Flight Log - 2012-09-30 - Bob Francis's Skyhawker
Flight Date: 2012-09-30
Rocket Name: Skyhawker
Kit Name: Estes - Sky Hawker {Kit} (1894) [2006-2008]
Flyer's Name: Bob Francis
Motors: A8-3
Launch Site: Lincoln School, Belvidere, IL

Time: 2:10 pm.  Temperature: 21.8 C.  Relative Humidity: 27%.  Wind: 5-14 mph from the east southeast.  Weather: Sunny, clear.

Low flight and visible throughout.  Drifted west over the launch site.  Daniel recovered about 10 yards west of the launch site.  Plastic fin is cracked at the base, but did not snap off completely, may be able to reglue to stiffen it in place and continue to fly.

1Estes A8-3


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