Rocket Dungeon Posts
Other Rocketry / Russia
Two space launches (2010-04-05)Expedition 23 Soyuz, April 2nd. This video has a really cool perspective. (via the Bayourat ) And, this morning's pre-dawn launch of the Shuttle Discovery . (found on Spaceports ) Oh, yeah, there are ... [Read More]
Not UFOs: Soyuz (?) Rocket Launch (2011-06-15)Sojuz (?) Rocket Launch , a photo by Not-UFOs (??-???) on Flickr. Click through for Not UFO's gallery of things that are, well, not UFOs. [Read More]
Expedition 31 Soyuz Launch 201205150004HQ) (2012-05-15)Expedition 31 Soyuz Launch 201205150004HQ) , a photo by nasa hq photo on Flickr. [Read More]
No vampires allowed on Soyuz! (2016-07-06)[Read More]