Rocketry Videos

Videos / Recovery / Glide / Rogallo Wing
Build a Rogallo Wing, Rocket boosted glider part 6 (2011-03-29)
Plans for this glider are at: Part 6 of 7. This video shows the construction sequence for making a Rogallo wing ... [View]
Build a Rogallo Wing, Rocket boosted glider part 4 (2011-03-29)
This video shows the construction sequence for making a Rogallo wing glider that is boosted into the sky by a model rocket. They are often called flexie gliders because the wing is flexible and can ... [View]
GPS Guided Recovery - Return to Launch Site (2019-03-05)
This is a prototype of Apogee's GPS Guided Recovery system for model rockets. It is intended to decrease the walking distance you have to make to get your rocket back. It uses a GPS controller to ... [View]