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Ron Watkins

AKA: Rocket Ron

Location: Michigan USA

Certification Level: A-G

Club Memberships: JMRC, NAR

Favorite Rockets: MRC Standard ARM


I have been building and flying model rockets since the 1960's. There are 456 rockets in my current active fleet from the following manufacturers: AAA Model Aviation, Aerospace Specialty Products, Aerotech, Apogee Components, Balsa Machining Service, Centuri, Composite Dynamics, Cox, Crown Rocket Technology, Custom Rockets, DynaStar Rockets, Estes, Flight Systems, FlisKits, Holverson Designs, LOC Precision, MPC, MRC, North Coast, Quest, Rocketarium, Rocketman, Rocket Vision, Semroc Astronautics, Sunward Aerospace Group, Thrustline Aerospace and Vaughn Brothers. There are 20 rockets that have been lost or retired.  I also have built and flown some rockets of my own design. Like most model rocket enthusiasts I also have several kits waiting to be built. 

My webpage has flight logs of 960 of my model rocket flights dating back to 1973.

Favorite Quote:

It won't launch until someone lights the fuse!

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