| 2013 February SARG Rocket Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (2014-05-07 00:00:00) |
 | Bulk Downloading on Thrustcurve.org (2014-04-15 13:39:14) |
 | Launching Model Rockets (2014-01-18 03:21:43)      Lots of casualties that windy day.
 | Model Rocket Launch Slow Motion 3-Rockets (2014-01-06 17:00:55)      Three model rocket launches. Each is shown as recorded at 240 fps, and then again slowed down with video editing software. Enjoy.Estes Hornet on a C6-3Estes ...
 | Estes Model Rocket Launches lego man Out of Sight (2014-01-06 13:26:13)      Fun Sunday afternoon with the family, It was a very windy day to launch rockets in our neighborhood, but we did it anyways. In-turn this made it really hard ...
 | Launch Control for Model Rockets (2014-01-05 22:59:37)      re.
 | Rocket Launching (Estes Model Rockets) (2014-01-03 04:01:27)      Today we launched the ESTES "Taser" the "Skywriter" and the "Crossfire"
 | Oracle model rocket launch with D12-3 motor (2013-12-29 18:47:06)      Estes Oracle model rocket launch with D12-3 rocket motor with slight wind from the north. Pretty launch with pristine landing, best video of the 3 flight for...
 | ESTES ALPHA III Model Rocket Starter Set Part IV (2013-12-24 19:46:47)      Our fourth part in the build series of this great model rocket set. This is an excellent starter set if you're looking to get back into model rocketry or get...
 | Rocket launch (2013-12-23 01:12:16)      |
 | Estes Alpha III Model Rocket Starter Set Part 3 (2013-12-22 08:36:57)      Our third part in the build series of this great model rocket set. This is an excellent starter set if you're looking to get back into model rocketry or get ...
 | Rocket Launch with Camera Attached (2013-12-14 21:48:46)      Launch of model rocket of my own design using a Estes D-12-3 motor with keychain camera attached. Orion IL. November 2013. Streamer recovery - fin broke upon landing, but has been repaired and awaiting it's next launch.
 | Estes Model Rockets in Slow Motion (2013-12-09 20:12:00)      |
 | 2013-12-07 December ROCK Launch (2013-12-08 05:40:17)      Video from the December ROCK launch in Oviedo, FL.
 | Estes rocket launch with keychain camera attached (2013-12-06 02:20:43)      |
 | Model Rockets Compilation (2013-12-05 06:59:04)      Sorry for the bad quality clips,most of them were recorded a few years ago on my phone, while the good quality clips were taken today. This video is best see...
 | Estes Alpha III Model Rocket Starter Set Part 1 (2013-12-02 17:54:35)      The first part in the build series of this great model rocket set. This is an excellent starter set if you're looking to get back into model rocketry or get ...
 | Model rockets (2013-11-30 02:46:50)      |
 | August 2013 Dave Level1 (2013-11-28 20:46:57)      NAR Level 1 Cert Flight, Madcow Sam Adams Patriot on a CTI H225 White Thunder MDRA August 17,2013
 | Model Rocket Launch 5 (2013-11-26 06:48:10)      This is the fifth of five launches we accomplished. We had to design and launch a model rocket for my Intro to Aerospace class at Georgia Tech. The objective...
 | Model Rocket Launch 4 (2013-11-26 06:45:07)      This is the fourth of five launches we accomplished. We had to design and launch a model rocket for my Intro to Aerospace class at Georgia Tech. The objectiv...
 | Model rockets launches, on-board camera footage (2013-11-25 03:29:11)      |
 | Viking Science Club Model Rocket Launch (2013-11-20 21:08:59)      Viking Science Club is sponsored by Mr. Elman. The 1st Project for 2013-2014 was building and launching model rockets.
 | Model Rocket Blast Off! (2013-11-17 19:49:22)      Ever wondered what a model rocket looked like while it was blasting off? well here you go!
 | X-Ray Model Rocket (2013-11-05 23:52:27)      Todd Vest's scratch-built seven times upscale rocket of an Estes X-Ray. It flew on an AeroTech K-700 White Lightning at DuRussel's Potato Farm near Mancheste...
 | Mason Kroepel launching his first model rocket (2013-11-04 01:59:06)      |
 | Estes rocket launch (2013-11-03 07:40:24)      Estes rocket Flash with B4 motor.
 | Rockets 14 - High Power Model Rocket Launch - 10/26/13 (2013-11-02 01:12:07)      Tripoli Idaho High Power Model Rocket Club Launch 10/26/13.
 | Model Rocket Build with my 4 year old - Time Lapse (2013-10-26 22:04:49)      This is a time lapse of my four year old daughter and I building the Estes Cosmic Cobra model rocket kit. It is skill level EX2 (easy to assemble). She loved...
 | Estes Leviathan Rocket Launch (2013-10-18 14:05:30)      Leviathan launched with a G80 10 lost this rocket on this flight in the bean field, found it four weeks later after the beans dried up enought to see down the rows.
 | Misshapen nose cone (2013-10-13 12:57:16)      The first nose cone I attempted to turn. It didn't turn out very well. This is two pieces of balsa laminated together. It was going to be for my upscale Este...
 | Model Rockets at 240fps (2013-10-13 01:21:19)      Super slow motion video of my son\'s model rockets. Shot with a Sony FS700, 240fps, 1/500th shutter.
 | Super 8 Movie Camera Rocket - Scanned with Moviestuff Retro 8 Film Scanner (2013-10-09 23:42:44)      This is the first piece of Super 8 movie camera footage I scanned with my new Retro 8 film scanner from Moviestuff. Many years ago I hacked apart an old Supe...
 | Lancering schaal model raket (shoot launch scale model rockets) by Dutch Rocket Research Association (2013-10-08 22:27:45)      Voor uitleg model raket bouw en lancering Weekend van de Wetenschap door DRRA (Model Rocket launch) zie: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIrm4-Kc84s Scale mo...
 | Estes Pro Series II, Mega Der Red Max (2013-10-07 02:48:56)      2 flights. First flight with a Aerotech G64W, second with a CTI G106 Skid Mark.
 | ALTDuino Altimeter Flight #58 (2013-10-03 09:36:41)      This is the third flight using the new German made Klima D9-P rocket engine. In the slow mo you can clearly see the so-called diamond shaped exhaust impulses. My homemade altimeter once again functioned perfectly. I hope you enjoy the video.
 | Model Rockets (2013-10-02 21:31:44)      just a sneak peak of todays event!
 | Code Red Model Rocket Launch (2013-10-01 02:02:21)      Small rocket with a B engine in it. Not amazing but still pretty cool!
 | Estes rockets Sunday 9 29 2013 (2013-09-30 02:19:22)      Estes Rocket launch.
 | Launching Model Rockets (2013-09-29 16:24:07)      |
 | Skywriting (2013-09-29 00:27:37)      Doing some skywriting with the sticker rocket on a D10-7 (Way to long of a delay), two other rockets as well, though I did not get rocket cam footage from th...
 | Estes Rocket Launch, Mean Machine 6\' rocket, E motor, key chain camera (2013-09-25 14:44:33)      Estes Rocket Mean Machine and Big Daddy Rockets.
 | Estes model rocket with keychain video camera taped on (2013-09-23 23:41:05)      This is an old Estes Astrocam with cheap keychain camera attached with masking tape. 110 Camera nose cone was replaced with a regular nose cone. Had to launc...
 | 3 generations model rocket launch (2013-09-23 01:58:29)      Grandfather films, dad helps prepare, grandson launches model rocket.
 | Model Rocket Part 2 (2013-09-23 00:12:26)      Blast off at Glenbrook Park.
 | Model Rockets (2013-09-16 18:28:08)      |
 | Model Rockets (2013-09-12 13:56:46)      |
 | Callum's Moon Mutt Model Rocket Launches (2013-09-11 15:22:41)      Almost a year after we lost the first Moon Mutt to the wind and impatience, the second one is ready to launch. Out of all the hobby things Cal and I do toget...
 | Nesaru XR6 Mission 5 (2013-09-04 15:49:42)      Launch of Nesaru XR6, my Level 1 rocket. Length: 5 feet, Liftoff weight: 4 pounds. Motor used on this flight: CTI H135, Maximum Altitude, 1550 Feet.
 | Model rocket (2013-09-01 20:09:55)      Estes big Bertha c-5 engine 9-1-13.