and hit it again with ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 11, Masking The Lower Fins (2019-09-17)
    The lower half of the fins are masked to leave them white. Enlarge the picture to see the two layers of tape - the knife blade is sitting on the brown masking tape, the Scotch tape is below that. ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 12, Where'd That Tube Go? (2019-09-18)
    All the balsa is filled, all the tube seams are filled. Everything is painted and pretty much ready for assembly and decals. Well, almost . . . I can't find the center ST-8 tube! It was filled ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 13, Ends, Edges, Upper Trim & Decals (2019-09-19)
    There are two blue conduits shown on the face card picture. The old Centuri catalog page showed these pieces glued lower on the adapter. I didn't have blue paint, purple should work. The nose ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 14, More Decals & Pod Trim (2019-09-20)
    The kit has some trim pieces for the pods but they were not as shiny as the chrome trim I had. GOTCHA: The kit supplied decal didn't fit around the nose cone as shown on the face card. I ended up ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Build, Part 15, Gluing On The Conduits (2019-09-21)
    This shows some vertical bands cut from the Contact paper blackboard cover material. You could mask it, but this is cleaner and much easier. I had to mask the fins, the peel and stick vinyl ... [Read More]

    Semroc (Centuri) Taurus Finished (2019-09-22)
      I wish all the builds turned out as well! This one could end up being a display only model. On the right you can see the slight ridge from the Contact paper blackboard trim ... [Read More]