Ron Coffee's Pages:
2012-05-27x-celerator Flight Do no use the K-261 long burn. There was not enought thrust off the pad to be safe. This flight hit a wind shear at about 700' it turn horizontal to nose down. The apogee charge blew while it was under thrust and shredded the drouge. For some reason the main also failed, ... [More]
2012-02-27Rocketry Warehouse - X-Celerator Build [More]
2012-02-19Little Dog Dual Deploy (4)  Flight Great launch. Due to the wind it weather cocked quite a bit costing me quite a bit of altitude. I did not use a drogue, and just split the rocket. The main chute failed, but no damage was done. This is one tough rocket! The image on this log was from a prior flight at ... [More]
2011-04-02Ariel Flight Level 2 certification flight. The rocket hit a gust at about 300 feet, and weather cocked, costing quite a bit of altitude. The 16 second delay was also late as a result. Otherwise perfect flight! - J280 - Hudson Ranch [More]
| Ron Coffee |