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Model Rocket Building Blog

Model Rocket Building Posts

Sport Rocketry / Rocketry Products / FlisKits / Kits / Saturn 1B

    Fliskits Saturn 1B Score! (2018-10-01)
    Most all of us know that Fliskits is closing up production. Jim Flis announced that a limited number of Saturn 1B kits would be available this week. I've been looking for a kit, it's been out of ... [Read More]

    FlisKits Saturn 1B Kit Arrives! (2018-11-12)
    My FlisKits Saturn 1B came in the mail a few days back! Sure, it arrives just as I'm working on the Semroc Saturn 1B. Don't expect me to start the FlisKits version anytime soon. I'm sure I'll be ... [Read More]