Ryan Chavis's PageRocketReviews.com Pages:
2016-08-05Aerotech G-Force (Kit) Review
Great flight for my L1 cert launch! Flies slow and smooth, lots of fun!
Overall Rating: 5 [More]
2016-06-26Aerotech G-Force  Flight Great flight. L1 Certified with this. - H128W-10 - Blacksburg, VA [More]
2016-04-23Estes Extreme 12 Flight Great, slow burning flight. Booster stage is very clean. - E12-6, E12-0 - Bayboro, NC [More]
Aerotech Arreaux  Flight 517 mph, 1.17 sec thrust time, 20.6 Gs avg. Came off the rod at an angle, so didn't get the 4000 ft we expected. Nice flight otherwise. - G80-13T - Bayboro, NC [More]
Aerotech Arreaux Flight 469 mph, 1.16 sec thrust time, 18.5 Gs avg - G77R-10 - Bayboro, NC [More]
Aerotech Arreaux  Flight 158 mph, 1.68 sec thrust time, 4.3 Gs avg. Great black color from the engine, definitely worthy of the name "Black Smoker" - F23-7 - Bayboro, NC [More]
| Ryan Chavis |