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Sport Rocketry / Rocket Styles / Upscale / Estes / Star Trek Starter Set

     Rocketry Product: Estes - Star Trek Starter Kit

    Star Trek Starter Rocket Restarted! (2017-10-21)
    Well, it's been a rough row to hoe, but we made it! The Star Trek Starter Set Rocket Upscale is reborn! As I said before, it was actually a little harder rebuilding her than it was to build her in ... [Read More]

    Level One- Success! ...and Failure... (2018-11-19)
    As some of you may recall, last October I attempted to get my level one with my home-brew Star Trek Starter Kit upscale rocket. Actually, I tried twice...and crashed twice. The first I write off to ... [Read More]

    The Re-rebirth of the Star Trek Starter Rocket Upscale! (2018-12-31)
    Well, a couple of months ago I shared how I finally got my level one certification...but not until I had once again slammed my poor STSR into the ground. Upon reflection, I have decided that an H is ... [Read More]

    Star Trek Upscale Update... (2019-01-04)
    Well this Christmas break has been a bit rough. I have been battling "Grinch Flu" for a month, and Laurie, my wife has been in the battle for the past week. Therefore, the rebirth of the Star Trek ... [Read More]

    The Re-Rebirth of the Star Trek Starter Set Rocket Upscale- Finale! (2019-01-07)
    Well, I worked through the weekend and it payed off! The STSSR is re-reborn! Here are picture from the final push! First, I glued the fins back on. I did them one at a time, ... [Read More]