Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Construction / Shock Cords

    I Wish They Didn't Do That - Part 4, Tri-Fold Shock Cord Mounts (2019-11-30)
    I'm not a big fan of the Tri-Fold Shock Cord Mounts. They certainly work, it's just not my personal preference. Years back, the shock cord mount provided in a kit was on a separate piece of 65 ... [Read More]

    New Shock Cord Knot? (2020-01-24)
    On Y.O.R.F., Bernomatic found a good knot for attaching a shock cord to a nose cone screw eye or plastic eye on a nose cone shoulder. Imagine a screw eye in place of the fish hook. To learn how to ... [Read More]