Soyuz TMA-02M Night Launch to the ISS from Baikonur

Video 1 of 111
Published:2011-06-09 05:22:21

June 7, 2011 - Baikonur Cosmodrome. At 00:12 Moscow time, June 8, Russian crew vehicle Soyuz TMA-02M was launched by Soyuz-FG rocket from Baikonur's pad 1 (Gagarin's Launch Pad). The vehicle will carry three crew -- commander Sergey Volkov (Roscosmos), flight engineers Satoshi Furukawa (JAXA), Michael Fossum (NASA) to the International Space Station. Soyuz TMA-02M is a vehicle of new series, equipped with digital control system. It undergoes the second stage of flight testing. Soyuz TMA-02M is due to dock to Russian module Rassvet on June 10, at 01.16 MSK. * A MISTAKE: IN THE FIRST IMAGE, THE ROCKET WAS THE SOYUZ-FG - NOT SOYUZ U, I AM SORRY!

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