Tannor Vennard's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2022-03-19Red Tails  Flight Maiden flight of the big nuke and also my first Dual Deploy flight. Everything went great, main parachute charge seemed a little weak in flight compared to ground testing so I'll probably up that 10-15% and test again. - AT K550W - Tripoli Vegas [More]
2021-11-14Atom Flight First flight after cert, really good boost but motor ejection charge popped about 7 seconds early at 3000ft while rocket was going 600fps, no damage, good recovery with JL at 700ft and gps tracking - J425 - Rocstock [More]
2021-11-13Atom Flight L2 Cert flight and first flight with the featherweight GPS, had some problems with connection between ground station and tracker but resolved after messing with some settings, beautiful boost and easy recovery with the tracker, JL main deployment at 700ft, L2 certified - J350 - Rocstock [More]
2021-10-17Atom Flight Great flight on a day with 0 wind, nice long boost, easy recovery with the JL at 600ft - I180W - Tripoli Vegas Octoberfest [More]
2021-10-16Atom Flight Awesome night flight on a sparky motor, candy cane wrapped LED lights for a good view, JL deployed main at 600ft - H178 - Tripoli Vegas Octoberfest [More]
Atom Flight Another good flight with the JL, main at 700ft - I218 - Tripoli Vegas Octoberfest [More]
Atom Flight Good flight solid recovery, jolly logic deployed main at 700ft no problems - H242 - Tripoli Vegas Octoberfest [More]
2021-09-05Atom Flight Good straight boost, good recovery - AT I218R - Argonia Kansas Airfest 27 [More]
Atom Flight L1 Cert flight, good boost good recovery only about 1000ft away - AT H242T - Argonia Kansas Airfest 27 [More]
| Tannor Vennard |