| Crayon Rocket Drag Race (2025-01-15)      A three way Crayon Rocket drag race on CTI Pro38 G-motors. The rockets are scratch built using crayon piggy banks from Toy's 'R' Us. They are quick to build, fly pretty good, and reach about 1500 feet on G-motors. Great fun. Drag Race Standings Kathy - 1st place for closest to the pad Jeff - 2nd place for first off the pad Eldred - 3rd place for best color scheme (purple & yellow)
 | Red Glare XI AMRAAM (2024-04-28)      |
 | Bulk Downloading on Thrustcurve.org (2014-06-09) |
 | TORC 12-31-11 Level 1 Attempt (2014-05-10)      Rocket shoot L1 Attempt at TORC 12-31-11. PML Miranda kit on a H123w. Had on-board video and ground video rolling. The main chute did not deploy fully.. got tangled in the shock cord. So it had a rough landing and I'll need to do a repair job on it and fly again. The payload bay crack was the only damage so rocket may lose 3 inches. Still made for a good video.
 | Semroc Hawk (2014-05-10)      Semroc Hawk first flight into the wide blue yonder.
 | EpicConspiracy presents Model Rocketry FAIL! (2014-05-10)      Nice June day decided to launch some rockets, and two rockets destroyed,
 | 2013 February SARG Rocket Launch - David and John Robb's Rocket Launches (2014-05-07) |
 | Aerotech J350W High Speed Video (2014-01-18)      1/4 Scale Nike Smoke on an Aerotech J350W to 2600\'
 | Model Rockets at 240fps (2014-01-18)      Super slow motion video of my son\'s model rockets. Shot with a Sony FS700, 240fps, 1/500th shutter.
 | Model Rocket Launch Slow Motion 3-Rockets (2014-01-18)      Three model rocket launches. Each is shown as recorded at 240 fps, and then again slowed down with video editing software. Enjoy. Estes Hornet on a C6-3 Este...
 | Model rockets launches, on-board camera footage (2014-01-18)      |
 | Model Rocket Cam (2014-01-18)      I took out Cub Scout Pack out to launch some model rockets and decided to strap a camera to the "Mean Machine" and see how it turned out.
 | Aerotech Tomahawk - Red Glare XI (2014-01-18)      Onboard video taken with a cheap standard definition keychain video camera strapped to the side of my Aerotech IQSY Tomahawk flying on an F39-6T motor. Altit...
 | AeroTech G-Force Launch on a CTI H133 (2014-01-18)      LUNAR Snow Ranch launch February 5, 2011. Cesaroni H133 blue.
 | Model rocket crash - Onboard video (2014-01-18)      This is an attempted flight of an Estes Baby Bertha with a keychain video camera taped to the side. The rocket was powered by a B6-4 motor. The ascent was sq...
 | Dual C6-5 model rocket with onboard camera (2014-01-18)      Model rocket made of two paper towel tubes. Loaded with two C6-5 engines. The parachute clearly opened before any delay happened. I have no idea what happene...
 | Aerotech Mustang CATO Ground Level and onboard video (2014-01-18)      Delay charge of a CTI G80 fails and the rocket deploys early. Little damage to the rocket other than cosmetic. It needs a new paint job anyway.
 | Estes rocket launch with keychain camera attached (2014-01-18)      |
 | Estes Rocket Launch, Mean Machine 6\' rocket, E motor, key chain camera (2014-01-18)      Estes Rocket Mean Machine and Big Daddy Rockets.
 | Estes Rocket with On Board Video 808 #11 keychain camera (2014-01-18)      Estes Rocket with On-Board Video 808 #11 keychain camera.
 | Estes Blue Ninja Camera Rocket on an Aerotech G80T motor (2014-01-18)      Second launch of the Estes Blue Ninja rocket modified with camcorder. Modified to launch on an Aerotech G80T motor. This was launched on April 3rd, 2010 at t...
 | 3rd Flight 720p HD Camera Rocket - Estes E9 Powered (2014-01-18)      This is the third flight of a custom built 720p HD (High Definition) Camera rocket (with sound!). I worked out some of the kinks from the first and second fl...
 | Model rocket launch with onboard video camera! (2014-01-18)      Bill came up with the idea to use our spy camera to record a model rocket launch as if you were onboard. The end of the video has a slo-mo view of the launch...
 | Estes rockets Sunday 9 29 2013 (2014-01-18)      Estes Rocket launch.
 | Barbara Estes Oracle 1 0004 (2014-01-18)      My wife Barbara\'s Estes Oracle digital video camera rocket.
 | Cineroc Video/Model Rocket Launch @ JSC (2014-01-18)      Short clip of my Cineroc 8 mm flight @ JSC June 5, 2004. Model was my Proton/ Saturn - IV using a single D12-0 for the booster with a D12-7 & three C6-7 clus...
 | EXTREME High Power Rocket - In Flight Video (2014-01-18)      During Northern Colorado Rocketry\'s (section 565) annual Mile High Mayhem event, hundreds of rockets were launched, including this Public Missiles Ltd. Calli...
 | Model Rocket Launch With Onboard Keychain Camera... Awesome Launch POV! (2014-01-18)      We launch our rocket with the 808 keychain video camera! You don\'t want to miss the end when we launch and show you the onboard view! For more model rocket a...
 | Launching Model Rockets with Camera On Board (2014-01-18)      Launching model rockets with camera on board. These launches were our first with a camera on board. We will try with larger rockets next time. These launches...
 | Model Rocket Rear-Ejection, Great On-Board Video - F Engine, Ida Lee Park, Leesburg, VA (2014-01-18)      Lost this one in a poison ivy-covered tree on its test flight with an E engine this morning, got it out about one-o\'clock minus the rear-ejection recovery sy...
 | Estes SkyTrax Model Rocket Launch - Field (2014-01-18)      Our first onboard camera rocket launch video. Estes SkyTrax with C6-3 engine and 808 #3 keychain camera mounted to rocket. Launched from the edge of a pasture.
 | Estes Oracle Flight # 1 (2014-01-18)      Estes Oracle model rocket camera flight on D12-5 engine at Manly Bennett Field Pinckney, MI 7/4/06.
 | Buccaneer\'s Football Field Model Rocketry (2014-01-18)      An afternoon of model rocketry at the Buccaneer\'s Football Field in Hinesburg, Vermont - The rocket is the Estes Oracle Video Rocket (there\'s a launch clip a...
 | Estes Oracle Rocket - Lost & Found (2014-01-18)      Bought this rocket because it has a camera built in. Unfortunately, I have not been able to have a WIndows nor Mac machine recognize the camera to pull image...
 | Estes Oracle Rocket launch on C11-3 then D12-3 engine with onboard HD keyfob camera (2014-01-18)      Estes Oracle Launched on C11-3 then D12-3 with onboard HD keyfob camera, needs longer delay, will probably use D12-5 next time. Launched at one of the HART r...
 | Long Hill Gang\'s 4-H Model Rocket Launch (2014-01-18)      This is the video captured from our Estes Oracle rocket on Dec. 12.
 | Estes Oracle on E20-7W (2014-01-18)      Estes Oracle on E20-7W. Great flight, good altitude. This rocket really goes on those Aerotech motors.
 | Estes Oracle Video (2014-01-18)      More info at http://www.rcgrabbag.com. Short clip from an Estes Oracle Video Rocket. Immediately after the Oracle was launched, an Astrocam on a nearby launc...
 | Highest Estes Oracle Video Rocket Launch (2014-01-18)      I put an F24 RMS engine in my Oracle Video Rocket to see how high it would go. It was a perfectly vertical launch and beautiful recovery. Unfortunately, it w...
 | Level 1 Certification Flight - Onboard Video (2014-01-18)      Successfully achieved my Level 1 High Power Rocketry Certification flying a Madcow Patriot on a Cesaroni H143 Smokey Sam 38mm motor. The flight was at METRA\'...
 | Rocket with Onboard Video (2014-01-18)      Rocket with onboard video. Powered by a cluster of 3 Estes E-9 Motors. Perfect straight up and straight down flight.
 | Frenzy Massive Level 3 Certification Flight (2014-01-18)      A model rocket from Madcow Rocketry called \'Frenzy Massive\'. This was my level 3 certification attempt flying on a Cesaroni M-1560 White Thunder. Flight occu...
 | Skywriting (2014-01-18)      Doing some skywriting with the sticker rocket on a D10-7 (Way to long of a delay), two other rockets as well, though I did not get rocket cam footage from th...
 | Always Ready Rocketry Blue Phenix 2.0 (2014-01-18)      Blue Phenix on an Aerotech I600R, altitude 2842ft. Dual deploy at 400ft. In Leonard, Oklahoma.
 | X-Ray Model Rocket (2014-01-18)      Todd Vest's scratch-built seven times upscale rocket of an Estes X-Ray. It flew on an AeroTech K-700 White Lightning at DuRussel's Potato Farm near Mancheste...
 | Aerotech Mustang - Last Flight of NSL 2012 - CTI H54 Classic Motor (2014-01-18)      Seemed like the best way to end NSL 2012 was to put an H54 Classic White in my Aerotech Mustang and capture the footage onboard. Though most people had left ...
 | Edible Rocket Launch- ginger bread fins & rice crispy treat airframe cti H-255 motor (2014-01-18)      This edible rocket made by Jeff Geraci was condtructed of a rice crispy treat airframe over a 38mm MMT. Gingerbread fins were attached with royal icing fille...
 | Nesaru XR6 Mission 5 (2014-01-18)      Launch of Nesaru XR6, my Level 1 rocket. Length: 5 feet, Liftoff weight: 4 pounds. Motor used on this flight: CTI H135, Maximum Altitude, 1550 Feet.
 | Rocket Mike II Ground Based Video (2014-01-18)      Mike II Launch #1 ground based video with Aimee Klimczak acting as the videographer.
 | 10 Inch Sledgehammer (2014-01-18)      10\" Sledgehammer on an Aerotech N2000...