Blast From The Past Posts
Another Kit For The Build Pile.... (2018-08-14)I just picked this baby up at Hobby Lobby. Back in the 'old fleet' days, I had a Nike-X that had been modified to fly as a two-stager: D12-0 in the booster, and 18mm upper stage. Very ... [Read More]
Back In The Day, #14 - It''s Deja Vu All Over Again! (2018-09-11)As I have been wrapping up the final details of the recent Canopus-2 and FlatCat rocket builds, I took some time to descend the dark, dank staircase that leads to the secret BlastFromThePast rocket ... [Read More]
A Productive Day In The Shop. (2023-01-25)As promised, I did manage to immerse myself into some rocketry projects yesterday. The first order of business was to facilitate repairs on a couple of birds that got busted up last fall. The first ... [Read More]