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Sport Rocketry / Launches / Launch Photos, Videos, and Reports / Slow-Motion

    Rocket N00b: End of Year Video, Upcoming Interviews, Final Launch, News, Etc. (2016-12-01)
    At the end of the year, for the past two years, I've published a slow motion launch compilation video on my YouTube channel . It can take a while to compile all the video, trim everything down to ... [Read More]

    Wayne Hill's Blog: A sparky G motor in super slow motion (2017-03-26)
    The Slo Mo Guys over at Youtube posted this great video of launching a rocket with a G motor in super slow motion. Stick around for the low light close up. Pretty amazing! [Read More]

    Rocket Dungeon: If you watch one YouTube video today, make sure it is this super-slomo footage of G sparky motors! (2017-03-26)
    [Read More]