All Videos by Straight2hell01

High Power Rocketry TTRA Plant City Florida (2013-03-01)

Season 2 EP 4 We Visited TTRA in Plant City FL and we found a place to shoot rockets in a cow pasture. Amazing. 100 points if your rocket lands in a cow turd.

Modified Estes 2 Stage Rockets (2011-06-26)

An Experiment from S2H. With the help of a Dremal Tool, these two rockets started out as single stage C engine rockets. They were modified to accept a C to E two-stage set up. The E motors were hidden inside the rockets and no parachutes were used(needed). We knew that this would not work correctly for a two stage set up. An extra set of fins would be needed near the nose cone of the 2nd "modified" rocket for added stability after the E ignited. The 1st rocket, dubbed the "Fuckshit" we didn't really care about anyways. A lot less work was put into it. But it flew better than the 2nd rocket. We believe this was because it was shorter and had better balancing. The 2nd rocket we figured would just burn up and it did. The E engine ignited pretty much inside the rocket thus burning off the fins and causing MAJOR instability. Also the last video was out first attempt to start the Fuckshit rocket. The batteries in the controller were not strong enough to burn the igniter and FAILED.